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Who killed notorious 1940s gangster Benjamin ‘Bugsy’ Siegel, the father of modern Las Vegas? Was it another mob boss? The lover of his best friend's wife? One of the men he was embezzling money from? His Mafia spy girlfriend? His own bosses? The possibilities are endless—and puzzling.

(Note: be warned, kind of long background info here, but I think it’s needed)
As far as interesting lives, few can beat Benjamin ‘Bugsy’ Siegel. Born February 28, 1906 in Brooklyn, New York, Siegel came from a poor Jewish family. Before he was even twenty, he’d established a profitable protection racket and a lengthy rap sheet, including armed robbery, rape, and murder. Siegel had connections—he was childhood friends with Al Capone and familiar with many of the well known New York City mobsters of the day—and he also had a taste for violence. Soon, he’d established a small mob specializing in hits for the numerous bootleg gangs of the time with Meyer Lansky, a fellow mobster. His violence and short temper led some to say he was “crazy as a bedbug,” giving him his famous nickname ‘Bugsy,’ which he even more famously despised.
Siegel was making money, which he was happy to flaunt, but he wanted more. He carried out several hits for Charles “Lucky” Luciano, and eventually formed Murder Inc. with his associates, establishing himself as a skilled hitman for the National Crime Syndicate, an organization of mob families. But Siegel was already making enemies, and several assassination attempts were made on his life, some of which came very close to being successful. So, it was time to move out west.
In California, Siegel helped establish gambling rackets, drug trade routes, and prostitution rings. His star was rising outside of the Underworld too, and in addition to the numerous politicians and police on his payroll, he befriended stars like Cary Grant and Clark Gable. Incredibly, while in Italy with a socialite in 1938, he met Hermann Goering and Joseph Goebbels, whom he immediately disliked and offered to kill. The offer was declined by his lady friend. Yet Siegel was not always looked upon fondly by the upper echelons of Hollywood; he borrowed exorbitantly from celebrities, knowing he would never be asked to pay it back, and began to develop extensive plans to extort movie studios. After several trials and acquittals for failed and successful hits, it was time to leave California.
Siegel’s next stop was Las Vegas where, in 1945, he purchased and developed the Flamingo Hotel & Casino, the first luxury hotel on the Vegas strip. As you might imagine, that was expensive, and over the course of its construction, costs were equivalent to over $61 million in today’s money each year. Siegel’s checks were bouncing, and many of the locals felt threatened by him. Mob bosses were beginning to lose patience with Siegel too, and he was refusing to report on business, claiming he was running the California Syndicate himself. For now, they left him alone—he'd been valuable in the past, after all.
The Flamingo Hotel was a dismal failure, and people—very powerful people—were starting to get tired of waiting for the promised money to materialize. By 1947, it was gradually turning around—with the help of Meyer Lansky, now in Vegas—but for most, it was too little too late.
On June 20, 1947, Siegel was gunned down in the Beverly Hills home of his sometimes-girlfriend Virginia Hill. He was 41. Somewhat suspiciously, Hill had taken an unscheduled flight to Paris the day (or by some sources, week) before. As Siegel sat reading the newspaper with associate Allen Smiley, an unknown assailant fired with a .30 caliber military M1 carbine through the window, striking Siegel many times (NSFW). Two shots hit his head, with one passing through his right cheek and the other his nose. Though he was not hit directly through the eye (NSFW), a bullet-in-the-eye death became a popular trope in Mafia media, including in the Godfather, where a character based on Siegel is murdered in the same manner.
The death was covered extensively in the media, which portrayed Vegas as a bastion of sin and mafia activity. As early as the day after Siegel’s death (or, as some sources have it, during Siegel’s death), however, more personal things were changing: Lansky walked into the Flamingo and took over operations.
The mob is famously tight-lipped, and Siegel’s death was no exception. Despite the extensive speculation, no precise motive has ever been confirmed. There was a massive police investigation, but in a case like this, that doesn’t mean much, nor does the media coverage. The media in particular salivated over the potential for splashy crime stories, and the circumstances of this case have been complicated by contemporary coverage. Several days after Siegel’s death, for example, one newspaper ran the headline “BUGSY'S BLONDE EX-WIFE GIVES CLUES TO HIS KILLERS,” while another read “BUGSY'S EX NO AID IN HUNT.” As far as the most popular theories:
A Mob hit: A mob hit seems like the most obvious cause, and it's a theory that’s been popularized by several novels and the 1991 movie Bugsy. It would certainly make sense; it was the mob’s money Siegel had been spending wildly on his unsuccessful hotel after all, and he’d been growing uncooperative. Of the proposed hitmen, the most often mentioned are Frankie Carbo (Ralph Natale, former Philadelphia boss and Mob squealer, claimed Carbo as the true killer) and Eddie Cannizarro, both Syndicate hitmen. But even here, there are several proposed reasons for the hit. As some have it, mob money from the Flamingo’s funding was going missing and Siegel was skimming off the already meager profits. Skimming could have been forgiven, if the Flamingo was a success. It was not. After a meeting of the Syndicate’s “Board of Directors,” it was allegedly decided that Siegel would die, with Lansky reluctantly agreeing. Others believe that a hit might have been ordered whether Siegel was skimming or not; the Flamingo was simply too expensive. As one historian put it, “Bugsy was a dreamer. And he was dreaming with other people’s money.”
