Coin Pusher History - From Real Money to Cards (Are They ...

are coin pushers gambling

are coin pushers gambling - win

Some of the game machines at arcades at the malls are basically gambling for children, coin pusher machine, you know who you are.

submitted by DavidG117 to Showerthoughts [link] [comments]

Is coin pusher type games at the arcades are counted as gambling, and ruled haraam?

This bugs my mind since i was a little kid. I see some people who come everyday and only play that machine. (I play other games, and I see the same faces every single time going there) It's like you buy coins at the counter, inserts the coin, hopes that the machine drops the coin, rinse and repeat. The game is like this : The video
Is it considered haraam?
submitted by IndoPr0 to islam [link] [comments]

Coinpushers and themeparks

This is recurring frequently.
As always I've tried this on some dream symbolic meaning sites to see what this all means, but when I posted my story on there... They're just interpreting this in bible thumping verse like that should solve it. (No, it didn't)
Anyway. I have repetitive dreams about themeparks, and coin pushers.Those coin pusher machines were in my dreams for a lot of times.I understand that coins mean that their symbolic of missing opportunities and gambling means being too impulsive and relying too much on fate. (but isn't that contradicting ?)are those coin pushers more in the ally of 'gambling' or the 'coins' ?The stories:
The coin pushers: Once it was just an old wooden, victorian styled coin machine. I was in an historic building. It had some kind of a pachinko layout and nothing really exiting was happening. After I've realized it didn't have a glass to separate the coins and me, I just took the coins instead of playing them.
The other time it was an whole row of them and me not deciding which one I wanted to use. (I don't remember any details about that but that was the main thing)
This morning, I've dreamt about one again. ( It was nostalgic with Disney themed, we as a family went a lot) and it felt all the same again. This time the coin pusher just pushed out token/toys I liked. I like Tinkerbell a lot so it dropped 4 tinkerbell items like pins, little decorations, and also tickets for free meal for 4 persons (2x)That's why I'm believing a coin pusher can possibly mean more than just this. It doesn't add up just yet.
Also in these dreams, I've always looked in the receiving tray for free coins to play. I've never inserted my own money in it. And always I've found some money and other tokens To play with. I've went also a lot of times again and again to check and there were also some coins to play with, No other people demanding it's theirs. At least it doesn't feel like stealing, I'm just lucky to find it and take the opportunity to play.
Also I've dreamt a few times about those things being in themeparks were they shouldn't be ( I don't think Disney has a lunapark inside). Or I was in a kids lunapark several times.
Does anyone has more information or a different view on it?
submitted by ToastAbrikoos to Dreams [link] [comments]

Reasons why I am staying.

Been seeing a lot of negativity here lately about people quitting. That's fine and all, to each their own. I just figured I would give my two cents on the issue and try and address some of the concerns everyone is bringing up right now.

Personally, I think this gacha game is unique in the fact that everyone is given the same base three characters with the option to turn them into whatever class you want. There is no wall here, everyone has access to every class at any time (with the appropriate grind of course). Meaning in a sense, you stick with the same 3 units and build on them as you play. For me, with other gacha games, there are just way too many units, and when you get a new unit better than a previous, its almost like an entire reset for a slot in your team that you have to rework on. Meanwhile with this game, even if you decide to switch vocations, there are small cumulative bonuses that add up overall for the character, meaning that any progress made usually benefits your main character no matter what.
While I enjoy this, I can see where there is issue. Some people may like the variety of options; it adds for more diverse play. Personally, I like the simplicity of having only 3 units to focus on, and from there it branches out to vocations and armor, etc.

I enjoy the progression so far in regards to constant events. With some gacha games, there can be dry spells of several weeks to months in between events, which is fine for some, as it gives them time to "breathe" in between events. I have a little more selfish look on it as I usually play all day (I work from home so its usually always on autoing) but having the constant events allows me to always have something to do.

While the gameplay may seem monotonous to some, again, I enjoy the simplistic nature in it. When there are so many options and different this and that with costumes that add extra whatever, it all just gets a little overwhelming. For me, the gameplay is simple, concise, easy to learn with some room for strategy when needed. You have 3 characters, you pick a class for each, and gear those three out as you play. You can add skills to different gear, costumes are purely cosmetic. Simple and clean for me.

Some other concerns I see brought up. The fact that auto battle is locked behind a "paywall". Yes, this is technically true, or you can just get the pass every two weeks for 600 gems, which is honestly nothing. With the pacing so far, not spending any money, these events are giving at least 3000+ gems per event. We get several a month so far; save 600 gems for the pass every other week, save the rest for pulls.
(Edit: 600 *Paid* gems apparently. So rip that. That does kinda suck. Only excuse I can come up for that one is that they need to make money somehow. Its a shame they need to lock a game feature in order to do that though. Another semi-defense, all the end game content mostly needs to be done manually anyway, however its still extremely crappy to have to manual remedial content.)
The events have given me plenty too. So far, there has been a steady stream of gems, keys, gear, everything. The games barely been out a month on Global, and I already feel like I have a lot of stuff. I'd like to believe that the events are simple right now because they want to give everyone a chance to strengthen their team before harder content gets released, which in turn ( I hope) means better rewards.

Which gets me to the next topic, the pull rates. Yeah, they are pretty bad, and I haven't had any luck either, but I've been able to clear all content available with no problems so far. The only thing I am waiting on is getting a key to challenge the level 99 boss. My gear is all base +25, nothing special really. Got the metal boomerang and metal spear, with a gringham whip on my 3rd, and its gotten me through everything so far. I have a few whales on my friends list who have +50 gear, clearly spending the big bucks, but its not like they are that much more powerful than my characters. I believe that progress is more apparent with leveling (i.e. maxed vocations, strong revocations, eventual next tier vocations).
It does suck when most of the event gear is sub-optimal to crap. I can't complain too much as most of my armor is event gear, but again, even with that, I haven't really found any walls I've hit yet. All content has been doable.
To circle back a little, with other gacha games, there are clear differences with better units. It becomes a funnel for end game, making certain units a requirement for things, or PvP specifically. Then its the grind of trying to get that unit, otherwise you pretty much get shut out of specific content.
Also, I'm glad there is no PvP. I'd rather progress together with someone (i.e. multiplayer).

I am also excited for future content. I enjoy grinding out my 3 current specialist vocations; leveling the prior two to get them to 99, trying to get as many additional stats on my 3 characters as I can before the next vocation tier is released.

On to the Squirrel Station. Personally, I love the Coin Pusher. It is so fun to play when you are out of stamina and dont have any tasks to grind. The incorporation of the boss fights is so fun. Yeah, its basically gambling, but I really needed a gold coin sink (was stacking up almost 700k before it was released) so for me, its nice to have something to sink extra gold coins into.
On the other hand, Cyril's One Two Hey! can go die.

