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Why HEX is a Ponzi and not a solid investment.

In this post I will try to argue why HEX is not a solid investment, and might even be a Ponzi scheme
So before we start analyzing the ERC-20 token HEX, lets get the definition of a Ponzi out of the way:
'A Ponzi scheme (/ ˈ p ɒ n z i /, Italian: ; also a Ponzi game) is a form of fraud that lures investors and pays profits to earlier investors with funds from more recent investors. The scheme leads victims to believe that profits are coming from product sales or other means, and they remain unaware that other investors are the source of funds.'
From this definition we can conclude that a Ponzi needs to have a few aspects:
  1. lure in new investors
  2. profits are paid to early investors from recent investors
  3. Investors believe profits come from added value by the product (in this case the coin) but are actually retrieved from recent investors
Now, lets take a look at what HEX claims to be on their website:
'HEX is the first blockchain certificate of deposit. HEX virtually lends value from stakers to non stakers, as staking reduces supply, causing positive price pressure on unstaked coins. HEX's goal is to replace gold as a store of value (7.7 Trillion USD). Replace credit card companies and payment companies like PayPal (around $770 billion in Visa, MasterCard, and PayPal alone) Replace legacy certificates for deposit ($571 Billion in the USA alone on just those under $100,000) Replace middlemen with trustless interest.
What actually is a Bank Time Deposit?
HEX claims that they transfer the Bank Time Deposit business model to the blockchain. In the normal banking sector a Bank Time Deposit is often a Certificate of Deposit (CD). A CD is essentially a savings account that is opened with the promise that the owner won't touch the money for a set period of time. There often is a penalty when a customer decides to withdraw money earlier than the set time frame. Why do banks do this you might wonder? Time deposit accounts provide banks with the cash flow they need to lend money to other customers.
Let's get back to point number 3 of the definition.
Investors believe profits come from added value by the product (in this case the coin) but are actually retrieved from recent investors
So where does HEX get its value from? According to HEX themselves:
The only way for HEX to be profitable is for stakers to get penalized for ending the stake early or if the price of the coin goes up. Staking does not add any real value to the coin itself, the profit is derived from their investors to give to other investors.
This also brings me back to number 2 of the definition.
HEX launched on December 2, 2019. Early investors had the time to start staking before anyone else did, this results in a cashflow from early investors to recent investors. HEX claims to have an average of 40% interest per year. This means early investors already raked in more than 40% plus the end of stake penalties from later investors. 40% interest per year is only possible if they get new people in, otherwise the the scheme collapses (now cashflow anymore).
We covered point 2 and 3 of the definition of a Ponzi, lets get the final one out of the way.
lure in new investors
Andreas Antonopoulos says he was offered 10 BTC for an interview with the HEX team to show that Hex is not a scam. He declined this, and decided to call them out directly on his Twitter. HEX has very aggressive advertisement campaigns. They plastered ads on London public transportation, in newspapers, and during English Premier League soccer games. The token was even promoted in a half-page ad in The Economist to lure in new investors.
Some more sketchy things with HEX:
As an investor with little knowledge behind how coins work, it might seem really profitable to start staking HEX or buying their tokens. My only advice to all the new people here can be: stay away from it, stay away from any coin that promises a certain return over a given period. HEX is very likely to be a Ponzi scheme and before you know it the creator disappears with all the funds they collected.
submitted by SweetPie123 to CryptoCurrency [link] [comments]

English ~Translation of Binance French AMA:

Q1. : What is Request & REQ?
We see blockchain as an accounting technology. And Request is an invoice technology. Today there are thousands of invoice databases with duplicates all over. Tomorrow there will be only one open, private and shared database for invoices.
Request is the leading invoice technology: an open network for all invoices. Our core team (10–15 people) and its 35′000 community members are building the invoice pillar of Corporate DeFi #CorpDeFi
Request is a YCombinator alumni. Part of the same network as Coinbase, Stripe and Airbnb. Request is similar to Paypal invoicing but it is relying on a decentralized & open technology, with a first focus among the crypto industry members.
REQ is the token behind the technology. Each time an invoice is stored on the blockchain, some REQ are burned (cf If adoption grows, the token supply decreases. And a few other features will add incentives for holding REQ: discounts, governance, liquidity incentives and nodes incentives.

Q2. What is Request Invoicing?
We designed ~50 (d)apps that can benefit from Request technology, and ‘Request Invoicing’ is the first application the team launched mid 2020. Request Invoicing is a working product with real traction: at the end of January, around 80 businesses were using the app every month, 6 months after its launch. The Maker Foundation and the Celo Foundation publicly use Request Invoicing for their grants and to pay their providers.
Request Invoicing App[1] is radically innovative. It’s crypto friendly: the easiest way to send an invoice and get paid in crypto. The invoices are blockchain-based and their payment status are stored there too.

Q3. : What are the real problems Request is solving?
There are problems to solve in the crypto space and bigger problems to solve in the fintech space.
a/ Problems to solve in the crypto space. Crypto is a disruptive technology that currently has downsides:
b/ Problems to solve in the invoicing & payments space.

Q4. : What will make Request successful?
a/ Solutions to crypto related problems. Solving those pains is the first step: Request secures transactions by automating, no need to copy paste addresses. In terms of compliance the banks and accountants are happy with invoices as proof of transactions & source of funds. And Request takes care of plugging the systems such as Xero invoicing software and Stripe.
b/ Innovative solutions are possible thanks to a blockchain based invoice technology like Request. We can invent the car when people ask for a faster horse. Among the features that Request makes possible:
c/ Trends. Among the 50 use cases that could be successful, the Invoicing use case makes sense now. There are 2 key trends that Request Invoicing is making the most of:

Q5. : Who is Request for? What are its current & future users?
There are 2 steps in terms of technology expansion for Request core technology:
  1. Create the first (d)apps ourselves, prove through the product market fit that the applications of the technology are promising
  2. Create a network of builders on top of Request technology: incentivize for running nodes, finance startups and projects, launch accelerator programs, etc…
There are 3 steps in terms of customer segment expansion for Request Invoicing
  1. Step 1: The projects which are already doing crypto invoicing and payments (Maker, Celo, Adan, IOV, Paraswap, etc…) and for which Request Invoicing improves the experience and safety and adds value.
  2. Step 2: The projects which are crypto friendly but who don’t know how to deal with crypto invoices.
  3. Step 3: The projects which are not crypto friendly yet and don’t care, but would be very happy to get the value, such as gaining compound interests and getting paid on time without even knowing there is crypto in the background.

Q6. : What are your ambitions for the Request Invoicing App?
For the Request Invoicing app: . That’s one of the 50 apps we have in mind. It’s growing and every user need we’ve got helps in designing and improving Request core technology. For this app, the goal for 2021 is to grow from 80 businesses to 5000. With one main guiding principle: adding value added features that don't exist in any other invoicing software.
Among the most innovative features that the app will bring to the world, there is:
  1. Connect crypto invoices with Xero & accounting software to automate entries
  2. Partial payments & easy to match invoices with payments.
  3. Blockchain based Reputation
  4. Compound interests. money never sleeps.
  5. Automate payment at due date. no more manual hassle.
  6. Convert funds at payment reception. no risk.
  7. Escrow. replace banks by code. Increase trust in business relationships.
  8. Invoice financing: faster due diligence thanks to proven unicity of invoices.
  9. Automate late fees. help the issuers to get paid on time, build an open finance system that encourages fairness.
  10. FIAT/crypto bridge. with Monerium, Stripe & others.

Q7. : What are Request & REQ ambitions in the future?
RequestDAO. Request will become a DAO within 3 years, i.e. decentralized governance and let everyone have an impact. We’ve got a few things to improve:
Request is an open source technology that favors interoperability. The technology will still be there in dozens of years. We can imagine hundreds of (d)apps built on top of Request which will communicate with each other, and in time will make life harder for centralized and closed financial institutions such as Paypal & banks.
submitted by ChristopheL to RequestNetwork [link] [comments]

What is cryptocurrency? Everything you need to know in 2021

What is cryptocurrency? Everything you need to know in 2021
Cryptocurrency, shorthand crypto, refers to digital currencies or tokens that are secured by cryptography. It is akin to digital assets that represent certain rights, such as ownership towards a network, digital collectibles, spendable currency within the system, or even as a proof of ownership of physical items.
What is bitcoin? - The birth of the first cryptocurrency
Bitcoin was first released by Satoshi Nakamoto on 3rd Jan 2009 as a new form of money. It is a novel invention that has given birth to the technology we call blockchain today. Little did people know that it will have an impact wider than just reinventing the antiquated financial system. It has in fact, gone on to inspire a whole generation of developers towards building a decentralized Internet.
What is the blockchain?
Blockchain is the key infrastructure that powers the whole crypto industry. Let’s see what problems blockchain is aiming to solve. Ever wonder why in this modern age we are still relying on paper based documents for important matters? Examples of these documents include physical copies of our passports, identification documents, and certifications.
That's because we have yet to find a good way to make sure that information shown digitally is not tamper-proof, until the advent of blockchain. Blockchains basically ensure that the information depicted is accurate and that the data is not compromised.
Historically, it has been costly to prove ownership to an asset because of all the regulatory red tapes, middlemen, and processes involved in recording who owns what at a specific time. With blockchain, anyone can launch a network and distribute ownership of that network to millions of people globally with a fraction of the cost. This is a bit abstract but imagine owning a part of the Internet where value is accrued to the owners - this would be pretty impressive.
With cryptocurrencies, people can imbue ownership rights in the form of digital tokens that can be easily transferable. As such, multiple projects chose to fundraise globally, distribute tokens as rewards to early adopters, and as a token of commemoration. Thousands of tokens have been released since then. Even though most of them fell into oblivion, some of them managed to capture enough value that they are now worth billions of dollars.
Cryptocurrency prices and market cap
The cryptocurrency market has grown significantly since Bitcoin was first released in January 2009. As of January 2021, there are more than 6,000 tokens being tracked on CoinGecko with total crypto market capitalization breaching $1 trillion.
Why is cryptocurrency so popular today?
Bitcoin is increasingly being mentioned in the mainstream media after its price reached $40,000 at the time of writing in January 2021 with a valuation of roughly $840 billion. Along with it, other crypto tokens also mimic similar price increases as more attention is being paid to the space. Bull runs have a way to capture people’s attention, attracting hordes of speculators into the field, feeding into a market frenzy.
There are several factors contributing to the rapid rise in price. One of them is the increasing accessibility to buy crypto assets, with Paypal announcing support for cryptocurrencies, combined with the rise of fintech apps that support crypto trading such as Robinhood, Square Cash and Etoro.
Another one is the institutional adoption of investing in Bitcoin as a hedge against the structural weaknesses of the US Dollar due to the loose monetary policies by the Federal Reserve. Some of the public companies that did that include Microstrategy and Square.
Is it good to invest in cryptocurrency?
Unlike common asset classes such as stocks and bonds, major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum do not produce any cash flows. As such, it did not receive good remarks from value investors. Warren Buffet famously made public remarks referring to Bitcoin as ‘rat poison’.
Bitcoin actually has characteristics more akin to commodities such as Gold. The fact that it is the first fixed-supply digital asset in the world makes it a good store of value. Therefore Bitcoin is more appealing towards macro investors that are looking to hedge against the weakness of the US Dollar. Paul Tudor Jones, Druckenmiller, and Raoul Pal are some high-profile investors that have made positive remarks about Bitcoin.
Owning Ethereum in the meantime is like owning a portion of the new Internet. The hype surrounding Decentralised Finance (DeFi) applications built on Ethereum are not just smoke and mirrors. These DeFi applications have been seeing skyrocketing user numbers, attracting billions of dollars of capital, and seeing more brilliant builders go into the space. Currently there are no concrete methods on how to value these assets, but this is normal for a new asset class. Valuation methodologies will become more mature as these assets gain more adoption over time.
Investing in crypto now is similar to investing in Internet stocks back in the year 2000 - the possibilities are vast but the road ahead is still uncertain. As the analogy goes, humans have a tendency to overestimate the impact of technology in the short-term and underestimate its effect in the long run. We are still in the early innings of crypto revolutions and there will be lots of ups and downs before we see the mass population benefiting from this technology.
As such, please exercise caution when investing as crypto is still pretty much a high risk investment. The price can be very volatile and it is definitely not for the faint-hearted. For beginners, what you can do is to start learning more about the technology, its ethos and its use cases.