Yet many have also argued against this theory. According to one of Siegel’s emissaries in Vegas, for example, no one would have dared to order a hit on Siegel. He and Lansky were close until the end of their lives, and Lansky would never have agreed to it. And if Lansky would not agree, then Charles “Lucky” Luciano, who was “the head of everything,” would never have agreed either. And as others have argued, the method of execution (NSFW) didn’t match with typical mob methods; firing a weapon from outside a house increased the risk of missing as well as the risk of being seen. The preferred method was a clean shot to the back of the head. According to some, the oft-referenced money problems of the Flamingo also wasn’t an issue. At the time, Lansky was paying back any investor who wanted out, and the gradual uptick in its profits was quickening by the day. Personally, I don’t think the financial uptick invalidates the theory. If the hotel was starting to make more money, then that might be all the more reason to get rid of the difficult-to-manage Siegel and take over.
Wire Business: At the time of his death, Siegel was embroiled in a dispute with Jack Dragna, dubbed the Capone of Los Angeles. Siegel and Dragna had had an uneasy partnership in previous years, but Dragna, far less powerful than Siegel and the New York gangs, resented the income and respect Siegel commanded. This came to a head when a racing wire service (a way of cheating on bets) between the two of them soured. Siegel wanted control for himself, and ordered Dragna to turn it over or be killed, to which Dragna agreed. After Siegel’s death, control was returned to Dragna. He had a motive, but his story would only have been one among many for a man as ruthless as Siegel, which, in a way, complicates things further—there’s a real possibility that the culprit in Siegel’s murder was someone never even considered. His list of enemies was long, varied, and probably mostly unknown. Yet another man who had reason to want Siegel dead, for example, was his bodyguard and muscle Mickey Cohen. A Cleveland gangster, Cohen was given control of the Syndicate’s West Coast gambling operations. If Siegel still lived, he would never have gotten it. Interestingly, he, like Al Capone before him, was eventually felled by tax evasion.
Virginia and/or brother: The same emissary of Siegel who shot down the mob hit theory believed that Virginia Hill’s brother had carried out the murder. The brother, a marine stationed at Camp Pendleton named Bob or Bill, had seen Siegel and Virginia fighting outside the Flamingo as well as the bruises Siegel had left on her and threatened to kill him. Another of Virginia’s brothers, Chuck, was also at the Beverly Hills house when Siegel was murdered.
Virginia herself has also been the subject of suspicion. Nicknamed the “Queen of the Mob,” Hill worked, among other powerful jobs, as a cash courier, laundering money and stolen goods as well as blackmailing high-ranking men through sexual liaisons. Her relationship with Siegel was tempestuous at best, and she may have been embezzling from the Flamingo. She’s also been accused of two-timing with rival mob operations, though this is unconfirmed. Eventually fleeing to Europe permanently, Hill died of an overdose in 1966, though some have alleged that she was actually murdered after she, completely broke, attempted to leverage her intimate knowledge of the Mob.
Rival Mobs: Unfortunately, I can’t find much concrete information about this theory (note: story of my life researching these posts haha), but some believe that rival mob operatives wanted Siegel gone. He was a powerful—and very public—figure, which made him something of an obvious target in the cut-throat world of Mafia politics.
Moe Sedway: This is a relatively new theory, emerging after Robbie Sedway was interviewed for LA Magazine after his mother’s death. Here, he alleged that Siegel’s murder was ordered by his mother Bee, the wife of powerful mobster—and childhood friend of Siegel’s—Moe Sedway. According to Bee, who wrote and scrapped a book proposal called Bugsy's Little Lunatic (Siegel’s nickname for her), Siegel had threatened her husband, who was the Flamingo’s numbers man, and therefore watching Siegel—who, remember, had been accused of skimming—closely. So Bee contacted Mathew “Moose” Pandza, a truck driver whom Bee married after Moe’s death. Moose, the perfect killer, since he had no connection to the Mob, then shot Siegel to death. The problem with this theory, however, is that Bee is the only source; as she herself said, anyone who could contradict her was dead. She also squandered most of the fortune left to her by Moe over the course of her life, and died almost penniless.
All of the above: Some believe that almost all the suspects were involved. Usually, it goes something like this: “Virginia supplied the location and received some reward. Cohen knew Bugsy's schedule for the evening, but happened to not be watching him that night…Dragna ordered the hit, with the approval of Lansky and Luciano.” It’s unlikely, but it certainly has its believers, if only for the convenience of it.
Final Thoughts & Questions:
This case is interesting to me because of the sheer number of suspects. In the end, a mob hit seems the simplest and most likely explanation. But there were so many people with means, motive, and opportunity. So:
To many, Siegel’s legacy exceeds his mob connections, and in some ways, even his death; without him, many believe, there would be no Vegas. So if you take anything away from this write-up, let it be this: The Blue Man group’s Vegas residency is Bugsy Siegel’s fault.
submitted by LiviasFigs to UnresolvedMysteries [link] [comments]