I also see issues with the Wandering Adventurers, and I wholeheartedly agree. It is honestly disheartening getting the one map a day because no one is near you. If you are able to, download an emulator (not spoofing). When I play on an emulator on pc, I at least get 3-8 maps a day now instead of the normal 1. While others that spoof may have the benefits here, being able to choose from 50+ A-S ranked maps, I haven't really found any noticeable disadvantage of not having a constant stream of liquid metal slime keys.
Personally, I usually spend extra 3-4 star equipment on the Buyback Merchant and only buy liquid metal keys every 3 days. Ive already gotten 1 of each prior vocation to 99 and all 3 characters are level ~30 on their first revocation, and again, I have had no issue with progress so far. In total, I have spent maybe $10 (during release when I first started) for one of the base starter packs, and thats been it. I haven't gotten a single 5 star from a daily free pull. In total I think I have 6 5 star gacha weapons (one of which is a dupe Gladius...) so its not like I'm blazing through content with the best gear available.

People also seem to be discouraged by the tasks that require multiplayer play. Personally, I don't mind it. I wish there was some refinement, like the ability to play for players that disconnect and become an NPC, or some way to combat AFKers. But I enjoy the extra free rewards in multiplayer and it usually never costs stamina if you just jump into other players lobbies. It gives me something to do when my own stamina is depleted.
Of course, if people stop playing, I can see that becoming even more of an issue for multiplayer, but I suppose time will tell.

The new Seven Deadly Sins game is something people bring up a lot too. Beautiful game, clearly work was put into it. But as I mentioned before, there are elements in that game that just aren't my cup of tea. Costumes that add bonuses, several tiers of the same character at differing strengths. While I don't hate the game (I honestly think its a beautiful game with great graphics and clear effort and work put into it) I just think there's too much going on at once for me; too many differing factors affecting your progression. As stated before, that's not a bad thing at all; its just a preference thing for me and when there's so many options its just overwhelming.

Sorry if this seems all over the place and a mess. Just trying to think of some of the concerns that were brought up in whatever order.
Just to clarify, this is all my opinion. Saw a lot of people saying why they didn't like the game, figured some people may be interested in why people enjoy the game.
submitted by HentaiiMilk to DQotS [link] [comments]

Super Princess Peach: The Prince Rescue (What if there was Super Mario Bros. before Mario became Super?)

"It is me, Peach! (Tee-Hee-Hee!)"

~ Princess Peach - August 2nd & 24th, 1981

Fasten your seat belts, ladies and gentlemen. It's Princess Peach Pandemonium.
It's not about Pac-Man Fever or Going Ape Over Donkey Kong anymore. Now, it's Pure Princess Peach Pandemonium.
Chills! Thrills! Test Your Skills!
Shrills! Spills! Make A Killin'!
Summer Of 1981-1982 - Queen Of Peach: Gambling With Pure Quarters.
It's Princess Peach's Day To Shine. And YOU Get To Have A Piece Of HER Pie.


A once-legendary kingdom has fallen. Where it used to be all flowers and sunshine, is now a ruined, wilted, cold and gray wasteland of its former glory. Its quiet, peace-loving inhabitants known as the Flower People turned into mere stones, bricks, and even flower-eating fungi, and the Flower Kingdom in which they lived peacefully transformed and turned on its head into an apocalyptic, nuclear-fueled and -driven industrial district. Who would be able to redeem this fallen kingdom in such a sorry, sad, and irreparable state? Well, the Flower Prince, of course.
Well, if the Flower Prince could. Unfortunately, however, there was something, or rather, someone else, among the havoc of the kingdom. The evil, tyrannical Koopa Turtle King. You see, he took the Flower Prince, and held him prisoner. Now literally all hope and chance of his former Flower Kingdom has been lost.
That was, until someone else came along. A beautiful maiden. A daughter of royalty also. A Toadstool Princess, whom we now know as the Peach Princess today.
But there's something else among the plight of the Flower Kingdom that is even much more disturbing to her than the actual crisis itself. A much-coveted, life-completing relationship that she had held for dear life and had maintained up to this very point.
The handsome Flower Prince just so happened to be Princess Peach's life-long boyfriend.
That's right! This time around, you're not the brave carpenter, or even the knight in shining armor, for that matter. Now, you ARE the beautiful maiden yourself!
"HELP! HELP!" cries the handsome prince as he is held captive in Bowser's Palace, awaiting the knight, or rather, dame, that will come in time to rescue him and his kingdom, and sweep him off of his feet. "ROAR! ROAR!" Foreboding music warns of the eventual doom that awaits the poor prince and his fallen kingdom, lest he somehow be miraculously rescued, and by some cosmic chance, have his kingdom rise again from the very ashes of Bowser's wrath. "But, wait! Fear not, fine prince. The young Princess Peach, the Toadstool Princess, is coming to you in a shining dress of armor, to rescue you and your kingdom from this terrible turtle and sweep you off your feet, this very moment."
  1. Throwing fate to the wind, risking life and limb, or for worse, young Princess Peach tries desperately, and with all her heart and soul, to infiltrate the 8 vast worlds of the glorious Mushroom Kingdom she presently and proudly resides in, to rescue her Prince Charming from the scaly hands of the evil King Koopa, and restore his beloved kingdom to its former glory. Young Princess Peach must face all manner of evil and obstacles head-on-- Little Goombas, Koopa Troopas, the rest of Bowser's diabolical army, and of course, what a certain little Mario in our just-recent past had to face himself, fireballs, plummeting beams and a barrage of exploding barrels fired at her by a certain Donkey Kong somewhere else in her world.
Your challenge here this time around? Maneuver young Princess Peach through a most terrible, dangerous obstacle course, avoiding the very hazards that block her way to victory, such as bricks, question blocks, and even terrible turtle cannons, all while avoiding and toppling over the very turtle tribe army that comes her way. Along the way, you'll encounter all manner of very powerful, yet somehow very strange, power-ups in the Mushroom Kingdom itself.
Magic Mushrooms make Princess Peach grow big and Super and allow her to take a fatal hit once without perishing where she unfortunately would otherwise had. Fire Flowers turn her all hot and Fiery, and allow her to shoot fireballs down at a 45-degree angle to strike her enemies, or use a certain kind of block as a fireball mount to her greater advantage. Starmans turn her into a immortal human being herself and prevent her from ever getting hurt or killed at all for only a very small duration of 15 seconds. And the Life Mushroom gives her another chance at life, literally, by giving her an extra life to be reborn from whenever she tragically perishes in battle, by her soul reclaiming her spot at the beginning of a land or at a claimed checkpoint. Oh, and of course, by the way, Golden Coins are scattered everywhere too -- the lost treasury of Princess Peach and the Prince Flower scattered everywhere and about by the evil, fiery vengeance of the evil Koopa King. More Power-Ups are present in this strange new world, hers for the taking at any point in her quest. But you will need to explore diligently and gallantly in order to find every magic Power-Up this Mushroom Land has to offer.
All in all, you have to fight your very way through 8 dangerous Mushroom worlds, with a total of a whopping 32 lands -- 4 each world -- for her to conquer and reclaim from Bowser for herself.
Therefore, it is your job, or rather, quest, to get young Princess Peach to the Prince by seeking him out throughout these 8 different, strange worlds. For as the texts have before foretold, it is there, and only there, that the valiant young Princess Peach can throw the mighty, steel-resolve King Bowser Koopa out of his throne, send him to his mortal doom once and for all, and give rise to the Flower Kingdom once again, along with ultimately and once-and-for-all, her newly rescued Prince Charming -- Prince Blossom.
So, why are you still sitting around doing absolutely nothing while the Flower Kingdom wilts and suffers under Bowser's cruel rule? If you really want to participate in this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity -- Witnessing the epic quest of a first in female protagonist video gaming as you finally get to see a girl save a boy, and his kingdom, from a terrible, tyrannical, fire-breathing dragon turtle, in a vast, beautiful medieval kingdom setting, rather than the other way around like you've ALWAYS seen before in the miserable pile of secrets that is presently your life -- look no further than the original Super Mario Bros. adventure -- Super Princess Peach: The Prince Rescue.
Accept NO substitutes, and DON'T be fooled by blatant imitations.
The story and accolades are without a doubt a beautiful prologue to what is already going to be a truly historic piece of alternate history. Truly a gem among the rest of alternate history, including human history and video gaming history.
But I've come here for another reason that's more important here. I've just got a project started in Microsoft Small Basic that will become the foundation for a project that will predate Super Mario Bros. by almost 5 years:
Super Princess Peach: The Prince Rescue.
You probably won't recognize what I'm talking about here at all first and may think I'm just plain out of my mind here. And yes, you would probably be correct. It is for this reason, therefore, that I first get the entire basic point of SPP:TPR out of the way first.
SPP: TPR will essentially an early alpha/beta-esque primitive arcade version of the original NES Super Mario Brothers, built before Super Mario was even a thing and a true limit-pusher that not only ruthlessly defied early 80s computer hardware limits, like an entity rising against its fellow king, but also established its place as among one of the very first advanced video games, after the simpler ones from the 70s and at the beginning of the 80s, and as a truly unique, big experience for every single video gamer out there at that faithful time, compared to the rest, which was just mere video challenges to see who could beat the high score, or maybe something else, but they were still merely just that: video games. And not much different than from a board game like chutes and ladders and your average outdoor game such as jump rope and obstacle course runs, at that. SPP: TPR, however, essentially established a trend that our classic games of the yesteryear would've virtually never been able to fill by themselves. Of course, being a primitive version of SMB, it wouldn't go on to establish any new main paths for video gaming itself as a whole at the time, as SMB did. It DID, however, establish the foundation of what would revolutionize video gaming in 1985.
So you could safely say that SPP:TPR was only the foundation of SMB, while SMB itself was the whole shebang.