How does cryptocurrency have value?
Very few people actually question where money comes from. It is actually quite a complicated topic involving politics, history, finance, economy, sociology, and human psychology. Ultimately it is a tool of human coordination.
Few people realise that the current system has only been in place for roughly 50 years, starting from the US Dollar depegging from gold in 1971. We are still very much experimenting with it, with the banks bailout in 2008, Quantitative Easing, and negative interest rates in recent years. As such, the current monetary system that we have, where most call it the fiat regime, might not be the best.
Therefore, it's actually not surprising that someone may invent something better. Throughout human history, we have been transitioning our currency from seashells to rocks, metals, and most recently papers in search of the best form of money. Bitcoin, as the first verifiable fixed-supply digital token that is secured by computers globally has the potential to become the first non-sovereign digital currency (not controlled by the governments) that can be used by anyone across the world.
The ability to transfer value across the Internet without having any restrictions is in itself a strong value proposition. Part of the allure of democratization of value is to give back the power of money in the hands of people rather than the institutions. Money also follows the rule of network effect, as a currency that receives more recognition will attract more people to use it and therefore initiating a flywheel of adoption.
Once the network is big enough, it is very hard for any competitors to topple it. Gold used to have a dominant market share in the world of currencies. Now we might be witnessing the rise of ‘Digital Gold’. If Bitcoin is to become the base layer of all economic transactions in the future, coupled with its fixed-supply nature, the price will go up as demand exceeds supply.
Other than Bitcoin, there are actually increasing adoptions in the use of Decentralised Finance (DeFi) applications, creating a parallel financial market that allows lending/borrowing, capital raising, exchange, derivatives trading and even betting, operational 24/7 globally. With total capital locked inside the system breaching $25 billion as of writing, we believe it has found its product market fit.
All these tokens might look absurd in the eyes of common people as most would not even know that these tokens exist, but for those that actually spend the time understanding the space, they would recognise how big this transformation is. The Internet is said to have democratized information, crypto is here to democratize value.
These applications are mainly hosted in Ethereum. Any transaction costs made inside Ethereum will have to be paid in its native currency, ETH. When more transactions need to be made, demand for ETH will increase and thus its price. DeFi applications in the meantime also released their own native tokens, accruing cash flows to the token holders, similar to how a company functions. It's now increasingly possible to estimate their future cash flows and come up with a valuation based on the discounted cash flows model.
How to buy and invest in cryptocurrency?
There are various ways to buy and sell cryptocurrencies. In many countries, fintech applications such as Square Cash, Robinhood, Revolut, Coinbase, Kraken, Binance and Gemini are gaining significant traction.
There are currently over 424 cryptocurrency exchanges globally. If you have a specific coin or token in mind, you can search it up on CoinGecko on where to buy it under the markets tab.
Should you buy cryptocurrency?
If you are still here after the long read, it means that you are intrigued enough to learn more. You do not have to allocate a big portion of your wealth into crypto straightaway. You can start by investing a small amount, be excited about the technology, and try to use it.
Do be aware of the price volatility and the inherent risk of dabbling with new technology. Only invest money that you can afford to lose. We believe that the more you learn about crypto, the more you will be dazzled by the beauty of this creation.
You have reached the end of the article! Congrats for being one of the few that understand what is cryptocurrency.
submitted by Baablo to CryptoCurrency [link] [comments]

Coinbase Mega-Thread (Post all Referral Links Here)

Crypto Currency is blowing up right now. Bitcoin is at an all time high so if you did these offers a while back then you will have made even more money by now! If you have yet to do them, then now is the perfect time! As i said yesterday in the Trading212 thread, Im trying to keep these fresh so the links in the comments are still unused.
1st off Coinbase allows new users to get $10 Worth of bitcoin for free, when you first buy $100 worth of bitcoin. Just click HERE and purchase atleast $100 worth of bitcoin to get the free bitcoin.
Direct Link for Coinbase Earn -
A classic for many many months now, Coinbase Earn allows users to sign up and earn crypto currency for free. Most of these seem to be on a waitlist basis and personally ive heard people can be accepted straight away or wait months to get in so its kinda unknown how long it will take!
If you do get accepted however, these are the following tasks and answers to the questions! Good Luck!
Earn up to $43 of BAND
Click here
Watch the videos and answer the questions to earn $3, for the extra $40 you can invite 4 friends.
  1. Band protocol brings real world data to the blockchain
  2. Oracles secure and power blockchain with just a few lines of code
  3. You can stake band to earn crypto rewards
Earn up to $59 of COMP
Click here
Watch the videos and answer the questions to earn $9, for an extra $10 follow the steps in task 4 and for an extra $40 you can invite 4 other users
  1. Earning interest on your Crypto
  2. Supply a crypto asset as collateral
  3. COMP token holders
Earn up to $50 worth of XLM
Click here
Watch the videos to earn your first $10 then invite 4 other users to get an extra $40 worth
Answers are:
  1. Stellar is a decentralized coin that unites currencies
  2. Facilitating low cost universal payments
  3. Fast, secure, and global
  4. To issue and exchange tokens quickly
  5. It relies on the cooperation of trusted nodes
Earn up to $6 of MAKER
Click here
Watch the videos to earn $6 worth of Maker
  1. MKR and DAI
  2. MKR holders
  3. A crypto wallet and crypto collateral
Earn up to $3 of GRAPH
Click here
Watch the videos to earn $3 worth of GRT
  1. Blockchain Data
  2. GRT Tokens
  3. Curators
Earn up to $6 of CELO
Click here
Watch the videos to earn $6 of CGLD
  1. Making crypto available on mobile phones
  2. Staking, governance, and stability
  3. Using the Valora mobile app
Now you have your free cryptocurrency in your account you will want to learn how to sell it and withdraw for that sweet beer money!
\*TO REDEEM IN GBP from Coinbase*\**
Sign in at with your Coinbase account details.
  1. Go to 'My Wallets' (top right corner near your user box)
  2. Click on the 'Deposit' banner in the big Deposit & Withdrawal box on the left side.
  3. Pick XLM etc, whichever you want to deposit.
  4. Click on 'Coinbase Account' (option on the right side of the white box)
  5. Click on 'Max' and Deposit it.
  6. Now go to 'Trade' (One of the top menus)
  7. Pick BTC if you want to trade your XLM for GBP, (FIRST you have to exchange your XLM to BTC, then your BTC to GBP. ) After picking BTC, click on XLM-BTC, then 'Sell' and 'Max'. After that, click GBP, then BTC-GBP, click 'Buy' and 'Max'. These exchanges are instantaneous.
  8. Go to 'My Wallets' again, click Withdraw, to Coinbase account and click max.
Now go back to Your GBP should've arrived, and now you are able to click 'Withdraw'. I withdrew via Paypal, as Bank account transfers cost you £1. (Every penny counts, right?!). These options will come up when you click 'Withdraw' from your GBP wallet in Coinbase.
submitted by Will-23 to beermoneyuk [link] [comments]

Why I'm holding R3FI after all the drama

Why did I buy and am holding R3FI?
I have been around playing and learning about crypto since 2015 and having made some gains in various projects I became more and more interested in the passive income opportunities that have become available in the crypto ecosystem. Some ways I found that have become more prominent with time are nodes/masternodes depending on the project and the terminology used.
What these are were coins that offered you a chance to receive dividends off your position by staking and locking a predetermined amount into a node which usually involved some or extensive knowledge of running a linux terminal and meant you had to stake and lock your coins up a collateral incase of a double spend or any other spoofing or fooling the system, you would be holding your tokens as collateral. Taking the risk for others to ensure faster transaction times by staking. This is also an approach Ethereum is taking by requiring the locking of 32 ETH as collateral, hosted on a computer that will be required to be on with constant uptime, or risk losing on payments and therefore your overall yields.
With these types of nodes they tend to require hosting on a separate server service which costs extra money on top of trading fees, gas, and often a huge upfront investment in the coin in a move by developers and major holders of the coin to drive the price up in a large buying wave. In the case of Ethereum, right now as of 2/2/2021 a node would cost you around USD46,274 which for most retail investors is out of the picture of what they can afford to invest. At the time I first became interested in PoS (proof-of-stake) and nodes, a DASH node cost over USD120,000 just for the DASH collateral. Now a DASH masternode sits at a similar price of USD105,000 which you can check for yourself here.
While these huge upfront investments seemed daunting, seeing their average payouts per week, month, year, etc still had me extremely interested. It seemed like being able to be a digital landlord in a sense, in essence holding a piece of crypto-real estate. It came with many of the same responsibilities though such as upkeep, along with a very high barrier to entry for the retail investor. It seemed these nodes were for early investors and institutional money only.
Fast-forward to 2021 and now we are diving as an ecosystem into a new world of DeFi, DEX’s, and the retail investor is now able to become their own bank. Yield farming opportunities on any of the major DEX’s offer APY’s exceeding even the highest offered by the hungriest banks. These APY’s overshadow what is offered by any bank at the moment they almost seem too good to be true to many investors who have not been introduced to blockchain tech, smart contracts, and the brave new world of DeFi.
Recently I was introduced to a new coin called R3FI and it showed that it had a 5% fee allocation to holders and was extremely intrigued as it held no barrier to entry like any of the other options I have used before to build passive income off of my crypto. I put a significant proportion of my portfolio into this coin because it seemed like a no brainer. It is the first coin that I have come across that offers derivative-like payouts with no barrier to entry. Everyone is getting a piece of the pie across the board and I felt that it really reflected the essence of crypto, the transfer of wealth from old systems built to favor those at the top and has given your average person an opportunity to be making passive gains with as little of an investment as they’d like. Not just passive gains, but realistically compounding passive gains. The holy grail of investments in my books, especially when you consider the hands off nature of the coin. No AWS subscription to manage your server, no huge upfront investment, no real technical barrier to anyone who is already familiar with Ethereum or Cryptocurrency, and even to those familiar the barrier to entry is still as low as it gets. Just buy and hodl!
The Future:
Now why I really think this coin has a promising future came after I started to dive deep into the DeFi protocols and the ever changing landscape of different strategies driving it, and how we have it to thank for our current crazy gas prices. These gas prices are being driven up by trading on DEX’s, yield farming, DeFi adoption, and a multitude of reasons. Many of them can be amplified by this coin's passive income feature of fee distribution.
People will also likely be drawn into taking this coin part of a lending chain to offset their interest rates as the coin is growing in your wallet. Let's say you had a coin that you are not seeing much movement in but you don’t necessarily want to completely lose your position but you wanted to make gains off of it you currently are not. You could lend this coin for R3FI for a determined amount of time for interest, receive your payouts from your R3FI airdropped fee distribution, pay back your loan of R3FI to your old position and now be sitting with a bag of R3FI you didn’t have before without losing a position on your other potential moonshot coin in your portfolio.
This is a very simple use case for the coin using only one of the most basic of DeFi concepts or protocols. This DeFi world is growing as fast as people are able to imagine new ways of distributed finance options and these protocols should be looked at like pieces of lego, becoming more intertwined in new configurations as time passes, opening up new ideas leading to further potential gains down the line.
As of now the future of how this particular lego brick will be used remains up for debate and brainstorming, but I know for me personally I am happy being here at the ground floor. Some people are scared of the volume and cap of this coin as investments in this class based off speculation can be risky, but at such a low barrier to entry how much riskier can it be than letting my money sit in a bank as the as the federal reserve continues to quantitative ease our way into a looming economic disaster.
The community aspect of this coin has also remained very appealing to me. After a rocky start with the initial development team a new team has picked up the slack to continue our momentum into the future. The telegram is very active with core members continuing to make moves into the development of the project. There’s no central holders to dump their coins in this project as the pre-sale whales have all seemed to have drained their bags and we have entered a new chapter as we grow through inevitable adoption.
This doesn’t look great on the charts, I’ll be honest. It however doesn’t phase me as we are now moving to find new listings that fuel fee distribution, which will fuel adoption, and price momentum. I feel like this project is a unicorn of passive income opportunities that really do not come around often unless you are there from the ground up, and that's why I wrote this review/editorial. I’m offering the chance to whoever is reading this to grab a piece of the action and become part of our active community before we start getting cross platform trading driving fee distribution up. People are already making modest returns with relatively small investments and the payout total daily can be found here. For the small number of holders and trading volume currently it's quite impressive personally, especially considering what types of returns I’m used to seeing in any sort of fee distribution system including mining in its peak days when you consider hardware investments, ROI times, and reward instability with Proof of Work mining.
Here we have an small but growing active community looking to grow their holdings and distribute them in the way that crypto was intended to be, decentralized. As a holder and community member I can only hope that others see the value here currently and more importantly the value in the future as adoption drives new ideas and use-cases for this coin to help people maximize their returns and gains by cutting out the middleman we are typically paying instead such as paypal, or other centralized, middleman payment providers and flipping the tables on them and start getting rewarded for taking part of the system we are in, instead of being perpetually stuck at the end of the supply chain as consumers playing pawns to institutions who show no regard to our privacy, personal rights, or financial freedom.
Come take a peek for yourself! Copy Pasted links from the telegram
🍍Website -
🍍Github -
🍍Twitter -
🍍 Public Leadership Telegram -
🍍Coingecko - (submitted)
🔋Coinmarketcap -
🍍Coinopsy -
🍍Litepaper -
🟢 Dextools:
🧲 R3FI Contract:
submitted by hookka to CryptoMoonShots [link] [comments]