Melawan Lupa Sejarah Judi Online

Melawan Lupa Sejarah Judi Online

Melawan Lupa Kilas Balik Sejarah Judi Online (sumber :
Melawan Lupa Sejarah Judi Online tidak jauh dari awal mulanya terjadi judi offline sebelumnya yang telah lama berlangsung dari jaman prasejarah. Sejarah umat manusia terkait erat dengan sejarah perjudian, karena tampaknya tidak peduli seberapa jauh Anda pergi ke masa lalu, ada tanda-tanda bahwa di mana sekelompok orang berkumpul bersama, perjudian pasti telah terjadi. Sekarang kami tidak akan mencoba melacak setiap putaran dan mengubah evolusi perjudian di artikel ini, tetapi apa yang akan kami lakukan adalah memilih beberapa tanggal terpenting untuk bertindak sebagai tonggak dalam perjalanan menuju perjudian hari ini. pengalaman.
Sejarah Perjudian
Berjudi selama berabad-abad adalah sekilas yang menarik ke dalam cerita budaya dan peradaban. Membawa keberuntungan bagi rakyat biasa sambil tidak menghormati raja, adalah sifat kebetulan yang berubah-ubah dan harapan akan putaran yang menguntungkan yang telah memikat kita selama ribuan tahun. Kami melihat kembali sejarah perjudian.
Permainan Judi telah ada sepanjang sejarah yang tercatat. Itu juga salah satu hiburan favorit dunia. Ini adalah pengaruh besar budaya populer (pikirkan Casino Royale, Ocean's Eleven, The Color of Money, dan banyak lainnya), dan dengan sendirinya terus berubah seiring waktu. Bergabunglah dengan kami saat kami melakukan perjalanan yang menarik melalui sejarah perjudian.
6000 SM: Afrika & Timur Tengah
Tidak mungkin untuk mengetahui secara pasti kapan manusia pertama mempertaruhkan sesuatu untuk hasil dari suatu kejadian kebetulan. Papan dari dua atau tiga baris lubang paralel yang ditemukan di Timur dekat berasal dari era Neolitik (10.000 - 4.500 SM) tetapi kami tidak dapat mengatakan dengan pasti apakah ini benar-benar permainan papan atau bukan.
Jadi kita akan memulai Sejarah Perjudian kita dengan apa yang kita ketahui. Arkeolog di Mesir telah menemukan apa yang sekarang kita anggap sebagai dadu yang berasal dari sekitar 3000 SM. Adegan yang dilukis di dinding makam dan gulungan papirus kuno menunjukkan pemain di sisi berlawanan dari papan yang menikmati permainan rekreasi seperti Mehen, Senet, Twenty Squares, dan Hounds and Jackals. Tampaknya permainan ini menyebar ke seluruh Mesir dan Timur Dekat melalui perdagangan barang dan kampanye militer. Faktanya, empat game kuno populer ini ditampilkan di The Metropolitan Museum of Art di New York City jika Anda pernah berada di lingkungan tersebut.
Untuk memberi Anda gambaran tentang ini semua, kami akan menggunakan game Mehen sebagai contoh. Dimainkan pada Periode Predinastik Mesir dan Kerajaan Lama (itu 2649 - 2130 SM), papan tersebut menunjukkan seekor ular melingkar yang dibagi menjadi beberapa kotak. Ular itu melambangkan dewa yang melingkari dewa matahari Re untuk melindunginya selama perjalanannya sepanjang malam. Kita tahu ini karena permainan itu dilukis di makam Hesre di Saqqara (2700 SM) bersama dengan potongan permainan yang akan digunakan dengan papan Mehen (tiga singa, tiga singa betina, dan enam set enam kelereng). Kami juga memiliki ide bagus tentang bagaimana permainan itu dimainkan berkat dokumen keagamaan yang disebut Teks Piramida. Ini menunjukkan bahwa akhirat dapat dicapai jika Anda berhasil melewati papan permainan Mehen dan mencapai pusat spiral, secara simbolis bergabung dengan Re.
Selain Mehen, ada lusinan game peluang yang dimainkan di dunia kuno. Senet adalah yang paling terkenal dan sangat populer sekitar 664 - 332 SM. Lain adalah Mancala yang, luar biasa, masih dimainkan hingga hari ini di seluruh Afrika, Timur Tengah dan Asia. Faktanya, ada banyak varian dari game strategi (baca : Game Judi) dua pemain ini yang bertujuan untuk menangkap semua atau sebagian bidak lawan.
Permainan dimulai dengan penempatan sejumlah benih, yang ditentukan untuk permainan tertentu, di setiap lubang di papan. Pemain mengambil giliran dengan membuang semua benih dari lubang, “menabur” benih (menempatkan satu di setiap lubang berikut secara berurutan) dan menangkap berdasarkan keadaan papan. Tujuannya adalah menanam benih paling banyak di bank. Jika bermain dalam mode tangkap, setelah pemain mengakhiri giliran di lubang kosong di sisinya sendiri, dia menangkap bidak lawan secara langsung. Setelah ditangkap, pemain dapat meletakkan benih di banknya sendiri. Setelah menangkap, lawan kehilangan giliran.
Tercatat ada lebih dari 800 nama permainan mancala tradisional. Aspek-aspek tertentu dari permainan mengingatkan kita pada aktivitas pertanian dan pemain tidak memerlukan peralatan khusus untuk ambil bagian. Bukti Mancala telah ditemukan di begitu banyak peradaban kuno, dari daerah Aksumite abad ke-6 di Eritrea dan Ethiopia, hingga Spanyol Muslim abad ke-10 dan pemandian Romawi yang digali di kota Gedera, Israel, dan bukti yang ditemukan di Yordania yang berasal dari sekitar 6000 SM . Hal ini membuat beberapa sejarawan menyarankan bahwa game tersebut bisa jadi yang tertua di dunia, sejak awal peradaban itu sendiri.
2000 SM: India