In light of that, now, let's discuss what will actually be in the game, especially when compared to NES SMB. First, the very basic core differences between SPP:TPR and NES SMB.

  1. As mentioned, I'm currently building the game in SmallBASIC, and of course since the game itself will ultimately be built from Donkey Kong, I would have to adhere to the arcade machine's limitations.
  2. Also, because of said limitations, I cannot use true smooth movement in SPP:TPR. Instead, I'll be using an innovative workaround: Pseudo-Smooth Movement, movement with its "raw" value that would otherwise govern true smooth movement restricted to the console, and then ceilinged up to a true integer data number along with a few other calculations to get a rough, primitive "smooth movement" system, akin to that of a moving car shifting gears.

My next topic will be on the basic features of the game itself, but on a higher level than the previous point, since it will discuss features aside from that from the very basic technical aspects of SPP:TPR especially when compared to NES SMB.

First, the fourth Super Form of Peach herself: Super Fiery Peach, and the Magic Fire Flower.
  1. Princess Peach in SPP:TPR will feature a fourth Super Form for Peach herself, which from Regular, Super, and Fiery, will be Super Fiery. Peach acts exactly the same as Fiery Peach as Super Fiery Peach otherwise, but has one final extra ability added to her arsenal.
  2. If the player holds down the Run Button in-game, where normally just pressing it would have her shoot a single small Fireball, Peach can charge a Fire Blast. Releasing the Run Button when it's fully charged will cause Peach to release the fire blast.
  3. This most powerful standard permanent weapon in the entire game of SPP:TPR will not only plow through entire armies of enemies, particularly weak enemies, but upon impact, will also destroy a straight (not diagonal) 3x3 cross of Brick Blocks, even allowing Peach to dig through bricks much more easily that she ever could've otherwise.
  4. Although the fire blast will unfortunately still not be able to affect Buzzy Beetles at all like with fireballs, unlike fireballs, fire blasts are not destroyed upon impact on a Buzzy Beetle. In fact, literally nothing happens. The fire blast just simply phases through the Buzzy Beetle(s). While this may seem mundane and completely useless, the kicker here is that this will literally allow the fire blast to take out a majority of a larger enemy army without any worries whatsoever, even though they may end up connecting with a Buzzy Beetle or two or more.
  5. With fireballs on the other hand (quite literally), you may literally be unable to handle the enemy army at all offensively simply because the Buzzy Beetles just so happen to prevent your fireballs from ever being effective in that sort of situation.
Next, the Magic Crystal.
  1. The Magic Crystal is considered a Very Rare item; in fact, only appearing in specific courses throughout the entire game compared to the rest of the game's items and power-ups. There are only two magic crystals on one course of each world in the entire game, with two of those appearing in all 4 courses of both the 7th and 8th worlds, totaling up to a mere 32 Magic Crystals throughout the entire game.
  2. Collecting a Magic Crystal will increase Peach's power twofold. With the Magic Crystal, Peach will be able to jump much higher than normal (Luigi's jump height in SMB:TLL), and possess the opposite of incredibly poor traction (again, Luigi from SMB:TLL), meaning, much stronger traction than normal.
  3. Peach will also gain the ability to hover (like in SMB2USA), allowing her to cross and skip over enemies and obstacles that would've potentially given the player trouble otherwise.
  4. Also, all her usual power-ups and forms will be powered-up while under the influence of the Magic Crystal. Aside from her enhanced core platforming mechanics mentioned earlier, Regular Princess Peach will be able to break Brick Blocks normally from below with her fist without the aid of a Magic Mushroom first, break Hard Blocks as Super Peach, shoot larger fireballs than usual that are blue/cyan that are able to take out bricks on their own as Fiery Peach, and Super Fiery Peach's fire blasts can now even bust the same 3x3 cross upon impact out of Hard Blocks instead. The fire blasts can also now plow through regular bricks without ever disintegrating upon impact, making Brick Block barriers a complete breeze to bust through.
  5. In addition, literally all power-ups, including non-power-up items, in the entire game, will be boosted as a result. The Clock will grant Peach 100 extra seconds instead of the normal 10; the Wings will allow Peach to "swim" or fly through the air, as per usual, but all natural "air" resistance will be eliminated, permitting Peach to move most effectively while under the influence of the Wings themselves, as if she were on completely solid ground; the Anchor, again, works as normal, but all natural "water" resistance will be eliminated as well, allowing her to perform completely normal platform movement outside of water levels, compared to her normal self, where some water resistance is felt with the Anchor; and the Pink Hearts and Golden Hearts will have their points increased twofold and tenfold respectively. The Pink Heart will award 10000 points, but the Golden Heart on the other hand -- if you're incredibly lucky and just so happen to stumble upon both in that order -- will award an incredible 100000 points. There are many more power-ups that won't be listed here right now that are boosted by the Magic Crystal, but this should give you the very basic idea here.
  6. Also, Peach can take a hit from a single "negative power-up", without it negatively affecting her at all. These include but are certainly not limited to: Poison Mushrooms, Cursed Clocks, and Ztarmans. However, she loses the Magic Crystal's Superpower in the process. Oh, and by the way, DON'T even think about the possibility that you're gonna get 1000 points by having the audacity to take a negative power-up to the face in exchange for your Magic Crystal Power. You will NOT get anything in return at all, or the 1000 point bonus you might've been expecting.