Yes, It's a scam and this is how it works (2020 edition)

If you receive a suspicious message from someone you've never met offering to send you large sums of money please proceed with caution.
The message might've been sent by an individual attempting advance-fee fraud, also called the “419 scam.”
What to look out for
In combination, the following characteristics may indicate that you're dealing with a scammer:
Does he/she:
How the scam appears
The scammer will attempt to convince you to accept a fake payment for more than the allowance amount you initially agreed to/was offered by him/her. If they are successful, the scammer will get the money/or gift card value. In nearly every case, the con artist will not be caught.
Here's an example of how the scam can play out:
You get the attention of a 419 scammer. They offer you an allowance amount with no request to meet up, excuse why they can't now, or an online arrangement. They tell you an allowance amount that is too good to be true, $1,000 a week but then sends you $1,800. They want you to send the extra money to someone else via Western Union, Money Gram, etc, because they can't right now(even though they just sent some to you). Or they want you to purchase itune, amazon, google play gift cards and send them the number on the back.
You deposit the $1,800 into your bank and then spend $800 doing the favors for the scammer. Or pay off your credit card with the info they gave you and used the card to make gift card purchases for the scammer. The scammer counts on you doing this before the check officially clears your bank account. This window between deposit and processing is known as “float time” and can last seven days, ten days, or even longer if the payment is international. During this time the money can be transferred, but it has not been verified by your bank as real.
Once the payment is processed, your bank will determine that it is fake. They will take the entire $1,800 back from you. Since you will have already spent the $800 for the scammer, you must repay the bank $800 of your own money. If you have spent any of the $1,000 you thought you earned, you will also need to replace that. In the case of the credit card you will owe the full balance you thought was payed off plus any purchases you made on behalf of the scammer.
Why does this scam work?
These scammers typically create multiple accounts on dating and social media sites and send the same message to many different people with little or no personalization. The scammer's messages are meant to trigger greed and over ride common sense.
The scammer’s payment is a forgery. It is not real! Your bank may allow you to deposit it, or your credit card might say payment received but the payment will not clear. Your bank will hold you responsible for the entire amount.
In the case of a PayPal payment, the scammer will either send a fake PayPal confirmation email or pay with a fraudulent payment source. Whether you return the “overpayment” via PayPal or a wire transfer service such as Western Union or Money Gram, you will still be held responsible for all of the money involved.
Remember: Money sent back to the scammer is money which is lost forever.
What you should do
Other Signs of Scams
You can be certain you're getting scammed if you see any of these things. To be clear: if you experience any of these things, it's always a scam.
Could be a scam
Maybe not 100%, but the vast majority of the time, these are scams.
The rules change once you're in an established arrangement and have earned trust. The rules are slightly different in non-US countries also, where some forms of bank transfer are safer... but still, it makes little sense not to start with cash, which is safe.
A Word About POTs Contacting You On Reddit
Please also read:
Anywhere there are people gathering in numbers to talk sugar, there will be many, many scammers. That doesn't just mean Seeking or Instagram, it also means reddit. Many SBs are lured into a false sense of security when someone on reddit DMs them, claiming to be an slf member. The scammers take advantage of the fact that we naturally feel close to our fellow sub members. Many SBs have fallen victim to scams that start with a DM on reddit. And it's not just SBs, multiple SDs also have bad stories, often resulting in blackmail attempts and other scams, when the SD lets his guard down and uses his real phone number, does a video chat, or something similar. This applies as much to SDs.
Three suggestions:
  1. Vet all reddit contacts as tightly as you would a POT on SA. Do not give any up-front benefit of the doubt just because they're on reddit, or claim to have interacted with you on the sub. For you SDs: one of the blackmail stories that happened here, the "SB" scammer first did a profile review (!) and appeared to use iMessage (!!) when texting... and still turned out to be a blackmailer. The victim SD DMed the SB after her profile review because he was attracted, which we think was the strategy all along. The "SB" behind that profile review turned out to be a blackmailer.
  2. Strongly consider not even accepting DMs from lurkers in the first place. Through tracing some of the scam stories, we've found that nearly all these scams start with an unsolicited DM from someone who is not active on slf. They claim to be on slf, they may claim to have interacted with you there or are reaching out because of something you wrote. But if you look at their post history, there is no post history on slf. The one simple, easy thing you can do to protect yourself is to decline all these DMs. Only accept DMs from names you recognize from the sub, or who at least have a post history on slf.
  3. The fact that he is so charming and nice, is not proof he's not a scammer. "He was so nice, he didn't act like a scammer, so I let my guard down" is a common refrain from scammed SBs. Being nice isn't proof of anything -- be sure to vet your POTs!
u/LaSirene23 wrote the top portion of this post, describing scams and the details around how they work. u/Azurecole collected scam stories on SLF and elsewhere and subsequently wrote the bottom section on scam signs. The members of SLF provided the stories and learnings.
submitted by Azurecole to sugarlifestyleforum [link] [comments]

CCTL due for a run up!!! Bitcoin, Ethereum, Polkadot, and altcoins will Drive this stock up!

Bitcoin-related stocks have shot up massively lately. With Grayscale investing heavily into Bitcoin, many investors want exposure to crypto without actually having to invest money into the coins themselves. Look at BTCS, which is up 635% over the past few weeks. Also look at how MARA & RIOT have done the past month. So many gains. Altcoin season is on the horizon and many factors will push anything crypto-related up, thus, CCTL will rise up. CCTL is currently trading at 0.0034
Thesis: Coin Citadel is poised to follow BTCS
“Coin Citadel (CCTL) is a holding company, which invests in all aspects of the digital currency ecosystem. It engages in the acquisition and management of a diversified portfolio of profitable and growth-oriented companies. It also mines blockchains and invests in digital assets. The company was founded in May 13, 1986 and is headquartered in Plattsburgh, NY.”
1) Paypal will soon be accepting cryptocurrency 2) Bitcoin has reached an all-time high 3) Jack Dorsey’s Cash App already allows you to buy Bitcoin 4) US Dollar is becoming weaker, driving investors to hedge against their positions by holding crypto
From their website: “Data Center Solutions Coin Citadel is diversifying its operations in Plattsburgh, NY and now starting to offer Data Center solutions with our extremely low cost power.
Our team offers cutting edge, reliable infrastructure that enables us to focus on the installation, monitoring and maintenance of our customers' hardware, ensuring maximum hashrates, uptime and profits."
Coin Citadel is now offering scalable solutions for Banks and other Wall Street Financial Service Firms who are in the midst of an IT revolution.
Coin Citadel has traditionally operated as a blockchain infrastructure company that bridges blockchain and cryptocurrencies to traditional capital markets.
Money and Digital Currencies
We’ve seen a constant evolution in how we handle money. Before the 1990s, transactions were completed on paper, either with physical currency or a paper check. Then, as the internet blossomed, fintech disruptors like PayPal brought the world of commerce online, allowing companies to accept online payments for physical goods and services.
Blockchain is the technology that enables the existence of cryptocurrency. Bitcoin is the name of the best-known cryptocurrency, the one for which blockchain technology was invented.
Cryptocurrency is a medium of exchange, such as the US dollar, but is digital and uses encryption techniques to control the creation of monetary units and to verify the transfer of funds.
Blockchain is, quite simply, a digital, decentralized ledger that keeps a record of all transactions that take place across a peer-to-peer network. The major innovation is that the technology allows market participants to transfer assets across the Internet without the need for a centralized third party.
The mining division of Coin Citadel (Coin Citadel Mining) was started in January 2018 in Plattsburgh NY.
Plattsburgh has some of the cheapest electricity rates in the USA at 0.025 cents. Once famous for its 18 month ban on Bitcoin mining, the ban has now been lifted and Coin Citadel Mining is now accepting new hosting clients.
We have also secured a new location with 82 MW of power so we have ample room to grow and can host full commercial size mining operations.
Generalized Mining or Mining 2.0 - Staking Networks
Coin Citadel uses it mining power and nodes to promote numerous Decentralized Networks, more recently described as Generalized mining, also called mining 2.0. Providing Supply Side Services to a distributed Network in return for compensation usually in the form of Digital Assets provided by the Network. With more and more Decentralized Networks being build in the world, they all need global mining support and node support to succeed. Coin Citadel allows investors participate in the networks in order to seed activity on them. Coin Citadel does this in the early days of a network as opposed to when it's matured, whether this will lead away from a peer-to-peer vision for crypto toward more professionalization and how this affects the basic premise of the fat protocols thesis.”
submitted by groundsforpourover to pennystocks [link] [comments]

Coinbase Mega-Thread (Post all Referral Links Here)