India memiliki sejarah panjang permainan taruhan. Salah satu permainan, Mahabharata, berada di tengah-tengah mitos epik dalam teks-teks Hindu yang berasal dari tahun 2000 SM. Dalam ceritanya, permainan dadu menyebabkan Pandawa bersaudara kehilangan kerajaannya. Mereka dikirim ke pengasingan sementara istri mereka dianiaya oleh lawan mereka yang menang. Ini membuat marah Dewa Krishna yang menyelamatkan para istri dan cerita berakhir dengan pertempuran epik di mana Pandawa bersaudara menang. Ini adalah kesimpulan yang sangat memuaskan ketika pembaca menemukan bahwa saudara-saudara ditipu untuk memainkan permainan judi yang dicurangi sehingga saudara-saudara itu selalu ditakdirkan untuk kalah - sampai Krishna turun tangan. Ada bukti bahwa judi kadang-kadang digunakan di India untuk menyelesaikan perselisihan antara musuh.
2300 SM: Tiongkok
Meskipun hampir pasti bahwa beberapa bentuk taruhan telah terjadi sejak awal sejarah manusia, bukti konkret paling awal berasal dari Tiongkok Kuno di mana ubin digali yang tampaknya digunakan untuk permainan kebetulan yang belum sempurna. 'Buku Lagu' China mengacu pada "gambar kayu" yang menunjukkan bahwa ubin mungkin merupakan bagian dari permainan jenis lotere. Kami memiliki bukti dalam bentuk slip keno yang digunakan pada sekitar 200 SM sebagai semacam lotre untuk mendanai pekerjaan negara - mungkin termasuk pembangunan Tembok Besar China. Lotere terus digunakan untuk tujuan sipil sepanjang sejarah - Harvard dan Yale sama-sama didirikan dengan menggunakan dana lotere - dan terus berlanjut hingga hari ini.
500 SM: Yunani Kuno & Roma
Penyair Yunani, Sophocles, mengklaim bahwa dadu diciptakan oleh pahlawan mitologis selama pengepungan Troy, dan meskipun ini mungkin memiliki dasar yang agak meragukan, tulisan-tulisannya sekitar tahun 500 SM adalah penyebutan dadu pertama dalam sejarah Yunani. Kita tahu bahwa dadu ada jauh lebih awal dari ini, karena sepasang dadu telah ditemukan dari kuburan Mesir dari tahun 3000 SM, tetapi yang pasti adalah bahwa orang Yunani dan Romawi Kuno suka bertaruh pada segala hal, tampaknya pada setiap kesempatan. Faktanya semua bentuk perjudian - termasuk permainan dadu - dilarang di dalam kota kuno Roma dan hukuman dijatuhkan pada mereka yang tertangkap yang bernilai empat kali lipat taruhannya. Akibatnya, warga Romawi yang cerdik menemukan chip judi pertama, jadi jika mereka ditangkap oleh penjaga, mereka dapat mengklaim bermain hanya untuk chip dan bukan untuk uang sungguhan. (Perhatikan bahwa tipu muslihat ini tidak akan berhasil jika dicoba di kasino Vegas).
200 SM: Mesoamerika
Salah satu permainan tertua di Amerika, Patolli, adalah permainan strategi dan keberuntungan dengan komitmen pada perjudian yang akan membuat rambut Anda berdiri tegak! Varian permainan dimainkan di seluruh Mesoamerika (hari ini meliputi Meksiko tengah, Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nikaragua dan Kosta Rika utara). Ada bukti bahwa patolli dimainkan oleh Teotihuacanos (sekitar 200 SM - 650 M), Toltec (750 - 1000), Aztec (1168-1521), dan Maya (yang peradabannya ada dalam satu bentuk atau lainnya dari 2000 SM sampai penaklukan Spanyol di Amerika Selatan pada 1697 M).
Patolli adalah perlombaan atau permainan perang dan apa pun bisa dipertaruhkan - selimut, batu dan perhiasan berharga, makanan, tanaman dan bahkan rumah, anggota keluarga, dan kebebasan penjudi! Anda dapat memahami mengapa permainan patolli selalu dianggap serius dalam kasus 'pemenang mengambil semua' dan pemain mempersiapkan diri secara psikologis dengan memanggil dewa permainan atau perjudian - Macuilxochitl.
Setiap pemain biasanya bertaruh enam item yang dihitung dengan enam penanda yang digunakan setiap pemain untuk menyelesaikan sirkuit di sekitar papan. Gagal melakukan ini dan pemain harus kehilangan satu item. Seberapa jauh bidak-bidak itu bisa bergerak ditentukan dengan melempar lima biji kacang hitam yang diberi tanda pada satu sisi berlubang. Ada banyak kendala yang harus diatasi saat memindahkan enam penanda di sekitar papan bertanda 52 kotak. Misalnya, jika penanda mendarat di salah satu dari dua ruang segitiga gelap di dekat ujung setiap lengan X, pemain harus memberikan harta karun kepada lawan.
Setelah Penaklukan Spanyol di Meksiko, pendeta Spanyol melarang pitolli dan tangan penduduk setempat dibakar jika ketahuan sedang bermain.
800: Tiongkok
Kami kembali ke China untuk penemuan kartu remi. Sebagian besar sejarawan setuju bahwa setumpuk kartu remi modern saat ini yang digunakan di setiap kasino berbasis darat dan online saat ini, mulai hidup di China pada abad ke-9. Jenis permainan yang digunakan untuk kartu ini telah hilang, tetapi beberapa menyarankan bahwa mereka mungkin telah digunakan dalam permainan yang mirip dengan permainan kartu perdagangan anak-anak modern atau mungkin bentuk kertas dari kartu domino Cina.
1300: Italia & Prancis
Permainan kartu dua pemain Baccarat merupakan permainan tertua di dunia yang masih bisa dinikmati di klub judi saat ini, walaupun sangat berbeda dengan permainan yang pertama kali dimainkan di Italia dan Perancis. Kami masih belum tahu bagaimana game ini sampai ke Eropa. Satu teori adalah bahwa itu didasarkan pada permainan Cina Pai Gow (dimainkan dengan ubin, bukan kartu), yang dibawa ke Italia oleh Marco Polo ketika ia kembali pada 1290-an dari ekspedisinya. Sulit untuk mengatakannya karena catatan tertulis pertama tentang Baccarat ditulis pada tahun 1800-an.
Beberapa orang percaya bahwa permainan modern (baca : Judi Online) berasal dari permainan Macao yang populer saat itu atau diciptakan menggunakan kartu Tarot oleh orang Italia - yang bernama Felix Falguiere - kemudian diperkenalkan di Prancis oleh tentara yang kembali dari konflik Italia pada tahun 1490-an. Yang lain menautkan Baccarat hari ini ke game Vingt-et-un yang berasal dari Prancis.