Now, my third point. This time, we'll be discussing the addition of Secret Exits, how Warp Zones, the game's Plus Mode (Hard Mode), and the game world as a whole, will be changed an affected in SPP:TPR, and the secret 100% bonus ending to the game itself, among others like those.

First, Secret Exits, since that was mentioned first.
  1. Pipes that would normally lead to an underground or underwater section at the end of a course during an intermission can be accessed from the top instead, which is that course's secret exit. From there, a Special World will be accessed. These Special Worlds will be based off of past Nintendo games (at SPP:TPR's time in 1981), which are Radar Scope, and Donkey Kong, and essentially concepts for future games, such as Wrecking Crew and Mario Bros., in the same way that essentially a tech demo for Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker, was showcased in Super Mario 3D World, to ultimately become its own standalone game.
  2. WARNING: Now, this next bullet point is gonna be a spoiler. So if you wish to discover all this on your own in the finished product of SPP:TPR, please do not click the spoiler below.
  3. If you complete the main game on Plus Mode without ever using Warp Zones (Normal Mode is fine. In fact, performing this on Normal Mode but not on Plus Mode will STILL void access to Mario's Palace and the secret 100% ending. In fact, you'd be wasting your time if you DO foolishly decide to use the Warp Zones in Plus Mode anyway: Each and every Warp Zone in their normal locations in Normal Mode (except for that in 4-2, which is actually a Backward Warp Zone; that normal Warp Zone normally there is in 6-2 instead) will only take you to the next world, and in fact, it's even possible to get unlucky enough to end up with Snake Eyes and go through BOTH Backward Warp Zones in a row in the entire Plus Mode, which are in 4-2 (to 1-1) and 8-4 (to 5-1) respectively), accept the Second Quest to play both modes all over again, but this time, play through only the secret retro levels throughout the entire game, Prince Blossom will inform you that a portal to Mario's Palace has opened up, and that as it turns out, Mario has been expecting Princess Peach this entire time to repay her in her entirety for the pain and suffering that she had caused him in his entire life, since she rejected Mario in marriage, and wanted to be with Prince Blossom forever instead, turning him into the cruel, heartless sociopath he was at the time, taking out all his anger, sadness, and frustration on animals instead of humans, namely Donkey Kong and the rest of his Kong crew. From there, Princess Peach must enter the portal to Mario's Palace
submitted by Friendly_Comparison7 to gaming [link] [comments]

How the Game Corner could come back

Those of us who played Pokémon between generations 1 to 4 are familiar with the Game Corner; you play slots to win coins that you trade for TMs and Pokémon. Simple, yes? Too bad they stopped after HeartGold/SoulSilver... Although I personally wasn't fond of playing the slots and would instead exploit the hell out of the "buying coins" thing to get what I wanted (if I wanted anything), I have thought about how the Game Corner could make a comeback.

What I, personally, had in mind is something more akin to real-life arcades; a decently sized building with more than ONE game you can play in order to get the coins you need for the prizes. Having only the slots is boring and I don't know anyone who likes Voltorb Flip. Those games can still exist, of course, but other games can also be included in the Game Corner.

The new Game Corner could have the Coin Pusher; for one single coin per play, you have a chance of pushing the coins already in the machine down the ledge and, if you're EXTRA lucky, a small item of some sort! The small item would be miscellaneous items such as Apricorns/the Apricorn Poké Balls, Heart Scales, Shards, Pretty Feathers etc. - something low in value, yet can be useful to you in order to make the game worth playing.

The Claw game would be a GREAT addition. For one or two coins per play, you have a chance of winning a doll to decorate your room with! Simple concept, really.

There could also be a target shooting game to kind of step in for the FPS games you can sometimes find in real-life arcades; for every two coins or so per play, you will be able to shoot as many targets as you can before a timer runs out - the better you do, the bigger the payout.

Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald had a roulette in addition to the formerly staple slot machines, but the "betting" concept can return in the form of a Horse Racing game to lessen the "encourages gambling" implication that got the Game Corner canned in the first place. Basically, you choose one of four horses, which would be Kantoan Rapidash, Galarian Rapidash, Mudsdale and Sawsbuck (I know Sawsbuck isn't a horse, but shush), and see if it wins; if it places first, you get the most payout, second-most if it places second, break even if it places third and nothing if it places fourth. You'd only be able to bet on one of the "horses" at a time and you'd only bet one coin per play. The coins per play could be increased, but I don't know; I've not played the Horse Racing game myself, but if I remember correctly, they were around £1 per play...

The new Game Corner would also be home to not only a drinks vending machine (like the department stores do), but also a food version of said vending machines that vend the food-based medicinal items, such as the Sweet Heart, Rage Candy Bar, Oran Berry, Sitrus Berry etc. and perhaps new food-based medicines that have unique effects. I dunno, but the food vending machine would be equivalent to the vending machines that dispense candy bars.

And, finally, the prizes. They would have to be worthwhile, yet not valuable enough to be available at the Battle (insert facility of choice here) in the post-game. The prizes available at the Battle Royal Dome would be what I'd have in mind, but also certain Technical Records would also be available as a callback to when certain TMs were only found in the Game Corner. What about Pokémon as prizes? That could return, but I have an alternative idea to that that I'd need to expand upon to myself at some point, but my idea for what could replace Pokémon as prizes would be more decorations! Bigger dolls (think the Snorlax doll from Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire), posters, mats, furniture, ornaments - let the player be able to COMPLETELY customise their bedroom to their liking akin to the Secret Bases of old!