Crypto Currency is blowing up right now. Bitcoin is at an all time high so if you did these offers a while back then you will have made even more money by now! If you have yet to do them, then now is the perfect time!
1st off Coinbase allows new users to get $10 Worth of bitcoin for free, when you first buy $100 worth of bitcoin. Just click HERE and purchase atleast $100 worth of bitcoin to get the free bitcoin.
Direct Link for Coinbase Earn -
A classic for many many months now, Coinbase Earn allows users to sign up and earn crypto currency for free. Most of these seem to be on a waitlist basis and personally ive heard people can be accepted straight away or wait months to get in so its kinda unknown how long it will take!
If you do get accepted however, these are the following tasks and answers to the questions! Good Luck!
Earn up to $43 of BAND
Click here
Watch the videos and answer the questions to earn $3, for the extra $40 you can invite 4 friends.
  1. Band protocol brings real world data to the blockchain
  2. Oracles secure and power blockchain with just a few lines of code
  3. You can stake band to earn crypto rewards
Earn up to $59 of COMP
Click here
Watch the videos and answer the questions to earn $9, for an extra $10 follow the steps in task 4 and for an extra $40 you can invite 4 other users
  1. Earning interest on your Crypto
  2. Supply a crypto asset as collateral
  3. COMP token holders
Earn up to $50 worth of XLM
Click here
Watch the videos to earn your first $10 then invite 4 other users to get an extra $40 worth
Answers are:
  1. Stellar is a decentralized coin that unites currencies
  2. Facilitating low cost universal payments
  3. Fast, secure, and global
  4. To issue and exchange tokens quickly
  5. It relies on the cooperation of trusted nodes
Earn up to $6 of MAKER
Click here
Watch the videos to earn $6 worth of Maker
  1. MKR and DAI
  2. MKR holders
  3. A crypto wallet and crypto collateral
Earn up to $3 of GRAPH
Click here
Watch the videos to earn $3 worth of GRT
  1. Blockchain Data
  2. GRT Tokens
  3. Curators
Earn up to $6 of CELO
Click here
Watch the videos to earn $6 of CGLD
  1. Making crypto available on mobile phones
  2. Staking, governance, and stability
  3. Using the Valora mobile app
Now you have your free cryptocurrency in your account you will want to learn how to sell it and withdraw for that sweet beer money!
\*TO REDEEM IN GBP from Coinbase*\**
Sign in at with your Coinbase account details.
  1. Go to 'My Wallets' (top right corner near your user box)
  2. Click on the 'Deposit' banner in the big Deposit & Withdrawal box on the left side.
  3. Pick XLM etc, whichever you want to deposit.
  4. Click on 'Coinbase Account' (option on the right side of the white box)
  5. Click on 'Max' and Deposit it.
  6. Now go to 'Trade' (One of the top menus)
  7. Pick BTC if you want to trade your XLM for GBP, (FIRST you have to exchange your XLM to BTC, then your BTC to GBP. ) After picking BTC, click on XLM-BTC, then 'Sell' and 'Max'. After that, click GBP, then BTC-GBP, click 'Buy' and 'Max'. These exchanges are instantaneous.
  8. Go to 'My Wallets' again, click Withdraw, to Coinbase account and click max.
Now go back to Your GBP should've arrived, and now you are able to click 'Withdraw'. I withdrew via Paypal, as Bank account transfers cost you £1. (Every penny counts, right?!). These options will come up when you click 'Withdraw' from your GBP wallet in Coinbase.
submitted by Will-23 to beermoneyuk [link] [comments]

Coinbase Mega-Thread (Post all Referral Links Here)

Coinbase have recently opened up their earn feature to multiple new users so we are making a new thread to allow everyone to have access to fresh links in order to complete the Coinbase Earn quizzes and earn a good chunk of money very easily!
1st off Coinbase allows new users to get $10 Worth of bitcoin for free, when you first buy $100 worth of bitcoin. Just click HERE and purchase atleast $100 worth of bitcoin to get the free bitcoin.
Direct Link for Coinbase Earn -
A classic for many many months now, Coinbase Earn allows users to sign up and earn crypto currency for free. Most of these seem to be on a waitlist basis and personally ive heard people can be accepted straight away or wait months to get in so its kinda unknown how long it will take!
If you do get accepted however, these are the following tasks and answers to the questions! Good Luck!
Earn up to $43 of BAND
Click here
Watch the videos and answer the questions to earn $3, for the extra $40 you can invite 4 friends.
  1. Band protocol brings real world data to the blockchain
  2. Oracles secure and power blockchain with just a few lines of code
  3. You can stake band to earn crypto rewards
Earn up to $59 of COMP
Click here
Watch the videos and answer the questions to earn $9, for an extra $10 follow the steps in task 4 and for an extra $40 you can invite 4 other users
  1. Earning interest on your Crypto
  2. Supply a crypto asset as collateral
  3. COMP token holders
Earn up to $50 worth of XLM
Click here
Watch the videos to earn your first $10 then invite 4 other users to get an extra $40 worth
Answers are:
  1. Stellar is a decentralized coin that unites currencies
  2. Facilitating low cost universal payments
  3. Fast, secure, and global
  4. To issue and exchange tokens quickly
  5. It relies on the cooperation of trusted nodes
Earn up to $6 of FIL
Click here
Watch the videos and answer questions to earn $6 of FIL
  1. A decentralized marketplace for data storage and retrieval
  2. Proof of replication and proof of space time
  3. By its content
Earn up to $6 of MAKER
Click here
Watch the videos to earn $6 worth of Maker
  1. MKR and DAI
  2. MKR holders
  3. A crypto wallet and crypto collateral
Now you have your free cryptocurrency in your account you will want to learn how to sell it and withdraw for that sweet beer money!
\*TO REDEEM IN GBP from Coinbase*\**
Sign in at with your Coinbase account details.
  1. Go to 'My Wallets' (top right corner near your user box)
  2. Click on the 'Deposit' banner in the big Deposit & Withdrawal box on the left side.
  3. Pick XLM etc, whichever you want to deposit.
  4. Click on 'Coinbase Account' (option on the right side of the white box)
  5. Click on 'Max' and Deposit it.
  6. Now go to 'Trade' (One of the top menus)
  7. Pick BTC if you want to trade your XLM for GBP, (FIRST you have to exchange your XLM to BTC, then your BTC to GBP. ) After picking BTC, click on XLM-BTC, then 'Sell' and 'Max'. After that, click GBP, then BTC-GBP, click 'Buy' and 'Max'. These exchanges are instantaneous.
  8. Go to 'My Wallets' again, click Withdraw, to Coinbase account and click max.
Now go back to Your GBP should've arrived, and now you are able to click 'Withdraw'. I withdrew via Paypal, as Bank account transfers cost you £1. (Every penny counts, right?!). These options will come up when you click 'Withdraw' from your GBP wallet in Coinbase.
submitted by Will-23 to beermoneyuk [link] [comments]

What is Blockchain? The Boulder Metaphor

If you're investing in cryptocurrency, it's important to understand conceptually what it is that you're buying. The problem is, it's easy to get mired down in terminology and technical details. (Hint: you don't need to know what a nonce is to understand blockchain). That's why I've created this non-technical, but still accurate metaphor for how blockchains work. We'll explore what a blockchain is and examine some differences between the Big Two chains. I've added footnotes in places where the metaphor is not sufficient to explain what's happening behind the scenes.
Part 1: What is a blockchain?
A blockchains is an 'immutable ledger'. All this means is that a blockchain stores information that cannot be changed or deleted. You can think about it like an enormous boulder. On this boulder, you carve messages so deeply that it's virtually impossible to erase them. Let's follow Alice, a new blockchain user, as she interacts with BoulderChain and it's native currency, the Diamond.
Alice inherits a small sum of Diamonds from a mysterious benefactor. Excited, she decides to send some Diamonds to her friend Bob. To accomplish this, all she has to do is carve the following message on the boulder:
"Alice sends five Diamonds to Bob."
If she does this, the message will be freely visible. Everyone who reads it will know that Bob has five diamonds, and Alice has five fewer than she started with. As it turns out, that's all a cryptocurrency is! It's a record of who owns what. There aren't any actual, physical diamonds. It's just account balances recorded on stone. However, it's much easier to visualize them as actual Diamonds. So for now, let's say that as soon as Alice records that message in stone, Bob finds himself holding five diamonds. Great!
But how does Alice record her message. She doesn't own any tools, and has never carved in stone before. She glances around to see a group of people hanging about near the boulder. They are holding chisels. Perfect! Perhaps they can help. Alice doesn't know if yet, but these people are called Miners. They are hanging out because they want to make money by helping people like Alice write messages. How do these loitering chiselers make money? There are two ways: the first is that they will ask Alice to pay for their services. The second is that there are diamonds embedded in the boulder!
Alice approaches a miner and asks if he will carve a message for her. The miner says he'll do it in exchange for 2 diamonds. Alice thinks this is rather expensive, so she asks a couple more miners. Eventually, she's able to find one who will carve her message in exchange for just 1 diamond. The miner, Mikael, checks that Alice has six diamonds; one for him, and five for Bob. He agrees to the commission and takes one diamond from her. This is called a Transaction Fee. (Actually, the miner just includes this fee the message he writes on the boulder instead of physically taking it from her. It all works out the same way in the end). Finally, Mikael begins etching. All the other miners watch over his shoulder as he carves to make sure the message is valid and accurate*. As Mikael carves, he finds a diamond in the stone and pries it loose. It's his reward for carving an accurate message. This is called a Block Reward. Same as before, a block reward isn't really like a physical Diamond. It's a little added message that the miner writes, saying "Mikael finds a diamond". There are rules about when he's allowed to carve this, and the other miners watch to make sure the rules aren't broken.
Finally, Bob gets his diamonds and everyone is satisfied. Alice has sent her diamonds, Bob has received them, and Mikael was paid for his time and effort.
These are the basics of the blockchain. In the next section, we'll cover the differences between Bitcoin and Ethereum.
* In reality, it's more like a race between the miners to see who can carve the message fastest. The fastest miner gets the diamond Alice offered. All the other incomplete messages are erased. If Alice doesn't offer enough as a fee, then miners won't bother racing to record her transaction. If it's really low, they might never get to it at all.

Part 2: The Different Types of Blockchain: Issuance, Consensus, and Smart Contracts
i) Issuance
As we previously learned, there are diamonds embedded in the boulder. In a real blockchain, these Diamonds are coins (Bitcoin and Ether) that miners get as a reward for recording transactions.
Bitcoin is designed so that the more you chisel into the rock, the fewer diamonds you'll find. Eventually, 100 years from now there won't be any diamonds left, just rock. At that point, the miners will rely completely on you paying them. This has a couple consequences. The first is that Alice would have to pay more to hire a miner. Instead of 1 Diamond, Mikael may have asked for 2 diamonds to pay for his time. The second consequence is that fewer people might mine. Mikael could stop being a miner altogether, electing to enroll in art school, taking his chisel with him. This means there won't be as many miners checking each other's work, making it easier to include a fraudulent message on the boulder. It's not all doom an gloom though. The tremendous advantage of phasing out block rewards (diamond discovery), is low inflation. Finding new diamonds every day makes them significantly less scarce and valuable. This devaluation of diamonds is also known as inflation. The inflation essentially acts like a 'tax' paid by all holders in order to compensate miners. Think about it this way. If you hold a diamond in your bank vault, it will lose 2-5% of their value every year. In return, any transactions you make are cheaper, and the network is more secure.
Ethereum, unlike bitcoin, decided that it would be more sustainable to embed diamonds all the way through the rock. This means we'll never get to a point where the miners will rely completely on commissions. The inflation in the system essentially subsidizes your cost to use the network while simultaneously ensuring that messages are engraved deeply and accurately. Ethereum can increase or decrease the amount of diamonds that will be found in order to fine tune the balance. If there aren't enough miners, just increase the frequency of diamonds, and more folks will show up with chisels. Ethereum has a policy of Minimum Viable Issuance in order to guarantee there are enough miners for the system to function securely.
ii) Consensus (Chisels vs Lasers)
Everything I've said is accurate for the current day. But it's all about to change. Because Ethereum has opted to stop using chisels altogether. The old chisel system, used by Bitcoin, is called Proof of Work (POW). Ethereum wants to replace chisels with laser engravers. How do you get a laser engraver? Well, it turns out you can construct one by using diamonds to focus light. This is called a Proof Of Stake (POS) system: Instead of relying on people with expensive third party equipment like chisels, now we can do the engraving ourselves, using diamonds. There are some big benefits to a Proof of Stake system. The barrier to entry to getting an engraver is lower than buying a chisel\*. Even better, it turns out that chisels were pumping CO2 into the atmosphere at crazy rates. Laser engravers, by comparison, are virtually emission free.
* This is debatable. Engravers can be quite expensive ($50,000 at the time of writing). However, it will be relatively easy to buy a part of an engraver, essentially pooling your money together with others to buy a full machine. In contrast, chisels are high-end application specific computers that need to be located somewhere in the world with affordable electricity.
iii) Smart Contracts Another large difference between Bitcoin and Ethereum is the support for Smart Contracts. With Bitcoin, the only messages you can write on the rock are transactions. (Alice sends 5 Bitcoin to Bob). With Ethereum, however, you can actually write instructions into the rock. The miners are obligated to then follow these instructions. Let's say you write the following message:
"Alice sends 1 diamond to Bob, but only if Alice has already received approval from Charlie."
That's a simple smart contract! Now, the miners will only send that transaction when certain conditions have been met, namely that a third party, Charlie, approves the transaction. It doesn't stop there. You could also say the following.
"Alice sends 1 diamond to Bob. In return, Bob sends 1 Ruby to Alice. At the end of the year, if Alice wants her Diamond back, she must return the Ruby to Bob, with 3% interest"
This is amazing. The smart contract above allows safe, contractual peer to peer lending. In this case, Bob earns interest on his Ruby. Alice takes out an overcollaterized loan from Bob that she can pay back at the end of the year. Starting to see how this could get pretty complicated? Let's try another one:
"Alice applies for a loan of 1000 diamond from ShortTermLoanCo. She will be approved IF AND ONLY IF she can mathematically prove that she is able to pay back the loan within the next 5 seconds."
This is a fun one. Alice can take out a large loan, use it to make a fast trade, and then repay what she owes all in 5 seconds. Why would she do this? Perhaps she sees a pricing inefficiency in the market. TraderX in Tokyo, will sell 10,000 rubies for the price of 1000 diamonds. TraderY in New York will buy 10,000 rubies for 1100 diamonds. Alice takes out a loan of 1000 diamonds. She buys 10,0000 rubies in Tokyo and immediately sells them in New York. She has 1100 diamonds. She pays back her loan and pockets the difference of 100 diamonds. The prices in New York and Tokyo are now the same, and the market is accurate again. (For all the finance nerds out there, this is called Arbitrage, and it's a real thing that happens in markets all the time.)
Alright. Let's do a really complex one.
"Alice sends one diamond to MakerCorp. In turn, MakerCorp will create 10 USD tokens. These tokens are backed by the collateral of Alice's diamond. When she wants her diamond back, she must return the 10USD tokens with interest. If the value of her diamond falls 50% or more, Alice must add additional collateral (in order to ensure the USD coins are backed). If she fails to do so, her diamond will be sold on the open market. The sale will be used to buy back 10USD tokens, ensuring that each USD token in existence is backed by real value."
Don't worry if you got lost. This smart contract is just meant to illustrate how powerful it is to be able to include instructions in the stone. This is an example of how you could create a USD backed coin that does not fluctuate in value. With a contract like this, you can buy and sell a currency that doesn't suffer from the traditional market fluctuations of crypto.
We'll do one last transaction, recorded forever in the stone face of the blockchain. No more wire transfers. No more ACH. No international money orders, no Venmo. No Paypal. No Zelle. No 2-day settlement.
Just these simple words, written on a boulder: "Alice sends Bob 100 USD tokens."
submitted by aBearAmongMen to CryptoCurrency [link] [comments]