Either way, itu milik dunia sekarang dan tetap menjadi permainan favorit sebagian besar berkat kemudahan bermain dan keunggulannya rendah (dan kami tidak lupa betapa kerennya James Bond membuatnya terlihat!).
1600: Spanyol dan Blackjack
Pada awal 1601, penulis Spanyol Don Quixote, Miguel de Cervantes, menyebutkan permainan veintiuna dalam bahasa Spanyol di salah satu bukunya. Mungkin saja ventiuna adalah nenek moyang blackjack modern, atau dia bisa saja merujuk pada trente-un, permainan populer pada tahun 1570. Bahkan mungkin itu adalah permainan quinze Prancis. Tampaknya dengan persediaan kertas yang sedikit, tingkat melek huruf yang rendah dan tidak adanya pulpen, para jenius yang menemukan versi paling awal dari permainan yang kita sukai, jarang ditulis dalam sejarah.
Jadi apa yang kita ketahui tentang blackjack? Permainan seperti yang kita kenal sekarang secara resmi dinamai oleh orang Amerika dan dikaitkan dengan promosi 'get'em through the door' di Nevada pada tahun 1930-an - dengan peluang 10: 1 dibayarkan jika seorang pemain menang dengan Jack of Clubs or Spades hitam bersama dengan Ace of Spades.
1638: Italia dan kelahiran kasino
Meskipun perjudian adalah aktivitas yang populer dan tersebar luas di Venesia pada tahun 1600-an, baru pada tahun 1638 para pemimpin kota mengubah sayap Palazzo Dandolo Venesia menjadi rumah judi milik pemerintah bernama Il Ridotto, yang berarti "kamar pribadi".
Il Ridotto terbuka untuk umum, tetapi taruhannya yang tinggi dan aturan berpakaian formal tidak mencakup semua orang selain bangsawan. Permainan termasuk biribi dan basetta. Dalam biribi, pemain akan bertaruh pada salah satu dari 70 kemungkinan hasil. "Bankir" bertanggung jawab untuk menarik nomor, dan mereka yang bertaruh pada nomor itu akan memenangkan pot permainan. Pemain yang menang hanya akan mengumpulkan 64 kali taruhan aslinya, memungkinkan rumah untuk membuat bayaran 10 persen pada permainan. Ini nantinya akan menjadi tepi rumah.
Permainan paling populer di Il Ridotto adalah basetta, yang menggabungkan unsur-unsur dari apa yang kita kenal sekarang sebagai blackjack, poker, dan gin rummy. Pemenang bisa mendapatkan 60 kali lipat taruhan mereka dalam pembayaran.
Klub ini akhirnya ditutup pada tahun 1774 oleh pembaru Venesia, Giorgio Pisani, dengan tujuan "untuk menjaga kesalehan, disiplin yang baik, dan perilaku yang moderat".
1796: Rumah Judi Paris
Para Pemain Judi memiliki rumah taruhan di Paris untuk berterima kasih atas roulette. Versi paling awal dari gim ini tampaknya merupakan hibrida dari roda gim yang ditemukan pada awal 1700-an dan gim biribi Italia yang populer. Permainan dalam bentuk modern pertama kali disebutkan dalam novel Prancis tahun 1801, La Roulette - Ou le Jour, dan diperkirakan dimainkan di Paris untuk pertama kalinya pada tahun 1796.
Kasino Little Wheel di Paris memiliki skema warna yang berbeda saat itu. Merah digunakan untuk nol tunggal dan hitam untuk nol ganda, tetapi di beberapa titik di tahun 1800-an, hijau diperkenalkan untuk menghindari kemungkinan kebingungan.
Sepanjang tahun 1800-an, game judi ini semakin populer dan menyebar ke seluruh Eropa setelah dibukanya Kasino Monte Carlo yang ikonik. Meskipun bentuk nol tunggal dari permainan ini dimainkan di Eropa dan sebagian besar dunia, orang Amerika tetap menggunakan roda nol ganda yang asli.
1829: Pertumbuhan global Poker
Di sini sekali lagi, kita harus berspekulasi tentang asal mula poker. Beberapa ahli percaya bahwa permainan tersebut dapat ditelusuri kembali 1.000 tahun ke jenis permainan kartu domino yang dimainkan oleh seorang kaisar di Tiongkok abad ke-10. Sekolah pemikiran lain memiliki poker yang berasal dari permainan kartu Persia abad ke-16 yang disebut "As Nas".
Yang kita tahu adalah bahwa permainan bernama Poque semakin populer di Prancis pada tahun 1600-an bersamaan dengan padanannya di Jerman, pochen. Kedua permainan perjudian didasarkan pada permainan primero Spanyol abad ke-16 - tiga kartu dibagikan kepada setiap pemain dan menggertak adalah bagian penting dari permainan.
Poque dibawa ke Amerika Utara oleh penjajah Prancis, dan pemukim berbahasa Inggris Anglicized Poque ke poker. Pada tahun 1834, banyak fitur modern dari permainan ini digunakan, termasuk lima kartu untuk setiap pemain dan setumpuk 52 kartu.
Segera, popularitas permainan di antara anggota kru di perahu sungai yang mengangkut barang ke atas dan ke bawah Sungai Mississippi menyebarkan permainan itu ke seluruh negeri. Kita tahu pasti, bahwa tentara di kedua sisi Perang Saudara Amerika bermain poker dan itu juga merupakan favorit perusahaan di bar Wild West di permukiman perbatasan pada tahun 1870-an dan 1880-an.
Itu adalah Menteri Amerika untuk Inggris Raya yang memperkenalkan permainan ke Eropa pada tahun 1871. Ratu Victoria mendengar dia menjelaskan permainan kepada anggota istananya dan meminta aturan. Secara umum diterima bahwa fenomena global poker benar-benar melonjak selama Perang Dunia I karena tentara Amerika mengambil kesempatan untuk bermain kapan pun mereka bisa.
Baik Anda menikmati permainan poker langsung atau versi meja yang lebih tradisional, Anda mungkin paling akrab dengan varian Texas Hold'em tahun 1970-an, tetapi ada sejumlah versi berbeda selama bertahun-tahun.
1891: One Armed Bandit Amerika