Ah, but that's me probably being far too ambitious. What about you, Reddit? Yay or nay? Have your own ideas? Discuss!
submitted by SinnohanEspurr to pokemon [link] [comments]

#Cherry #master #Machines-- #Slot #Machine Sales

#Cherry #master #Machines-- #Slot #Machine Sales
8-Liner games-- 10-line video games-- #video #poker #machines
Currently readily available to anybody for company use or residence use!
#cherry #master #games, #video #slot #machines, # 8liners, 8-line cherry master games, #video #poker #machines, 8-line video games, 10 linings, even 20 liner #slot #machines
Keep in mind those grey location cherry master and also 8-liner video game machine?
I bear in mind back in the mid 1990's I would drive throughout the streets of Chicago trying to find place to area or gallery video games in as well as make money from them.
The game games I am speaking of were the 80's classics like Ms. Pacman, Donkey Kong and also others. This is what I started mt amusement tool business with. Yet then, I started discovering a new type of enjoyment gadget, as well as they were described as cherry masters, cherry master machines, cherry master games as well as 8-line computer game.
The majority of these supposed cherry master video game machines were typically put in bars, taverns, bars and also bowling lane. As well as furthermore, these video gaming devices looked specifically like video slots one would certainly see in Las Vegas, Atlantic City, Indian reservation casinos as well as the gambling watercrafts.
The company that owned the cherry master machines would position the video games in an area and also divided the cash it took in with the owner of the establishment. However, consumers would certainly insert currency, such as five-dollar expenses, twenty-dollar costs and also up. After that, the credit scores on the machine the gamer would certainly place his/her bet, press spin, as well as watch the video port reels spin wishing you would certainly win. And after the player is ended up playing the game, bench attendant, or that ever before worked at the establishment would privately pay the gamer cash under the table. Was this prohibited, you wager. Nevertheless, until one day, the business I made use of to benefit started placing ticket dispensers on the cherry master, video clip texas hold'em and 8-line machines. After that, rather than privately paying patrons cash money, the client would certainly retrieve the tickets from the machine toward whatever it was they offered in the story, such as beverages, food, groceries in it was in a mini mart, cigarettes, and also some locations also paid you with gift cards.
So, my manager started soliciting Mimi marts and gasoline station that had an excellent lottery organisation. The means he sent it was where there are lottery players, there are casino players.
After that, BAM! We had shop locations that were making $5,000, $10,000 per week and also in some cases much more. Furthermore, after a typical payment of allow's say 40%, the tickets retrieved to the shop, the store generated income from the retrieved tickets, also, the web profits were split 50/50.
Were these the great old days? INDEED! Yet these days are still active and also really profitable.
We at IN THE NEW Age sell 100's of various video gaming gadgets consisting of cherry master games, cherry master machines, video texas hold'em machines, and also the all new and also obtaining very popular electronic coin pushers.
Currently, besides offering 8-line computer game, we additionally market 10-liner, as well as 20-liner video clip gaming machines.
#cherrymaster, #cherry #masters, #cherry #master #games, #cherry #master #machines, #video #gaming, #slotmachines, cherry master game machines, 8 liners, 8 liner video games, 10 liner video games, 20 lining games, pot of gold, #video #power #machines, #slot #machines.
Additionally, we currently market genuine authentic #slot #machines like #IGT, #BALLY, #Williams. These are the real slots that were once made use of in Las Vegas gambling enterprises, Indian Appointment gambling establishments, Atlantic City gambling establishments, and also the #gambling watercrafts.
We have all the made use of fruit machine skillfully went shopping out as well as replaced to excellence!
Browse through:
submitted by jimmm123456 to u/jimmm123456 [link] [comments]

#Cherry #master #Game #Machines-- Readily Available to The General Public!

#Cherry #master #Game #Machines-- Readily Available to The General Public!
#Cherry #master #Game #Machines-- Readily Available to The General Public!
8-Liner games-- 10-line video games-- #video #poker #machines
Keep in mind those grey location cherry master and 8-liner game machine?
I remember back in the mid 1990's I would certainly drive throughout the streets of Chicago trying to find place to place or gallery video games in and also earn money from them.
The game video games I am talking were the 80's classics like Ms. Pacman, Donkey Kong as well as others. This is what I began mt entertainment device firm with. However after that, I started discovering a new kind of entertainment gadget, and they were referred to as cherry masters, cherry master machines, cherry master games and also 8-line video games.
Most of these so-called cherry master video game machines were typically positioned in bars, taverns, bars and bowling alleys. As well as in addition, these video gaming tools looked specifically like video fruit machine one would certainly see in Las Vegas, Atlantic City, Indian reservation gambling enterprises as well as the betting boats.
The company that owned the cherry master machines would place the video games in an area and split the money it absorbed with the owner of the establishment. However, clients would place money, such as five-dollar expenses, twenty-dollar expenses and also up. Then, the credit scores on the machine the gamer would position his/her bet, press spin, as well as watch the video port reels spin hoping you would certainly win. And after the player is completed playing the game, the bar assistant, or who ever before operated at the establishment would secretly pay the player cash under the table. Was this prohibited, you bet. Nonetheless, until pone day, the firm I utilized to benefit started placing ticket dispensers on the cherry master, video clip online poker and 8-line machines. After that, rather than privately paying clients cash, the customer would certainly redeem the tickets from the machine towards what ever before it was they marketed in the story, such as drinks, food, groceries in it remained in a mini mart, cigarettes, and also some locations also paid you with gift cards.
So, my boss started soliciting Mimi marts and also gasoline station that had an excellent lottery company. The means he sent it was where there are lottery game players, there are casino players.
Then, BAM! We had store places that were making $5,000, $10,000 weekly and in some cases extra. Additionally, after an ordinary payout of allow's state 40%, the tickets retrieved to the shop, the store earned money from the redeemed tickets, also, the web earnings were split 50/50.
Were these the excellent old days? INDEED! Yet nowadays are still alive and also extremely lucrative.
We at IN THE NEW Age sell 100's of different video clip gaming tools including cherry master games, cherry master machines, video texas hold'em machines, and even the all new and getting preferred digital coin pushers.
Now, besides offering 8-line video games, we additionally offer 10-liner, as well as 20-liner video clip gaming machines.
For more information browse through
#cherrymaster, #cherry #masters, #cherry #master #games, #cherry #master #machines, #video #gaming, #slotmachines, cherry master video game machines, 8 linings, 8 lining games, 10 liner games, 20 lining games, pot of gold, #video #power #machines, #slot #machines
submitted by itna12345 to u/itna12345 [link] [comments]