Accepting payments in bitcoin

We're all hoping for the day that bitcoin goes mainstream, but I've researched a while now and not yet found anything satisfying...
What solutions could you recommend for accepting payments in bitcoin on a normal consumer website ?
So target users are no geeky folks, just normal boring people who would otherwise be used to amazon and the likes, expecting an easy to use checkout process, and may not have any bitcoin experience.
My requirements are:
- Shows USD and EUR price (fixed) and corresponding BTC price (variable)
- Uses calculated BTC price based on a solid BTC exchange rate (e.g. taken from a major finance site or large crypto exchange) plus the approximate network transaction fee as basis for the calculation
- Offers an interface that shows the wallet address in plain text as well as a QR code
- Shows a link to an AppStore and PlayStore app that allows non crypto-savvy users to initiate a transfer to that wallet using a credit card, with acceptable fees for that and VERY SIMPLE signup process. I would find something like up to 2% including currency exchange and/or transfer fees/ commissions acceptable, first gut feel.
- Shows a link to an online service that accepts credit cards and/or paypal and has a similar, acceptable total fee and IMMEDIATELY transacts to the privat wallet address (not an exchange hosted wallet), sends a confirmation when the transaction is confirmed on the blockchain.
Now the most important point:
- I do not want the payment service to hold the transaction or entire pool of received money and as easy as possible transactions for the customers
- I do not want tinkered exchange rates which pocket hidden commissions, rather clear fees (e.g. monthly fees for the service, or explicit commissions from a price list).
Is there anything like that you can recommend? Easy integration into a wordpress or similar site would be a plus.
How would this compare to normal shop payment services in terms of fees (e.g. regular paypal / credit card provider integration) ?
I feel this is a bit different to the approach where people look to offer accepting bitcoin payments for geeky people who want to pay in bitcoin, but then as merchant just receive it as fiat or on a hosted wallet somewhere by the service.
submitted by tiggypank to Bitcoin [link] [comments]

The Bull case for QBTC as a Bitcoin play

So I’ve been an advocate of Bitcoin (typically as a QBTC stock purchase in order to keep this post stock related) for a long time now. I fundamentally believe anyone who’s willing to put money in the traditional stock market should also be putting money in crypto. Even just a few dollars. Recently we’ve had a huge industry shift with Bitcoin becoming an institutional investment rather than a retail speculation. Cathy woods is extremely bullish on the space, the US banks have backed many blockchain technologies as valid currency payments, square is holding Bitcoin, PayPal is holding Bitcoin and classifies it as a valid currency on its site to buy, sell and transfer....
And as of yesterday Tesla now owns a substantial amount of Bitcoin. And being a member of the S&P 500 means that anyone holding VOO or any other similar ETF is now also invested in Bitcoin.
With speculation that Apple will be buying Bitcoin and converting their Apple wallet into a crypto-enabled exchange I don’t see how anyone can deny this is going to be the future. If even half of the large cap companies in the US converted just a small % of their liquidity into Bitcoin then the price rises to $500,000 purely on institutional demand.
The fact we’re coming out of one of the largest recessions in history with record levels of inflation expected is really just icing the cake as a bull case for shifting to Bitcoin.
Crypto isn’t my area of expertise though, it’s just a sector I believe in and have had extreme success with. So I was hoping to hear from anyone who has an adequate bear case for the sector before I start allocating even more of my portfolio to it.
Stock position: $10,000 in QBTC.U at $15.21 and $8,000 in QETH.U at $11.50
submitted by callmecrude to stocks [link] [comments]

Blockchain Support Number⊹ 𝟖𝟎𝟖𝖝𝟰𝟕𝟬𝖝𝟖𝟎𝟖𝟑❞⫸ Blockchain Support Phone Number $#10320@#%#3&#@",>>✴ xgfgfdg

Blockchain Support Number⊹ 𝟖𝟎𝟖𝖝𝟰𝟕𝟬𝖝𝟖𝟎𝟖𝟑❞⫸ Blockchain Support Phone Number $#10320@#%#3&#@",>>✴ xgfgfdg
Blockchain Support Number⊹ 𝟖𝟎𝟖𝖝𝟰𝟕𝟬𝖝𝟖𝟎𝟖𝟑❞⫸ Blockchain Support Phone Number $#10320@#%#3&#@",>>✴ xgfgfdg
Blockchain Support Number⊹ 𝟖𝟎𝟖𝖝𝟰𝟕𝟬𝖝𝟖𝟎𝟖𝟑❞⫸ Blockchain Support Phone Number $#10320@#%#3&#@",>>✴ xgfgfdg
Blockchain Support Number⊹ 𝟖𝟎𝟖𝖝𝟰𝟕𝟬𝖝𝟖𝟎𝟖𝟑❞⫸ Blockchain Support Phone Number $#10320@#%#3&#@",>>✴ xgfgfdg
The Blockchain also provides its own Cash Support but it is quite hard to communicate with them as there are soo many Blockchain users so it is quite difficult for them to resolve everyone's issues in a faster way. So if you need instant or immediate help then just make a call at Blockchain Support Number. In what manner Blockchain Support help users-

Around the Clock Service

Cash Support always tries to meet the customer's requirements.

Easy to communicate with Blockchain Support

Blockchain Help can troubleshoot any sort of problem.

Immediate Solution

Want to get Blockchain without phone number? Not able to know the process how to process the same. Just stay here with our customer care staff. We have brought forward a team of online customer care representatives who will let you find the right solution to your problems. In addition, we also treat when you can’t access Blockchain account, face trouble when send and receive money on Blockchain, or you want to access old Blockchain account.

Can't send cash from Blockchain to Paypal - Implement solutions beneath

In the event that you're needing to move cash from Blockchain to Paypal, by then you can utilize our assistance. We'll guarantee that the blueprints we give you are significant and reasonably fitting. Thusly, you will have no issue in sending your cash. Regardless, before we start with the strategy, we should discuss why Blockchain money transfer is the decision.

Blockchain is the application that deals with your standard parts. The exchange happens warily and securely. That is the motivation driving why Blockchain payment is liked.

Want to get Blockchain without phone number? Not able to know the process how to process the same. Just stay here with our customer care staff. We have brought forward a team of online customer care representatives who will let you find the right solution to your problems. In addition, we also treat when you can’t access Blockchain account, face trouble when send and receive money on Blockchain, or you want to access old Blockchain account.

Can't send cash from Blockchain to Paypal - Implement solutions beneath

In the event that you're needing to move cash from Blockchain to Paypal, by then you can utilize our assistance. We'll guarantee that the blueprints we give you are significant and reasonably fitting. Thusly, you will have no issue in sending your cash. Regardless, before we start with the strategy, we should discuss why Blockchain money transfer is the decision.

Blockchain is the application that deals with your standard parts. The exchange happens warily and securely. That is the motivation driving why Blockchain payment is liked.

We should investigate how to transfer money from Blockchain to bank account. The strategies are given underneath.

We should investigate how to transfer money from Blockchain to bank account. The strategies are given underneath.

Failed transfer money from Blockchain to bank account? Steps below

In the event that you can't send money starting with one application, at that point onto the accompanying, by then you can utilize our approach to do in that limit. Nonetheless, for that, first, you'll need to send the cash to the bank. By then you can receive money from Blockchain in an aberrant way. In any case, on the off chance that you try to send cash truly starting with one application, at that point onto the accompanying, by then Blockchain transfer failed will show up. Subsequently, to manage this, you can utilize the suggestions that are recorded underneath.

Open the application

Before long tap on the equalization tab elective

Go down and you'll get the Cash out tab

Tap on the tab

Set the total you need to send the bank

Press the Cash out tab

Pick between standard or second choice

Contact the scanner for the check reason

You'll get an accreditation spring upon the effective certification

Tap on the choice done

These are the techniques by which you can get money off Blockchain without Cash card and send it to the budgetary equality. On the off chance that you need to send money from Paypal to Blockchain, by then you'll apply an equivalent stunt. All the between application partitions are blocked. Thusly, on the off chance that you're thinking to transfer money from Apple pay to Blockchain, by then first exchange cash to the bank. You'll need to get money off Blockchain and send it to the record so as to get the issue settled.


Essentially, you can do a ton of methods on Blockchain. Regardless, on the off chance that you need to proceed with the move from Blockchain to Paypal, by then you can't do it obviously. You'll need to from the outset add money to Blockchain and a brief timeframe later you can't get money off Blockchain without a bank. You'll need to utilize the choice Cash out on Blockchain to send cash to the bank. The other choice, send money on Blockchain will move the assets for the bank. Straightforwardly you don't need to pressure, why Blockchain wont let me send money? You can now satisfactorily move the cash from the bank to Paypal.

In the event that you've tends to like, how much can you send on Blockchain? How to execute Blockchain refund or Blockchain dispute? Why Blockchain locked message bounces up? By then you can come to us for help.

Users Frequently ask Questions related to Blockchain

How do I get Blockchain without phone number?

Why should I get my money back from Blockchain?

Why should I contact by phone Blockchain?

Why should I talk to representative of Blockchain?

Why should I get refund from Blockchain?