Mesin slot yang sangat populer saat ini mulai hidup sebagai mesin judi sederhana yang dibuat oleh Sittman dan Pitt dari Brooklyn, New York pada tahun 1891. Mesin ini menggunakan 50 dari 52 kartu setumpuk poker untuk menantang pemain membentuk tangan poker. Permainan ini membutuhkan biaya satu nikel untuk dimainkan dan meskipun semakin populer, tidak ada cara untuk menstandarkan pembayaran untuk semua kombinasi kemenangan yang beragam - ini berarti hadiah untuk menang bervariasi dari satu batang ke batang lainnya.
Kemudian, pada tahun 1895, seorang pria bernama Charles Fey menciptakan mesin tiga drum dengan menggunakan lima simbol. Ini membuatnya lebih mudah untuk menstandarkan pembayaran pada jumlah kombinasi. Mesin slot elektronik pertama baru lahir pada tahun 1963. Kemudian pada tahun 1976, mesin slot video ditemukan dengan layar berwarna 19 inci dan papan logika Sony, yang ternyata lebih dapat diandalkan daripada suku cadang mekanis, lebih murah untuk diproduksi dan tidak terlalu rentan terhadap penipuan. Ini tentu saja membuka jalan bagi slot digital di klub berbasis darat dan slot online yang merupakan tulang punggung sebagian besar operasi perjudian saat ini.
1960-an: Taruhan Olahraga Inggris
Inggris Raya memiliki sejarah panjang dalam taruhan olahraga, tetapi baru setelah Undang-Undang 1960 melegalkan taruhan di luar jalur, Inggris berkembang menjadi pasar yang sangat besar seperti saat ini dengan lebih dari 1.000 toko taruhan di London saja. Tidak diragukan lagi daya tariknya adalah menambahkan taruhan seseorang melalui taruhan pada hasil salah satu hiburan favorit kami, dan seringkali obsesif, - olahraga.
Pasar taruhan olahraga online saat ini di Inggris Raya bernilai sekitar £ 650 juta dengan populasi perjudian online 2,1 juta pelanggan dan terus bertambah.
Taruhan pada olahraga telah menjadi rekor sejak orang Yunani menemukan Olimpiade ribuan tahun yang lalu. Tidak diragukan lagi legalisasi tahun 1950-an atas hobi di Las Vegas dan pelonggaran undang-undang tahun 1960-an di Inggris menyebabkan penggunaan hobi tersebut. Tetapi baru setelah internet menjadi arus utama, taruhan online melonjak ke ketinggian baru. Anda dapat membaca lebih lanjut tentang sejarah taruhan olahraga di Inggris di blog ini.
1994: Perbatasan Baru untuk Perjudian
Sama seperti kita telah memindahkan begitu banyak aktivitas kita secara online, tidaklah mengherankan bahwa perjudian di dunia maya telah meledak sejak Internet tersedia di rumah kita. Faktanya, dalam lima tahun setelah online, industri taruhan diperkirakan bernilai £ 3,8 miliar. Saat ini, ini adalah industri multi-miliar pound dengan lebih dari seribu kasino online di seluruh dunia.
Sekarang tablet dan ponsel cerdas memungkinkan penjudi untuk bermain game online di mana pun mereka berada, dan kapan pun mereka suka, dan para ahli memperkirakan bahwa ini hanyalah awal dari tren peningkatan dalam perjudian seluler. Dengan pemikiran ini, situs perjudian terus berupaya untuk membuat pengalaman online semudah dan seautentik mungkin bagi pelanggan mereka, sehingga terbentuklah situs taruhan online.
Dengan teknologi baru yang menarik segera hadir di bidang Virtual dan Augmented Reality, tidak sulit untuk percaya bahwa tak lama kemudian, pengalaman online akan menawarkan semua realisme ruang judi, tanpa Anda harus meninggalkan kenyamanan rumah Anda. .
Bermain langsung di VIVA99 sebagai agen judi adalah pengalaman yang benar-benar unik. Penawaran kelas satunya memberi para pemain kesempatan untuk mengambil bagian dalam permainan kasino langsung favorit mereka tanpa perlu mengunduh untuk bermain - hanya pengalaman kasino sejati setiap saat.
2020: Perjudian Telah Beralih ke Seluler
Sejak New Jersey melegalkan perjudian online pada tahun 2011, minat orang-orang terhadapnya telah meningkat pesat. Amerika telah melihat langkah untuk melegalkannya negara bagian demi negara, serta mengalami peningkatan pesat dalam perjudian seluler. Di seluruh dunia, pengguna internet secara bertahap beralih dari desktop ke perangkat genggam mereka. Ini juga berlaku untuk penjudi online, ingin dapat menikmati permainan favorit mereka saat bepergian. Situs judi online teratas di luar sana telah mengenali pasar dan telah meningkatkan kualitasnya. Dengan gelombang tujuan perjudian online yang berfokus pada seluler yang mengesankan dan menggemparkan dunia, aman untuk mengatakan bahwa desktop tertinggal jauh demi alternatif yang lebih seluler.
Apa Selanjutnya, Masa Depan
Memprediksi masa depan perjudian sama sulitnya dengan mengungkap beberapa asal mula permainan judi yang kita kenal dengan baik hari ini. Sebagian besar fokus saat ini adalah di pasar game seluler, dengan kasino online berebut untuk membuat lebih banyak konten yang kompatibel dengan perangkat genggam terbaru. Teknologi realitas virtual baru saja mengambil langkah pertamanya sebagai proposisi komersial, dan Anda dapat yakin bahwa akan ada aplikasi perjudian di masa mendatang. Bagaimana Anda ingin duduk di sekitar meja poker virtual dengan sekelompok teman Anda dari seluruh dunia, berbagi sedikit tawa, mencoba untuk mengetahui apakah Anda dapat melihat tanda centang wajah; dan semua ini dari kenyamanan rumah Anda? Headset VR dapat mewujudkannya - mungkin tidak hari ini, tetapi tentunya hanya beberapa tahun ke depan jika teknologi terus berkembang pesat.
Dan setelah itu? Siapa yang tahu, tetapi jika menyangkut perjudian, semua hal mungkin terjadi.
SUMBER : Mengenang Sejarah Judi Online -
submitted by richardviva99 to u/richardviva99 [link] [comments]