Arcades and You - A Guide And Some Pictures

Someone a month or so back asked about posting something about Arcades. So since I have nothing better to do with my life I thought I'd go and do this. I haven't really planned what I want to write, and is by no means comprehensive so just ask questions and I'll update things or explain more.
Without any further ado, I went to my nearby Taito Station and took some pictures. Obviously not all Arcades have the same layout, but this should help people understand the general organization.
From the bottom floor up we have:
Obviously not all Arcades have the same thing, and some places are themed in one way or another, especially the ones that aren't chains. However, this is a pretty common cross-section of what you'll find at the majority of them.
Playing Games
Prices, this is from memory, so if I'm wrong please correct me. Rhythm, games are pretty standard at ¥100 for 3 songs. Medal games you buy X amount of the Medals for money and then play with those, don't know the rate offhand, Card games tend to be something like ¥200/¥100 or ¥300/¥200 with the first being the first game and an option for a second game. The game will also spit out a card every game, win or lose, and sometimes you can pay an extra ¥100 for another card. Crane Games are ¥100 per go usually with discounts as you go up. Other games tend to be either ¥100 or ¥200, sometimes different kind of plays can also cost different amounts (See: Gunslinger Stratos)
There are change machines throughout the Arcade as they only take ¥100 coins though many machines can also take Various IC Cards.
Certain games use cards to store player information the most common of these are Nesica, Aime, and the Konami one. You can see here that they all cost ¥300 and this machine has a partial list of games that use each card. The machine's themselves will also say which card they use. A few games can take more than one, such as the new Dragonball Card game taking for the Konami card and the Aime. Konami, Sega, and Bandai are aiming to create a unified card by the summer. Some games may restrict your ability to play if you aren't using one. Mostly those are Nesica-based games.
In some cases, such as this the Aime card will allow your first play on a given machine to be free.
Tutorials are mostly picture based, so learning how to play the majority of games isn't hard. But a general guide of Japanese ability from none up is as follows:
Crane games -> Medal Games -> Rhythm Games -> Fighting Games -> Card Games -> Mahjong -> Any kind of Quiz or Text Based Game.
Odds and Ends
Often machines will have some kind of limit though there will tend to be a machine that says no limit. But to put it simple: When playing, when you reach the end of your game, if anyone is waiting, let them play. It is fine to get back in line, but this is how it tends to work. In addition, most games have an area for you to line up / stand at.
Many machines have baskets nearby. Put your shit in them and not on the floor.
Rhythm games have headphone jacks, I'd suggest using Headphones.
In my unscientific survey, the Medal and Mahjong areas tend to have a lot of smoking. In all other floors they seem to be restricted to by the Elevator. This may vary by Arcade.
Some card games have a "Recycle Card Box", this is basically the take-a-penny leave-a-penny of Card Games.
Don't gawk or bug people. This may seem like common sense, but I've seen one too many tourists acting like they're walking through a high-tech zoo.
Even if you don't speak Japanese, if you're confused, just ask. Most people around are willing to help.
submitted by Pennwisedom to JapanTravel [link] [comments]

Rogue's Gallery: The Forger

This is an ongoing series detailing criminal-types and how you can use them to spice up your games!


The world of forgery (facsimile documents) and counterfeiting (facsimile objects) is almost as old as humanity itself. In D&D, the role has traditionally fallen to Rogues who have too much time on their hands :) This post will attempt to outline the methodologies and mechanics that your PCs and NPCs can use to dip their criminal fingers into. I know that counterfeiting is traditionally used when creating false currencies, but in this post, its to mean anything that isn't a document, and I've included paper currencies under forgery (just to make things more confusing).


Copying a document and copying a painting or sculpture are very different things. Each of the two "fraud" branches have their own methods, problems, and set of mechanics to govern the creation of these items and how difficult they are to detect to the observer.
In each case, the use of a "kit", as per 5e rules, will be required to carry out the activity.
In 5e there is the "Forgery Kit". This small box contains a variety of papers and parchments, pens and inks, seals and Sealing wax, gold and silver leaf, and other supplies necessary to create convincing forgeries of physical documents. Proficiency with this kit lets you add your proficiency bonus to any Ability Checks you make to create a physical forgery of a document.
Before any forgery can take place, a number of things need to be addressed.
There are concerns that need to be addressed about the actual documents as well.
There is no counterfeiting kit in the core, so we are inventing one. It is a large crate that contains tools and machinery, vials and stands, various arcane foci, and assorted bits that cannot be categorized, but are necessary for the creation of facsimile objects. Proficiency with this kit lets you add your proficiency bonus to any Ability checks you make to create a physical counterfeit of an object.
Counterfeiting is a lot more involved than forgery. Anything can be copied, from paintings, to magic items, to machinery, to jewelry, to furniture. Literally anything, which makes this section a bit difficult to parse into something usable.
Much like forgery, however, having the item on hand to copy is going to ensure that the counterfeiter has the best possible chance of success. In the case of coin currency, this is going to be relatively simple to obtain. A painting in a museum, not so much. The process of obtaining some way of getting a good look at the object to be counterfeited is an adventure in and of itself.
Nearly all of the things mentioned in the forgery section, above, apply here. Adequate space, time, light and materials are needed to complete the task, and the scrutiny involved once the counterfeit is in place are important. Keep these in mind.


Forgery requires writing materials appropriate to the document being forged, enough light or sufficient visual acuity to see the details of what you’re writing, wax for seals (if appropriate), and some time. To forge a document on which the handwriting is not specific to a person (military orders, a government decree, a business ledger, or the like), you need only to have seen a similar document before, and you gain a +8 bonus on your check. To forge a signature, you need an autograph of that person to copy, and you gain a +4 bonus on the check. To forge a longer document written in the hand of some particular person, a large sample of that person’s handwriting is needed.
The Forgery check is made secretly, so that you’re not sure how good your forgery is. As with Disguise, you don’t even need to make a check until someone examines the work. Your Forgery check is opposed by the Investigation check of the person who examines the document to check its authenticity. The examiner gains modifiers on his or her check depending on certain factors. (see "Investigation Modifiers" table, below)
Forging a very short and simple document takes about 1 minute. A longer or more complex document takes 1d4 minutes per page. The Forgery check is Dex-based.
Try Again?
Usually, no. A retry is never possible after a particular reader detects a particular forgery. But the document created by the forger might still fool someone else. The result of a Forgery check for a particular document must be used for every instance of a different reader examining the document. No reader can attempt to detect a particular forgery more than once; if that one opposed check goes in favor of the forger, then the reader can’t try using his own skill again, even if he’s suspicious about the document. The reader might have be told its a forgery, but to his eyes, it doesn't look like one.
Forgery is language-dependent; thus, to forge documents and detect forgeries, you must be able to read and write the language in question. A barbarian can’t learn the Forgery skill unless he has learned to read and write.
If you have the Observant, Diplomat, Silver-Tongued, or Investigator feat, you get a +2 bonus on Forgery checks.
If you have an example of the item in question (a handwriting sample, a copy of a deed, etc.) the DC to copy it is reduced by -4.
One Last Word on Forgery
Official documents can provide an excellent means for a rogue to prove themselves, reinforce a point, argument, or attempt to persuade someone. With properly forged documents - created with a normal use of the Forgery skill and opposed by the viewer's Investigation check - the rogue can gain special bonuses to certain skills due to synergy.
At the DM's discretion, the rogue can forge documents that grant a +2 circumstance bonus on a specific Deception, Intimidate, or Persuasion check. These false credentials become, in effect, the perfect tool for the job and provide a bonus much like the bonuses provided to other skills by masterwork tools. Unlike other bonuses, these apply only when the rogue presents the documents and the creature they are interacting with does not detect the forgery. If they present forged documents and they are detected as a forgery, the check the rogue was attempting to use the documents for automatically fails. The DM is also free to rule that there are other repercussions in such situations.
Much like forgery, a check is made to determine the quality of the reproduction, but this is never tested until the object is observed by someone who has interest in the item.
Counterfeiting is not a short process. Even for coinage, you will need time to create something that doesn't look like a child did it.
6 hours for the mold/die for a single type of coin
A small painting takes a week.
A large painting takes a month.
A small sculpture takes a month.
A large sculpture takes 6 months.
A magic item can vary between 1 month and 1 year.
A piece of jewelry takes 2 weeks.
These are only sample time-frames, so feel free to tweak to your desires and use the base for things not listed to get some kind of table you can use in the future.
The Counterfeiting check is Dex-based.
Try Again?
Usually, no. A retry is never possible after a particular observer detects a particular counterfeit. But the object created by the counterfeiter might still fool someone else. The result of a Counterfeit check for a particular object must be used for every instance of a different observer examining the object. No observer can attempt to detect a particular counterfeit more than once; if that one opposed check goes in favor of the counterfeiter, then the observer can’t try using his own skill again, even if he’s suspicious about the object. The observer might have be told its a counterfeit, but to his eyes, it doesn't look like one.
If there are special materials needed to complete the counterfeit, the Kit does not include them, and they must be obtained by the rogue. This would include unique things like a certain kind of metal, wood, jewel, or other decorative item, or anything that makes the object stand out.
If you have the Historian, Perceptive, or Quick-Fingered feat, you get a +2 bonus on Counterfeit checks.
If you have an example of the item in question the DC to copy it is reduced by -4.