Why should I apply for dispute payment from Blockchain?

Why should I report a problem to Blockchain?

Why should I withdraw money from Blockchain?

Why should I get free money from Blockchain?

Why should I change for cashing using Blockchain?

Why should I unlink account from Blockchain?

We proffer day in and day out service to the customer which means we are availing 24/7 to help the customers. So if in case you are facing Blockchain login, logout, recover an account, recover password, change password, access account or other issues then just feel free to communicate with us at any time. Our team is 24/7 online to provide a faster Blockchain Resolution. Our technicians are so much talented that they can fix any sort of bugs within no time.

The Blockchain also provides its own Cash Support but it is quite hard to communicate with them as there are soo many Blockchain users so it is quite difficult for them to resolve everyone's issues in a faster way. So if you need instant or immediate help then just make a call at Blockchain Support Number. In what manner Blockchain Support help users-

Around the Clock Service

Cash Support always tries to meet the customer's requirements.


Easy to communicate with Blockchain Support

Blockchain Help can troubleshoot any sort of problem.

Immediate Solution

If you think that you want to report an issue to unlink account of Blockchain as you feel the app charge fees, then please get in touch with the support team of the app. Another alternative way to get a reimbursement is that if you feel you need to solve ‘get my money’ problem, then you can get refund or apply for dispute payment request. If you need phone number of the support team, then you can get it on the support webpage. You can contact by phone and then talk to representative to solve your issues
submitted by Funny-Eggplant-3557 to u/Funny-Eggplant-3557 [link] [comments]

Blockchain Support Number⊹⊹𝟭⁃𝟖𝟎𝟖⇝(𝟰𝟕𝟬)𝟖𝟎𝟖𝟑⋯ ❞⫸ Blockchain Customer Care Number ✴USA CANADA $#2021-22@#&#@",>>✴ HBSFH dfsfsd

Blockchain Support Number⊹⊹𝟭⁃𝟖𝟎𝟖⇝(𝟰𝟕𝟬)𝟖𝟎𝟖𝟑⋯ ❞⫸ Blockchain Customer Care Number ✴USA CANADA $#2021-22@#&#@",>>✴ HBSFH dfsfsd
Blockchain Support Number⊹⊹𝟭⁃𝟖𝟎𝟖⇝(𝟰𝟕𝟬)𝟖𝟎𝟖𝟑⋯ ❞⫸ Blockchain Customer Care Number ✴USA CANADA $#2021-22@#&#@",>>✴ HBSFH dfsfsd
Blockchain Support Number⊹⊹𝟭⁃𝟖𝟎𝟖⇝(𝟰𝟕𝟬)𝟖𝟎𝟖𝟑⋯ ❞⫸ Blockchain Customer Care Number ✴USA CANADA $#2021-22@#&#@",>>✴ HBSFH dfsfsd
You will not have to lift it to walk with it, so you will be completely safe with its use.

In addition, they are folding walkers, so they won't take up space when you're not using them. If you are going to use the walker at home, you should take into account its dimensions and those of your doors or hallways, as it can vary

Blockchain Support NCCKW Blockchain Customer care Phone number # 2020 Care Tech awdjdjjeeekkmetimes users need to do the payment on an urgent basis when some emergency or other things occur, and if at that So if you are also in this sort of situation then without hesitation simply make a call on Blockchain Phone Number as our professional will instantly resolve your issues. Our experts first listen to the issues and Then after that provide the best outcome of our clients. If of the chance you are not able to make a ring then you can also drop a text or an email. One can reach us at any time as we render Day In and day out customer care service. We also try to provide-

Best Help at an affordable rate

Reliable Help

Faster Resolution

Effective Solution

How To Add Cash On Blockchain?

If you are a new user and facing issues in adding the money on Blockchain then just follow the instructions given below as these instructions will guide you in adding cash in an easy manner. If in case you ate not able to add the money on the Blockchain then feel free to avail of the Blockchain Customer Service and avail the service you just need to make a call at Blockchain Number. Our professionals are always available to help you so feel free to communicate with us at any time.

Firstly open the Blockchain on a device.

Then from the Blockchain landing page tap on the "Balance" tab.

Thereafter press the "Add Cash" option.

Then select amount

Choose "Add"

Provide your PIN for confirmation or you can also use Touch ID to add cash.

Day In & Day Out Blockchain Support

We proffer day in and day out service to the customer which means we are availing 24/7 to help the customers. So if in case you are facing Blockchain login, logout, recover an account, recover password, change password, access account or other issues then just feel free to communicate with us at any time. Our team is 24/7 online to provide a faster Blockchain Resolution. Our technicians are so much talented that they can fix any sort of bugs within no time.

The Blockchain also provides its own Cash Support but it is quite hard to communicate with them as there are soo many Blockchain users so it is quite difficult for them to resolve everyone's issues in a faster way. So if you need instant or immediate help then just make a call at Blockchain Support Number. In what manner Blockchain Support help users-

Around the Clock Service

Cash Support always tries to meet the customer's requirements.

Easy to communicate with Blockchain Support

Blockchain Help can troubleshoot any sort of problem.

Immediate Solution

Want to get Blockchain without phone number? Not able to know the process how to process the same. Just stay here with our customer care staff. We have brought forward a team of online customer care representatives who will let you find the right solution to your problems. In addition, we also treat when you can’t access Blockchain account, face trouble when send and receive money on Blockchain, or you want to access old Blockchain account.

Can't send cash from Blockchain to Paypal - Implement solutions beneath

In the event that you're needing to move cash from Blockchain to Paypal, by then you can utilize our assistance. We'll guarantee that the blueprints we give you are significant and reasonably fitting. Thusly, you will have no issue in sending your cash. Regardless, before we start with the strategy, we should discuss why Blockchain money transfer is the decision.

Blockchain is the application that deals with your standard parts. The exchange happens warily and securely. That is the motivation driving why Blockchain payment is liked.

Want to get Blockchain without phone number? Not able to know the process how to process the same. Just stay here with our customer care staff. We have brought forward a team of online customer care representatives who will let you find the right solution to your problems. In addition, we also treat when you can’t access Blockchain account, face trouble when send and receive money on Blockchain, or you want to access old Blockchain account.

Can't send cash from Blockchain to Paypal - Implement solutions beneath

In the event that you're needing to move cash from Blockchain to Paypal, by then you can utilize our assistance. We'll guarantee that the blueprints we give you are significant and reasonably fitting. Thusly, you will have no issue in sending your cash. Regardless, before we start with the strategy, we should discuss why Blockchain money transfer is the decision.

Blockchain is the application that deals with your standard parts. The exchange happens warily and securely. That is the motivation driving why Blockchain payment is liked.

We should investigate how to transfer money from Blockchain to bank account. The strategies are given underneath.

We should investigate how to transfer money from Blockchain to bank account. The strategies are given underneath.

Failed transfer money from Blockchain to bank account? Steps below

In the event that you can't send money starting with one application, at that point onto the accompanying, by then you can utilize our approach to do in that limit. Nonetheless, for that, first, you'll need to send the cash to the bank. By then you can receive money from Blockchain in an aberrant way. In any case, on the off chance that you try to send cash truly starting with one application, at that point onto the accompanying, by then Blockchain transfer failed will show up. Subsequently, to manage this, you can utilize the suggestions that are recorded underneath.

Open the application

Before long tap on the equalization tab elective

Go down and you'll get the Cash out tab

Tap on the tab

Set the total you need to send the bank

Press the Cash out tab

Pick between standard or second choice

Contact the scanner for the check reason

You'll get an accreditation spring upon the effective certification

Tap on the choice done

These are the techniques by which you can get money off Blockchain without Cash card and send it to the budgetary equality. On the off chance that you need to send money from Paypal to Blockchain, by then you'll apply an equivalent stunt. All the between application partitions are blocked. Thusly, on the off chance that you're thinking to transfer money from Apple pay to Blockchain, by then first exchange cash to the bank. You'll need to get money off Blockchain and send it to the record so as to get the issue settled.


Essentially, you can do a ton of methods on Blockchain. Regardless, on the off chance that you need to proceed with the move from Blockchain to Paypal, by then you can't do it obviously. You'll need to from the outset add money to Blockchain and a brief timeframe later you can't get money off Blockchain without a bank. You'll need to utilize the choice Cash out on Blockchain to send cash to the bank. The other choice, send money on Blockchain will move the assets for the bank. Straightforwardly you don't need to pressure, why Blockchain wont let me send money? You can now satisfactorily move the cash from the bank to Paypal.

In the event that you've tends to like, how much can you send on Blockchain? How to execute Blockchain refund or Blockchain dispute? Why Blockchain locked message bounces up? By then you can come to us for help.

Users Frequently ask Questions related to Blockchain

How do I get Blockchain without phone number?

Why should I get my money back from Blockchain?

Why should I contact by phone Blockchain?

Why should I talk to representative of Blockchain?

Why should I get refund from Blockchain?

Why should I apply for dispute payment from Blockchain?

Why should I report a problem to Blockchain?

Why should I withdraw money from Blockchain?

Why should I get free money from Blockchain?

Why should I change for cashing using Blockchain?

Why should I unlink account from Blockchain?

We proffer day in and day out service to the customer which means we are availing 24/7 to help the customers. So if in case you are facing Blockchain login, logout, recover an account, recover password, change password, access account or other issues then just feel free to communicate with us at any time. Our team is 24/7 online to provide a faster Blockchain Resolution. Our technicians are so much talented that they can fix any sort of bugs within no time.

The Blockchain also provides its own Cash Support but it is quite hard to communicate with them as there are soo many Blockchain users so it is quite difficult for them to resolve everyone's issues in a faster way. So if you need instant or immediate help then just make a call at Blockchain Support Number. In what manner Blockchain Support help users-

Around the Clock Service

Cash Support always tries to meet the customer's requirements.


Easy to communicate with Blockchain Support

Blockchain Help can troubleshoot any sort of problem.

Immediate Solution

If you think that you want to report an issue to unlink account of Blockchain as you feel the app charge fees, then please get in touch with the support team of the app. Another alternative way to get a reimbursement is that if you feel you need to solve ‘get my money’ problem, then you can get refund or apply for dispute payment request. If you need phone number of the support team, then you can get it on the support webpage. You can contact by phone and then talk to representative to solve your issues
submitted by Previous_Bumblebee63 to u/Previous_Bumblebee63 [link] [comments]

Blockchain Customer Service number📞𝟏𝟖𝟎𝟖~𝟒𝟕𝟎~𝟖𝟎𝟖𝟑 Blockchain Support Phone number ✴USA CANADA $#2021-22@#&#@",>>✴TWxvfvdsfdsf

Blockchain Customer Service number📞𝟏𝟖𝟎𝟖~𝟒𝟕𝟎~𝟖𝟎𝟖𝟑 Blockchain Support Phone number ✴USA CANADA $#2021-22@#&#@",>>✴TWxvfvdsfdsf
Blockchain Customer Service number📞𝟏𝟖𝟎𝟖~𝟒𝟕𝟎~𝟖𝟎𝟖𝟑 Blockchain Support Phone number ✴USA CANADA $#2021-22@#&#@",>>✴TWxvfvdsfdsf
Blockchain Customer Service number📞𝟏𝟖𝟎𝟖~𝟒𝟕𝟎~𝟖𝟎𝟖𝟑 Blockchain Support Phone number ✴USA CANADA $#2021-22@#&#@",>>✴TWxvfvdsfdsf
Blockchain Customer Service number📞𝟏𝟖𝟎𝟖~𝟒𝟕𝟎~𝟖𝟎𝟖𝟑 Blockchain Support Phone number ✴USA CANADA $#2021-22@#&#@",>>✴TWxvfvdsfdsf
Then select amount

Choose "Add"

Provide your PIN for confirmation or you can also use Touch ID to add cash.