The Case of the Missing 40,000 Jerry Nugget Decks

The Case of the Missing 40,000 Jerry Nugget Decks: A Detective Story
NB: I first published this article (with pictures) at PlayingCardDecks here.
Jerry's Nugget Playing Cards. The story of the original Jerry's Nugget decks is a fascinating one, and there are many interesting side-stories to explore about along the way. You can read the main story about the Jerry's Nugget decks in my previous article here: The Legendary Jerry's Nugget Playing Cards.
But the full truth still remains somewhat hidden, and there are aspects about the Jerry's Nugget story that even today we can't totally be sure about. And with the passage of time, several juicy tidbits of lore have become attached to this famous deck.
In this article I invite you to join me in a quest to explore another juicy story that has become part of the Jerry's Nugget legend. Is it true that the final stock of 40,000 Jerry's Nugget decks was bought up from the casino by a mysterious overseas buyer? Because this is an oft-repeated part of the story, that you'll hear whispered rumours about across the landscape of the internet. But this a statement of fact or fiction, and is it truth or myth? It could mean that right now someone is potentially sitting on a small fortune of Jerry's Nugget decks worth around $500 a piece. If it's true.
So please put on your Sherlock Holmes trench-coat and deerstalker hat, arm yourself with a good amount of deductive logic and persistence, and join me as we see if we can really get to the bottom of this mystery, and dredge up the truth behind this famed haul of 40,000 decks!

A Secret Stash of 40,000 Decks?

If you are curious - like I am - and do some digging about the story and history of the Jerry's Nugget decks, it won't take you long to stumble across mention of the claim that a stash of the final 40,000 decks of Jerry's Nuggets was bought up in a single swoop, cleaning out the casino's remaining inventory of these prized decks.
The story about some lucky buyer nabbing a final stash of 40,000 decks is circulated quite widely around the internet. Do a Google search for "40,000 Jerry's Nugget" and look at how many hits this gets! Some places that sell the decks even include this in their ad copy. For example, here's the ad copy over at one online retailer, which was selling authentic decks for $525 before they sold out:
Another online retailer says the same. Many reviewers have parroted this information as well, such as this example. So do various sites dedicated to information about playing cards, such as this example.
As far as many people are concerned, this information is more along the lines of "fact" than fiction, and it's become part of the story that everyone accepts. Little wonder that it is often repeated by collectors in discussion forums about playing cards, and that it has given more than just one person a tinge of envy.

Who is the mysterious buyer?

So who is the lucky guy with 40,000 decks of precious Jerry's Nugget decks hidden in his basement or garage? And is the story even true?
Some of the sources for this story seem quite credible. And they also reveal the buyer's name: French magician Dominique Duvivier. One person quotes Jordan Lapping, apparently among the first cardists to get Jerry's Nugget decks and use them for flourishing.
Dominique Duvivier is a French magician who performs and works with his daughter Alexandra, and together they have a high profile in the world of French magic. They are even well known in the circles of international magic, and were featured on the cover of the June 2013 issue of Genii Magazine.
Norwegian magician Allan Hagen has a long-time interest in the Jerry's Nugget decks, and he also mentions Duvivier's purchase of 40,000 Jerry's Nugget decks as apparent fact in something he posted on Reddit in 2015, where he describes his perspective on their rarity and value.
You'll read similar reports in an article published by Ukrainian cardists Alexander and Nikolay about Jerry's Nugget decks in June 2017. Two things are common to all these accounts: the number 40,000 for the haul of decks purchased by the mysterious overseas buyer. And now his name: Dominique Duvivier.
I contacted a number of different sources, including people who had personal connections with some of the key players who were closely involved when Jerry's Nuggets decks first became a fad among magicians and cardists in the late 1990s. One source told me: "Interesting, the name of the European magician - it was a big secret back then. Someone actually told me his name back then, but it was on the proviso that I never publish it. Well, I see it's out of the bag now."

Was Dominique Duvivier the buyer?

But is there any evidence that Dominique Duvivier was really the mystery buyer whose name had been a carefully kept secret for some time at least? It was time for some more detective work. Google brought me to Duvivier's personal website.
It didn't take long to discover that Duvivier does indeed have a real fondness for Jerry's Nuggets Playing Cards. They are everywhere - in his photos, his videos, and his instagram.
Judging by the many French-language comments on his site, it also becomes apparent that Duvivier is highly respected and appreciated in his home country for his magic. It's also evident from reading some of the comments that his Jerry's Nuggets decks are a signature of his performance. Some even consider them to be the equivalent of a Stradivarius that Duvivier uses to perform with as a master magician.
But it was when I checked Duvivier's youtube channel that I found some real gold: Dominique himself performing with Jerry's Nugget cards in this clip. In fact, if you check out his other videos there, you'll find quite a few where he performs magic with Jerry's Nugget playing cards, like this performance from 2014, this more recent ace cutting routine, and this false shuffle. Duvivier has even contributed a Jerry's Nugget themed trick to the magic industry, entitled Jerry's Nuggets Cards in Bag.
You can watch the promo video for this trick in French or English. His daughter Alexandra Duvivier successfully used it to fool Penn and Teller on their show Fool Us. Here's the episode, and some unseen footage.
But just because Dominique Duvivier happens to really, really like Jerry's Nugget playing cards doesn't prove that he bought out a massive stash of the last 40,000 decks from the casino. So this still begs this question: Did any of this even happen? And is there really someone on this planet with a hoard of 40,000 decks, whether it is Dominique Duvivier or anybody else?
One of my favourite photos on Duvivier's site is this one here, with his haul. If that's any indication, surely the legendary haul was starting to seem somewhat plausible. It was time to ask around, and check in with some of the people who were around when the Jerry's Nugget decks first became the rage.
Of the sources I consulted, few could be considered more reliable than Lee Asher. For many people Lee is synonymous with the Jerry's Nugget phenomenon. He also had close connections with the events of the time, and was instrumental in bringing the Jerry's Nuggets into the limelight in the first place, by singing their paises. He was kind enough to respond when I contacted him for comment about Duvivier's alleged haul of 40,000 Jerry's Nugget decks, and Lee bluntly told me the following:
"This is misinformation. There weren't 40k decks left in 1999. We don't even know if Jerry's even printed 40k decks."
Really? Apparently Lee Asher knew Duvivier personally, and he was the very person who first told Duvivier that the casino even had the cards for sale. He also visited his home and shop in Paris many times throughout this period of time. In Lee's words:
"Without a doubt, I NEVER saw 40k of ANY deck there. That's basically nine pallets worth. The house, their magic shop and night club weren't big enough to house these decks. It also seems Duvivier isn't the last one to buy the remaining decks. Jerry's Nugget Casino believes they sold the last case of cards to someone in Japan in 1999."
Well, it seems that the story had to be put to rest. Was this entire story perhaps just a magnificent urban legend after all? And if it was, where does the number of 40,000 decks come from, and how did this story get so much traction that it spread all around the internet, and is accepted unquestionably by so many people? My task had just become a bit harder, but I wasn't going to give up yet. It was time to try to track down where the many websites that quoted this story got the figure of 40,000 from in the first place.