A specialist in forensics has advantage to detect counterfeits. A complex object or one designed to be difficult to counterfeit may easier to examine than to create. A simple object may be harder to examine than to fake.
To discover a counterfeit with an Intelligence (Investigation) check could depend on how much you beat the DC by when you create the object. I use 10+difference to determine how hard the counterfeit is to detect.
If you have a gold piece of the local kingdom, and use that to create a counterfeit duplicate (DC 10, you roll a total of 19), the DC to detect the counterfeit is 10+9 (DC+Roll Result-DC) which results in a final DC of 19 to detect
Essentially, it's an opposed check; Int (Investigation) can discover whether the object is authentic; Cha (Deception) allows you to give credence to a lie on the counterfeiter's part. If you're replacing an object in situ, then it's the object that's going to be checked, rather than the integrity of the lie. Which can be discovered if it was Int (History) or Int (Investigation).
An object that is found in the wrong location, or doesn't fit the observer's expectations can increase that character’s suspicion (and thus create favorable circumstances for the checker’s opposing Investigation check - these could range from +1 to +8 or whatever you decide is appropriate).
Condition Investigation Modifiers
Type of object unknown to observer -2
Type of object somewhat known to observer +0
Type of object well known to observer +2
Type of object intimately known to observer +4

Types of Forgeries

Bureaucracies are rife with licenses, paperwork, deeds, writs, manifests, lists of every conceivable kind, travel passes, identification, and more. A skilled forger can move at will through these environments, and one based in an urban environment with a restrictive government can become wealthy very quickly selling documents to the criminal underworld and the oppressed citizenry alike.
Some common documents include the following:
In places where travel, trade, and war at sea are common-place, governments naturally develop various licenses, letters, and documents in order to regulate and administer the activities of those who travel by sea. A skilled forger can be a valuable asset, especially for a captain or crew who wish to pass off a stolen ship as their own vessel.
Some common nautical documents include the following:


Plot Hooks

Thanks to Koosemose for letting me vent lol
The Series
submitted by famoushippopotamus to DnDBehindTheScreen [link] [comments]

Some arcade games should be considered gambling

Some arcade games should be banned because due to gambling or prevented from being rigged by law. Some are fine like the claw machines because it takes skill to win them.
But some of them are rigged to give out a certain number of wins like the one where you have to press a button to stop a light that is spinning around at the jackpot spot or coin pushers. With the rigged ones, you are betting money to get a prize purely based on luck. these games should either not exist or rigging them should be banned
submitted by Boostio_the_Great to unpopularopinion [link] [comments]

MAME 0.198

MAME 0.198

It’s the day you’ve been eagerly awaiting all month: MAME release day! MAME 0.198, our May release, is packed full of improvements in lots of areas. Newly supported arcade games include the rare video pinball game Tom Tom Magic, Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu EX ’98, and Keirin Ou. Newly supported computers include the TI-99/2, Dragon MSX-64, and BBC Master 512.
This release brings graphics emulation improvements to a number of systems, including more fixes for Sega Saturn/ST-V, missing effects emulated in 1945k III, and improvements to the title screen in Wolf Fang. The SH-4 recompiler now supports more FPU opcodes directly, and NAOMI keyboards are supported. Low-level floppy drive emulation improvements bring improved compatibility for Apple II software. Newly supported peripherals include a PC ISA LBA BIOS card, the Beeb Speech Synthesiser, and a number of BBC Micro pointing devices.
Other additions include new Tiger handhelds (Batman: The Animated Series, Operation: Aliens, Wayne’s World, and X-Men), the Fidelity Elegance and Prestige chess computers, and alternate versions of Battle Balls, Centipede, Final Fight, Karate Blazers, Last Mission, Real Puncher, Sengoku 3, Spy Hunter, and World Heroes 2. There are lots of additions to the Apple II cassette software list, and several additions to the Sorcerer cassette software list as well. MAME now supports Korean user interface thanks to a contribution from Neius.
For developers, we’ve fixed some issues in the debugger affecting CPUs that use word addressing, and the source list is sorted more intuitively in memory windows. We’ve made a number of changes to how machine configuration works to make driver development more intuitive and less error-prone.
Of course, you can get source and Windows binaries from the download page.

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed

New working machines

New working clones

Machines promoted to working

Clones promoted to working

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING

New working software list additions

Software list items promoted to working

New NOT_WORKING software list additions

Translations added or modified

Source Changes

submitted by cuavas to emulation [link] [comments]

First time visit to DNBs and it was awesome!

I'm no spring chicken and even though was a bit on the older side of the scale I had a blast. Went with 3 other couples and we gamed our faces off. Wife got us groupons for buy 20 get 20 so we rocked 40 each. I got to beat the entire halo game. Play a bunch of rampage with my buddies and I hit the ticket jackpot in the fishing game with the harpoon.
Oh yeah we played way too much star trek coin pusher cause my wife and I are total degens but I love to gamble lol. Had an awesome time can't wait to go back.
submitted by Dragonzordenvy to DaveAndBusters [link] [comments]