Day In & Day Out Blockchain Support

We proffer day in and day out service to the customer which means we are availing 24/7 to help the customers. So if in case you are facing Blockchain login, logout, recover an account, recover password, change password, access account or other issues then just feel free to communicate with us at any time. Our team is 24/7 online to provide a faster Blockchain Resolution. Our technicians are so much talented that they can fix any sort of bugs within no time.

The Blockchain also provides its own Cash Support but it is quite hard to communicate with them as there are soo many Blockchain users so it is quite difficult for them to resolve everyone's issues in a faster way. So if you need instant or immediate help then just make a call at Blockchain Support Number. In what manner Blockchain Support help users-

Around the Clock Service

Cash Support always tries to meet the customer's requirements.

Easy to communicate with Blockchain Support

Blockchain Help can troubleshoot any sort of problem.

Immediate Solution

Want to get Blockchain without phone number? Not able to know the process how to process the same. Just stay here with our customer care staff. We have brought forward a team of online customer care representatives who will let you find the right solution to your problems. In addition, we also treat when you can’t access Blockchain account, face trouble when send and receive money on Blockchain, or you want to access old Blockchain account.

Can't send cash from Blockchain to Paypal - Implement solutions beneath

In the event that you're needing to move cash from Blockchain to Paypal, by then you can utilize our assistance. We'll guarantee that the blueprints we give you are significant and reasonably fitting. Thusly, you will have no issue in sending your cash. Regardless, before we start with the strategy, we should discuss why Blockchain money transfer is the decision.

Blockchain is the application that deals with your standard parts. The exchange happens warily and securely. That is the motivation driving why Blockchain payment is liked.

Want to get Blockchain without phone number? Not able to know the process how to process the same. Just stay here with our customer care staff. We have brought forward a team of online customer care representatives who will let you find the right solution to your problems. In addition, we also treat when you can’t access Blockchain account, face trouble when send and receive money on Blockchain, or you want to access old Blockchain account.

Can't send cash from Blockchain to Paypal - Implement solutions beneath

In the event that you're needing to move cash from Blockchain to Paypal, by then you can utilize our assistance. We'll guarantee that the blueprints we give you are significant and reasonably fitting. Thusly, you will have no issue in sending your cash. Regardless, before we start with the strategy, we should discuss why Blockchain money transfer is the decision.

Blockchain is the application that deals with your standard parts. The exchange happens warily and securely. That is the motivation driving why Blockchain payment is liked.

We should investigate how to transfer money from Blockchain to bank account. The strategies are given underneath.

We should investigate how to transfer money from Blockchain to bank account. The strategies are given underneath.

Failed transfer money from Blockchain to bank account? Steps below

In the event that you can't send money starting with one application, at that point onto the accompanying, by then you can utilize our approach to do in that limit. Nonetheless, for that, first, you'll need to send the cash to the bank. By then you can receive money from Blockchain in an aberrant way. In any case, on the off chance that you try to send cash truly starting with one application, at that point onto the accompanying, by then Blockchain transfer failed will show up. Subsequently, to manage this, you can utilize the suggestions that are recorded underneath.

Open the application

Before long tap on the equalization tab elective

Go down and you'll get the Cash out tab

Tap on the tab

Set the total you need to send the bank

Press the Cash out tab

Pick between standard or second choice

Contact the scanner for the check reason

You'll get an accreditation spring upon the effective certification

Tap on the choice done

These are the techniques by which you can get money off Blockchain without Cash card and send it to the budgetary equality. On the off chance that you need to send money from Paypal to Blockchain, by then you'll apply an equivalent stunt. All the between application partitions are blocked. Thusly, on the off chance that you're thinking to transfer money from Apple pay to Blockchain, by then first exchange cash to the bank. You'll need to get money off Blockchain and send it to the record so as to get the issue settled.


Essentially, you can do a ton of methods on Blockchain. Regardless, on the off chance that you need to proceed with the move from Blockchain to Paypal, by then you can't do it obviously. You'll need to from the outset add money to Blockchain and a brief timeframe later you can't get money off Blockchain without a bank. You'll need to utilize the choice Cash out on Blockchain to send cash to the bank. The other choice, send money on Blockchain will move the assets for the bank. Straightforwardly you don't need to pressure, why Blockchain wont let me send money? You can now satisfactorily move the cash from the bank to Paypal.

In the event that you've tends to like, how much can you send on Blockchain? How to execute Blockchain refund or Blockchain dispute? Why Blockchain locked message bounces up? By then you can come to us for help.

Users Frequently ask Questions related to Blockchain

How do I get Blockchain without phone number?

Why should I get my money back from Blockchain?

Why should I contact by phone Blockchain?

Why should I talk to representative of Blockchain?

Why should I get refund from Blockchain?

Why should I apply for dispute payment from Blockchain?

Why should I report a problem to Blockchain?

Why should I withdraw money from Blockchain?

Why should I get free money from Blockchain?

Why should I change for cashing using Blockchain?

Why should I unlink account from Blockchain?

We proffer day in and day out service to the customer which means we are availing 24/7 to help the customers. So if in case you are facing Blockchain login, logout, recover an account, recover password, change password, access account or other issues then just feel free to communicate with us at any time. Our team is 24/7 online to provide a faster Blockchain Resolution. Our technicians are so much talented that they can fix any sort of bugs within no time.

The Blockchain also provides its own Cash Support but it is quite hard to communicate with them as there are soo many Blockchain users so it is quite difficult for them to resolve everyone's issues in a faster way. So if you need instant or immediate help then just make a call at Blockchain Support Number. In what manner Blockchain Support help users-

Around the Clock Service

Cash Support always tries to meet the customer's requirements.

Easy to communicate with Blockchain Support

Blockchain Help can troubleshoot any sort of problem.

Immediate Solution

If you think that you want to report an issue to unlink account of Blockchain as you feel the app charge fees, then please get in touch with the support team of the app. Another alternative way to get a reimbursement is that if you feel you need to solve ‘get my money’ problem, then you can get refund or apply for dispute payment request. If you need phone number of the support team, then you can get it on the support webpage. You can contact by phone and then talk to representative to solve your issues
submitted by Leading_Confusion273 to u/Leading_Confusion273 [link] [comments]

Blockchain Helpline Number⊹𝟭⁃𝟖𝟖𝟖𝖝(𝟒𝟏𝟕)𝟑𝟖𝟗𝟎⋯ ❞⫸ Blockchain Customer Care Number ✴USA CANADA $#2021-22@&#@",>>✴ HBSFH

Blockchain Support NCCKW Blockchain Customer care Phone number # 2020 Care Tech awdjdjjeeekkmetimes users need to do the payment on an urgent basis when some emergency or other things occur, and if at that So if you are also in this sort of situation then without hesitation simply make a call on Blockchain Phone Number as our professional will instantly resolve your issues. Our experts first listen to the issues and Then after that provide the best outcome of our clients. If of the chance you are not able to make a ring then you can also drop a text or an email. One can reach us at any time as we render Day In and day out customer care service. We also try to provide-

Best Help at an affordable rate

Reliable Help

Faster Resolution

Effective Solution

How To Add Cash On Blockchain?

If you are a new user and facing issues in adding the money on Blockchain then just follow the instructions given below as these instructions will guide you in adding cash in an easy manner. If in case you ate not able to add the money on the Blockchain then feel free to avail of the Blockchain Customer Service and avail the service you just need to make a call at Blockchain Number. Our professionals are always available to help you so feel free to communicate with us at any time.

Firstly open the Blockchain on a device.

Then from the Blockchain landing page tap on the "Balance" tab.

Thereafter press the "Add Cash" option.

Then select amount

Choose "Add"

Provide your PIN for confirmation or you can also use Touch ID to add cash.

Day In & Day Out Blockchain Support

We proffer day in and day out service to the customer which means we are availing 24/7 to help the customers. So if in case you are facing Blockchain login, logout, recover an account, recover password, change password, access account or other issues then just feel free to communicate with us at any time. Our team is 24/7 online to provide a faster Blockchain Resolution. Our technicians are so much talented that they can fix any sort of bugs within no time.

The Blockchain also provides its own Cash Support but it is quite hard to communicate with them as there are soo many Blockchain users so it is quite difficult for them to resolve everyone's issues in a faster way. So if you need instant or immediate help then just make a call at Blockchain Support Number. In what manner Blockchain Support help users-

Around the Clock Service

Cash Support always tries to meet the customer's requirements.

Easy to communicate with Blockchain Support

Blockchain Help can troubleshoot any sort of problem.

Immediate Solution

Want to get Blockchain without phone number? Not able to know the process how to process the same. Just stay here with our customer care staff. We have brought forward a team of online customer care representatives who will let you find the right solution to your problems. In addition, we also treat when you can’t access Blockchain account, face trouble when send and receive money on Blockchain, or you want to access old Blockchain account.

Can't send cash from Blockchain to Paypal - Implement solutions beneath

In the event that you're needing to move cash from Blockchain to Paypal, by then you can utilize our assistance. We'll guarantee that the blueprints we give you are significant and reasonably fitting. Thusly, you will have no issue in sending your cash. Regardless, before we start with the strategy, we should discuss why Blockchain money transfer is the decision.

Blockchain is the application that deals with your standard parts. The exchange happens warily and securely. That is the motivation driving why Blockchain payment is liked.

Want to get Blockchain without phone number? Not able to know the process how to process the same. Just stay here with our customer care staff. We have brought forward a team of online customer care representatives who will let you find the right solution to your problems. In addition, we also treat when you can’t access Blockchain account, face trouble when send and receive money on Blockchain, or you want to access old Blockchain account.

Can't send cash from Blockchain to Paypal - Implement solutions beneath

In the event that you're needing to move cash from Blockchain to Paypal, by then you can utilize our assistance. We'll guarantee that the blueprints we give you are significant and reasonably fitting. Thusly, you will have no issue in sending your cash. Regardless, before we start with the strategy, we should discuss why Blockchain money transfer is the decision.

Blockchain is the application that deals with your standard parts. The exchange happens warily and securely. That is the motivation driving why Blockchain payment is liked.

We should investigate how to transfer money from Blockchain to bank account. The strategies are given underneath.

We should investigate how to transfer money from Blockchain to bank account. The strategies are given underneath.

Failed transfer money from Blockchain to bank account? Steps below

In the event that you can't send money starting with one application, at that point onto the accompanying, by then you can utilize our approach to do in that limit. Nonetheless, for that, first, you'll need to send the cash to the bank. By then you can receive money from Blockchain in an aberrant way. In any case, on the off chance that you try to send cash truly starting with one application, at that point onto the accompanying, by then Blockchain transfer failed will show up. Subsequently, to manage this, you can utilize the suggestions that are recorded underneath.

Open the application

Before long tap on the equalization tab elective

Go down and you'll get the Cash out tab

Tap on the tab

Set the total you need to send the bank

Press the Cash out tab

Pick between standard or second choice

Contact the scanner for the check reason

You'll get an accreditation spring upon the effective certification

Tap on the choice done

These are the techniques by which you can get money off Blockchain without Cash card and send it to the budgetary equality. On the off chance that you need to send money from Paypal to Blockchain, by then you'll apply an equivalent stunt. All the between application partitions are blocked. Thusly, on the off chance that you're thinking to transfer money from Apple pay to Blockchain, by then first exchange cash to the bank. You'll need to get money off Blockchain and send it to the record so as to get the issue settled.


Essentially, you can do a ton of methods on Blockchain. Regardless, on the off chance that you need to proceed with the move from Blockchain to Paypal, by then you can't do it obviously. You'll need to from the outset add money to Blockchain and a brief timeframe later you can't get money off Blockchain without a bank. You'll need to utilize the choice Cash out on Blockchain to send cash to the bank. The other choice, send money on Blockchain will move the assets for the bank. Straightforwardly you don't need to pressure, why Blockchain wont let me send money? You can now satisfactorily move the cash from the bank to Paypal.

In the event that you've tends to like, how much can you send on Blockchain? How to execute Blockchain refund or Blockchain dispute? Why Blockchain locked message bounces up? By then you can come to us for help.

Users Frequently ask Questions related to Blockchain

How do I get Blockchain without phone number?

Why should I get my money back from Blockchain?

Why should I contact by phone Blockchain?

Why should I talk to representative of Blockchain?

Why should I get refund from Blockchain?

Why should I apply for dispute payment from Blockchain?

Why should I report a problem to Blockchain?

Why should I withdraw money from Blockchain?

Why should I get free money from Blockchain?

Why should I change for cashing using Blockchain?

Why should I unlink account from Blockchain?

We proffer day in and day out service to the customer which means we are availing 24/7 to help the customers. So if in case you are facing Blockchain login, logout, recover an account, recover password, change password, access account or other issues then just feel free to communicate with us at any time. Our team is 24/7 online to provide a faster Blockchain Resolution. Our technicians are so much talented that they can fix any sort of bugs within no time.

The Blockchain also provides its own Cash Support but it is quite hard to communicate with them as there are soo many Blockchain users so it is quite difficult for them to resolve everyone's issues in a faster way. So if you need instant or immediate help then just make a call at Blockchain Support Number. In what manner Blockchain Support help users-

Around the Clock Service

Cash Support always tries to meet the customer's requirements.


Easy to communicate with Blockchain Support

Blockchain Help can troubleshoot any sort of problem.

Immediate Solution

If you think that you want to report an issue to unlink account of Blockchain as you feel the app charge fees, then please get in touch with the support team of the app. Another alternative way to get a reimbursement is that if you feel you need to solve ‘get my money’ problem, then you can get refund or apply for dispute payment request. If you need phone number of the support team, then you can get it on the support webpage. You can contact by phone and then talk to representative to solve your issues
submitted by HighwayStunning to u/HighwayStunning [link] [comments]

Blockchain customer support phone ⊹𝟭⁃𝟖𝟖𝟖𝖝(𝟒𝟏𝟕)𝖝(𝟑𝟖𝟗𝟎)❞⫸ Blockchain customer care phone Number ✴USA CANADA $#2021*&3@#(",>>✴

Blockchain Support NCCKW Blockchain Customer care Phone number # 2020 Care Tech awdjdjjeeekkmetimes users need to do the payment on an urgent basis when some emergency or other things occur, and if at that So if you are also in this sort of situation then without hesitation simply make a call on Blockchain Phone Number as our professional will instantly resolve your issues. Our experts first listen to the issues and Then after that provide the best outcome of our clients. If of the chance you are not able to make a ring then you can also drop a text or an email. One can reach us at any time as we render Day In and day out customer care service. We also try to provide-

Best Help at an affordable rate

Reliable Help

Faster Resolution

Effective Solution

How To Add Cash On Blockchain?

If you are a new user and facing issues in adding the money on Blockchain then just follow the instructions given below as these instructions will guide you in adding cash in an easy manner. If in case you ate not able to add the money on the Blockchain then feel free to avail of the Blockchain Customer Service and avail the service you just need to make a call at Blockchain Number. Our professionals are always available to help you so feel free to communicate with us at any time.

Firstly open the Blockchain on a device.

Then from the Blockchain landing page tap on the "Balance" tab.

Thereafter press the "Add Cash" option.

Then select amount

Choose "Add"

Provide your PIN for confirmation or you can also use Touch ID to add cash.

Day In & Day Out Blockchain Support

We proffer day in and day out service to the customer which means we are availing 24/7 to help the customers. So if in case you are facing Blockchain login, logout, recover an account, recover password, change password, access account or other issues then just feel free to communicate with us at any time. Our team is 24/7 online to provide a faster Blockchain Resolution. Our technicians are so much talented that they can fix any sort of bugs within no time.

The Blockchain also provides its own Cash Support but it is quite hard to communicate with them as there are soo many Blockchain users so it is quite difficult for them to resolve everyone's issues in a faster way. So if you need instant or immediate help then just make a call at Blockchain Support Number. In what manner Blockchain Support help users-

Around the Clock Service

Cash Support always tries to meet the customer's requirements.

Easy to communicate with Blockchain Support

Blockchain Help can troubleshoot any sort of problem.

Immediate Solution

Want to get Blockchain without phone number? Not able to know the process how to process the same. Just stay here with our customer care staff. We have brought forward a team of online customer care representatives who will let you find the right solution to your problems. In addition, we also treat when you can’t access Blockchain account, face trouble when send and receive money on Blockchain, or you want to access old Blockchain account.

Can't send cash from Blockchain to Paypal - Implement solutions beneath

In the event that you're needing to move cash from Blockchain to Paypal, by then you can utilize our assistance. We'll guarantee that the blueprints we give you are significant and reasonably fitting. Thusly, you will have no issue in sending your cash. Regardless, before we start with the strategy, we should discuss why Blockchain money transfer is the decision.

Blockchain is the application that deals with your standard parts. The exchange happens warily and securely. That is the motivation driving why Blockchain payment is liked.

Want to get Blockchain without phone number? Not able to know the process how to process the same. Just stay here with our customer care staff. We have brought forward a team of online customer care representatives who will let you find the right solution to your problems. In addition, we also treat when you can’t access Blockchain account, face trouble when send and receive money on Blockchain, or you want to access old Blockchain account.

Can't send cash from Blockchain to Paypal - Implement solutions beneath

In the event that you're needing to move cash from Blockchain to Paypal, by then you can utilize our assistance. We'll guarantee that the blueprints we give you are significant and reasonably fitting. Thusly, you will have no issue in sending your cash. Regardless, before we start with the strategy, we should discuss why Blockchain money transfer is the decision.

Blockchain is the application that deals with your standard parts. The exchange happens warily and securely. That is the motivation driving why Blockchain payment is liked.

We should investigate how to transfer money from Blockchain to bank account. The strategies are given underneath.

We should investigate how to transfer money from Blockchain to bank account. The strategies are given underneath.

Failed transfer money from Blockchain to bank account? Steps below

In the event that you can't send money starting with one application, at that point onto the accompanying, by then you can utilize our approach to do in that limit. Nonetheless, for that, first, you'll need to send the cash to the bank. By then you can receive money from Blockchain in an aberrant way. In any case, on the off chance that you try to send cash truly starting with one application, at that point onto the accompanying, by then Blockchain transfer failed will show up. Subsequently, to manage this, you can utilize the suggestions that are recorded underneath.

Open the application

Before long tap on the equalization tab elective

Go down and you'll get the Cash out tab

Tap on the tab

Set the total you need to send the bank

Press the Cash out tab

Pick between standard or second choice

Contact the scanner for the check reason

You'll get an accreditation spring upon the effective certification

Tap on the choice done

These are the techniques by which you can get money off Blockchain without Cash card and send it to the budgetary equality. On the off chance that you need to send money from Paypal to Blockchain, by then you'll apply an equivalent stunt. All the between application partitions are blocked. Thusly, on the off chance that you're thinking to transfer money from Apple pay to Blockchain, by then first exchange cash to the bank. You'll need to get money off Blockchain and send it to the record so as to get the issue settled.


Essentially, you can do a ton of methods on Blockchain. Regardless, on the off chance that you need to proceed with the move from Blockchain to Paypal, by then you can't do it obviously. You'll need to from the outset add money to Blockchain and a brief timeframe later you can't get money off Blockchain without a bank. You'll need to utilize the choice Cash out on Blockchain to send cash to the bank. The other choice, send money on Blockchain will move the assets for the bank. Straightforwardly you don't need to pressure, why Blockchain wont let me send money? You can now satisfactorily move the cash from the bank to Paypal.

In the event that you've tends to like, how much can you send on Blockchain? How to execute Blockchain refund or Blockchain dispute? Why Blockchain locked message bounces up? By then you can come to us for help.

Users Frequently ask Questions related to Blockchain

How do I get Blockchain without phone number?

Why should I get my money back from Blockchain?

Why should I contact by phone Blockchain?

Why should I talk to representative of Blockchain?

Why should I get refund from Blockchain?

Why should I apply for dispute payment from Blockchain?

Why should I report a problem to Blockchain?

Why should I withdraw money from Blockchain?

Why should I get free money from Blockchain?

Why should I change for cashing using Blockchain?

Why should I unlink account from Blockchain?

We proffer day in and day out service to the customer which means we are availing 24/7 to help the customers. So if in case you are facing Blockchain login, logout, recover an account, recover password, change password, access account or other issues then just feel free to communicate with us at any time. Our team is 24/7 online to provide a faster Blockchain Resolution. Our technicians are so much talented that they can fix any sort of bugs within no time.

The Blockchain also provides its own Cash Support but it is quite hard to communicate with them as there are soo many Blockchain users so it is quite difficult for them to resolve everyone's issues in a faster way. So if you need instant or immediate help then just make a call at Blockchain Support Number. In what manner Blockchain Support help users-

Around the Clock Service

Cash Support always tries to meet the customer's requirements.


Easy to communicate with Blockchain Support

Blockchain Help can troubleshoot any sort of problem.

Immediate Solution

If you think that you want to report an issue to unlink account of Blockchain as you feel the app charge fees, then please get in touch with the support team of the app. Another alternative way to get a reimbursement is that if you feel you need to solve ‘get my money’ problem, then you can get refund or apply for dispute payment request. If you need phone number of the support team, then you can get it on the support webpage. You can contact by phone and then talk to representative to solve your issues
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How Blockchain Technology works. Protected by the Ethereum blockchain, and in corporations with local service providers, Everex lets you send, receive, earn interest, and safely keep bitcoin and digital assets in a secured digital wallet. Add Money. Buy bitcoin with native bank transfer or send digital assets to feature to the balance. "Is it possible then to transfer the Bitcoin someplace where it can be sent to a Bitcoin wallet?" Not yet, that remains to be seen. " Also what's the point of being able to buy and sell Bitcoin if you can't send it to anyone on PayPal?" Using crypto to buy and P2P services is coming though but currency conversion fees will apply. The blockchain allows banks to upgrade inefficient processes that infuriate customers today. Transactions are expensive, but the blockchain makes them cheaper by cutting out intermediary banking costs. Sending money can be slow, but the blockchain can complete transfers in minutes. Exchange Bitcoin (BTC) to PayPal USD. The list below shows exchangers where you can exchange Bitcoin (BTC) to PayPal USD. The exchangers are sorted by the rate, with the best rates on the top. To select an exchanger, you may want to check its reserves and reviews. To exchange money, click on the exchanger you choose and go to its website. PayPal allows anyone to send money digitally in 26 flat currencies, as long as they have a PayPal account of their own (tied to an email address and bank account, of course). The regulations it does fall under also provides a certain measure of protection to the users, more so if you’re paying with credit card than debit or PayPal cash balances. Hurray! You are now finished converting Bitcoins to PayPal money. Email Confirmation: BTC/PayPal. Here is the Email Confirmation we got, after placing the order: Waiting to get the Money. Now you need to wait some time for the Bitcoin transfer to be approved by enough participants in the BTC-Block-chain. After some hours we got the money to How send money in blockchain Cookies help us customize the PayPal Community for you, and some are necessary to make our site work. By browsing this website, you consent to the use of cookies. 4) Withdrawing money from the exchange to the user’s personal wallet. The entire process can be completed in as little as one hour. However, the exchange’s withdrawal phase can take anywhere from two hours to two days. You are free to exchange between the different cryptocurrencies and can furthermore exchange your coins into real money transferred directly to your PayPal account in a direct and secure withdrawal.CryptoExchang is the most popular cryptocurrency exchange that let you withdraw your blockchain wallet via PayPal. You can easily get cash to PayPal or sell crypto to your PayPal account. From here, in case you want to transfer your PayPal funds into your bank account, just follow the instructions provided by PayPal. The Instant Transfer feature provided by PayPal is available to U.S-based users and ensures that funds are transferred to one’s bank account in minutes, with a $0.25 fee for each transaction. How To Remove Your

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