MTX, Gambling, Children and Adults

Sorry if you clicked this hoping for some kind of meme or jab at Jagex, that's not what I'm hoping to discuss today. Instead I'm wanting to take an objective look at all the drama that's been happening recently in terms of each of the subjects in the title and just exactly what it means as opposed to what many on the subreddit seem to think it means.
First of all, the elephant in the room. MTX. It's no secret that the drama kicked off because of a recent TH promo coupled with an article published by the BBC surrounding Jagex's recent dealings with the UK Parliament. The subject of the investigation was in regards to loot boxes being regulated in a similar manner to gambling and what should be done regarding children. The point I see a lot of people missing is that is dealing with two different aspects, one being addiction and the other being the impact on children.
In terms of addiction, the inquiry done was targeted towards young adults that have built up a significant debt due to spending in games. This means it was aimed at 18-30 year olds since 18 is when you can legally "be in debt" in the eyes of the UK law. The MP from the committee would go on to link this back to being potential harm for children because he could equate loot boxes to being a game of chance, ergo gambling, and being addictive in the same vein with the challenge to the government to essentially "prove him wrong".
On paper, he's not wrong about loot boxes being addictive and an issue for problem gamblers but where he could run into problems is when he's bringing children into the equation. His only link from what can be seen is that it's addictive but he never outlined what the potential harm to children themselves could be that's explicit to the addiction of loot boxes. I mention this because of the problem aspect of loot boxes comes from being able to buy them with real currency which in a digital age means a few things, gift cards or debit/credit cards.
This point becomes important because it addresses their accessiblity for minors to begin with and who is responsible for it. The most likely way minors will be purchasing loot boxes is through gift cards or their parent/guardian doing it for them, I know there's stories of kids buying stuff just because payment details were linked and they did it without permission or knowing what they were doing is wrong which frankly, is a parental responsibility to stop them doing it if they're not allowed to, so for the sake of this we will assume everything is ok with child and responsible adult to do this.
I know a lot of people will say just to ban loot boxes for children and all those problems are solved... but they're really not. As per above, the financial impact opportunity cannot be assessed the same way as it can for an adult because legally, minors cannot accumulate debt in their own name. They can do it in their parents/guardians name but this comes as a result of either poorly managed parenting or if for some reason, the parents don't care about it.
The last thing I'll put forward in terms of talking about the impact on children is what gambling laws already say and how they can be paralleled with loot boxes. There's no minimum age required for some types of machines that are low stakes like coin pushers or teddy grabbers which is pretty much like loot boxes. An individual loot box is very much low stakes most of the time and the fact that you're guaranteed to "win" is actually a plus compared to these machines where you can end up with literally nothing to show for it. If these machines made it past the restrictions for gambling laws, so can loot boxes on the same premises of being low stakes.
Now going back to addiction for adults, this is where we're likely to see any kind of movement because evidence has been shown that it can indeed be problematic if not managed properly. This is where the point cuts off since the ball was thrown to parliament to rebuttal however what is most likely to happen is companies will be required to address the possibility of addiction in the form of external help such as begambleaware which is required by online casinos to be shown.
People that are saying Jagex are scared of the government because of this inquiry are jumping to conclusions but that's really nothing new. I'm not saying any of this because I'm some kind of apologist but because instead I'd rather hope to stop some of the obsession that is honestly more unhealthy than anything MTX can throw at us.
submitted by Taurenkey to runescape [link] [comments]

MAME 0.198

MAME 0.198

It’s the day you’ve been eagerly awaiting all month: MAME release day! MAME 0.198, our May release, is packed full of improvements in lots of areas. Newly supported arcade games include the rare video pinball game Tom Tom Magic, Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu EX ’98, and Keirin Ou. Newly supported computers include the TI-99/2, Dragon MSX-64, and BBC Master 512.
This release brings graphics emulation improvements to a number of systems, including more fixes for Sega Saturn/ST-V, missing effects emulated in 1945k III, and improvements to the title screen in Wolf Fang. The SH-4 recompiler now supports more FPU opcodes directly, and NAOMI keyboards are supported. Low-level floppy drive emulation improvements bring improved compatibility for Apple II software. Newly supported peripherals include a PC ISA LBA BIOS card, the Beeb Speech Synthesiser, and a number of BBC Micro pointing devices.
Other additions include new Tiger handhelds (Batman: The Animated Series, Operation: Aliens, Wayne’s World, and X-Men), the Fidelity Elegance and Prestige chess computers, and alternate versions of Battle Balls, Centipede, Final Fight, Karate Blazers, Last Mission, Real Puncher, Sengoku 3, Spy Hunter, and World Heroes 2. There are lots of additions to the Apple II cassette software list, and several additions to the Sorcerer cassette software list as well. MAME now supports Korean user interface thanks to a contribution from Neius.
For developers, we’ve fixed some issues in the debugger affecting CPUs that use word addressing, and the source list is sorted more intuitively in memory windows. We’ve made a number of changes to how machine configuration works to make driver development more intuitive and less error-prone.
Of course, you can get source and Windows binaries from the download page.

MAMETesters Bugs Fixed

New working machines

New working clones

Machines promoted to working

Clones promoted to working

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING

New working software list additions

Software list items promoted to working

New NOT_WORKING software list additions

Translations added or modified

Source Changes

submitted by cuavas to cade [link] [comments]

are coin pushers gambling video

Coin pusher gambling machine. Nathaniel Noir / Alamy Stock Photo. Image ID: F155J1. Search stock photos by tags. addiction addictive amusement arcade background bank bright brighton cash change coin pusher coin-op coins color colorful colour colourful debt edge england entertainment fair falling finance financial fun funds gambling game ... As an additional example, a coin pusher is an illegal gambling device, whether or not it purports to have an element of skill, because the player can win coins by playing. California Tribal Casinos Pushers are illegal in most statesespecially with coins. If its a real pot of silver machine and works good. Those sold for well over Good luck Ya I found my answer finally after digging that any coin operated device that rewards money is considered gambling and illegal in Illinois. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. You can find quarter pushers, flip-it machines, or coin pushers in casinos, on cruise ships, and even in some convenience stores. January 1, 2008. Any form of coin pusher is illegal in some states within the US. attempting to score a predetermined number of points by At the casinos. target. of a player to win a prize depends upon causing a coin ... This website is operated by MT SecureTrade Limited (“us”, “our”, Are Coin Pushers Gambling “we” or the “Company”), a company incorporated under the laws of Malta with registration number C56545 and registered address at @GIGBeach Triq id-Dragunara, St. Julians, STJ Are Coin Pushers Gambling 3148, Malta. For customers accessing the services from Great Britain (“GB”) MT ... Prosecutors say neither the kiosks nor coin-pushers involve any skill to play, just chance. "These kiosks and coin-pushers generated significant economic benefit to ITM Management LLC and WC Management LLC while inducing others to engage in gambling," the charges state. Are Real Money Coin Pushers Legal? There have been some issues with the legality of coin pushers in regards to gambling. Most countries do not allow cash to be used as a reward from the machine. This would make the games very similar to other gambling games, like slot machines. Any form of coin pusher is illegal in some states within the US. Check state laws on the issue to make sure that coin pushers are legal in your state. Are Coin Pushers Gambling It is not legal to operate an online gambling site within the state of Colorado. Recommended for you Recommended for you Recommended for you Most read Expansion at the property continues.ahill games brings you another UK style fruit NudgerFruit Machine is a fully Free download with no in-app purchases.Online ... Live dealer roulette is the most exciting game to play on online casinos, but bettors can find other roulette Are Coin Pushers Gambling games to play Are Coin Pushers Gambling online, too. Best for Instant Play Play Now. Gambling should be entertaining. Remember that ... You can find quarter pushers, flip-it machines, or coin pushers in casinos, on cruise ships, and even in some convenience stores. The odds of winning on a quarter pusher can vary due to the temperature, humidity, dirtiness of the coins (which adds additional friction), and the tilt angle the machine is set to.

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