Where does the figure of 40,000 come from?

With some more digging, the oldest article I could find on the subject was by a card collector who has a collection of fine articles on his site, White Knuckle Cards. This particular article dates back to 2009, and is one of the earliest references to the legendary stash of 40,000 decks that I could find.
This particular article seems to be the first time the figure of 40,000 pops up, pre-dating all the more recent mentions of it. And it's not hard to figure out how it spread from there. On 6 August 2015, someone called "Doctor Papa Jones" added these details to Wikipedia's article on Jerry's Nuggets, evidently relying on the White Knuckle Cards article. As a result the Wikipedia article now read as follows: "In 2000, a private collector purchased the remaining stock of 40,000 decks".
So now this "fact" is on Wikipedia and has some real "credibility". In fact, the number 40,000 stays up on Wikipedia for the next five years unchallenged! And that allows it to spread around the internet and go wild. Because where does everyone go when they're looking for reliable, authoritative, and trustworthy information about something? Wikipedia!
Despite the mention of the magical stash of 40,000 decks, Duvivier's name remained out of the spotlight for a further four years. It was simply a mysterious "private collector" who had purchased the big haul. But in 2019, someone connected the dots to Duvivier, and so the Wikipedia article was changed to include his name.
So how did that happen? Well the supporting reference that Doctor Papa Jones included in his 2015 edit was a link to an article by Dan and Dave Buck, dating back to 7 Dec 2011. This article is also no longer available, but can be tracked down with the help of the Internet Archive here. It doesn't give the figure of 40,000 but does drop Duvivier's name.
So the evidence seems to suggest this development: Apparently relying on the White Knuckle Cards article from 2009 as a source, the number 40,000 first embedded itself in the WIkipedia article on Jerry's Nugget Playing Cards in 2015. Slowly the story grew, until somebody finally connected the dots that were hidden in plain sight elsewhere on the internet, and as a result Duvivier's name gets added four years later. Now things are set up for a great story: Mr Duvivier is sitting on a massive stash of 40,000 Jerry's Nuggets in France.
The story gained even more traction as a result of the revived interest in Jerry's Nuggets that inevitably happened when a tribute deck was printed in 2019. It was inevitable that many would rely on Wikipedia as a source, and so the details even ended up being quoted in ad copy for the reprinted decks. What had previously just been a matter of quiet rumour or speculation, was now considered as fact. Oh, the joy of Wikipedia - it has certainly helped promote quite the legend here!
And it doesn't take a genius to see that if this is true, Duvivier could be sitting on a small fortune. At $500 each, 14,000 decks would be worth around $700,000. Naturally a market flooded with them would drop their value. But even if the going price dropped to $100 a piece, that would still value his holdings at over $100,000. Even if he just sold the occasional decks at $500 a pop, this windfall could generate a nice little secondary income. That is, if the legend is true, a fact yet to be proven....

Revising the figure

Because this year, the Wikipedia article was changed. By now of course the (mis)information about Duvivier's haul had gone far and wide, and a lot of potential damage has already been done. But on 25 March 2020 someone called "TheCongressGuy" changed it to read that Duvivier "purchased the remaining stock of 1,500-2000 decks".
Suddenly the number of Duvivier's legendary purchase had been reduced from 40,000 to something around 5% of the size. A figure of 1,500-2000 seems much more likely. So who made the change and what was their source?
I did some more digging and managed to track down TheCongressGuy. He is Kevan Seaney, who describes himself as an "antique playing cards collector, specializing in the Congress 606 brand" and posts here. In February 2020 he wrote here that he'd learned that Duvivier had not purchased 40,000 decks. I was curious, and eventually found the following video that he posted about this:
And who was his source that Kevan credits for correcting the previous (mis)information about the number 40,000? If you watch that video, you'll find out that it is none other than the great Lee Asher. Lee Asher isn't just "anyone". He's a playing card expert, and the current president of 52 Plus Joker The American Playing Card Collectors Club. He's the guy who first generated public interest in Jerry's Nugget decks, brought them to the attention of cardists like the Buck twins and Chris Kenner, and was later a purveyor of these icon decks via his website. He's also had personal connections with Duvivier, was the person who informed Duvivier that they were available from the casino, and has personally spent a lot of time with him in Paris.
And Lee Asher is a key person that has helped get real Jerry's Nugget decks into the hands of a new generation today. He's the guy who was instrumental in making a collaboration happen between Jerry's Nugget Casino and Expert Playing Card Company, by suggesting that EPCC get the exclusive licence needed to reprint these iconic decks in 2019, as announced in an official press release here.
It's plain that along with EPCC's Bill Kalush, Lee Asher (pictured below) was singularly responsible for getting an officially licensed Jerry's Nugget deck back into the hands of a new generation and into the collections of those who couldn't afford the massive sticker price of the originals. So if anyone has a passion for the original Jerry's Nuggets, it is Lee Asher. Of anyone in this picture, Lee is the person with the most credibility, and his opinion and perspective should carry a lot of weight.
With Asher as his source, Kevan Seaney points out that 40,000 decks of Jerry's Nugget playing cards is the equivalent of around 8 pallets. That's a massive amount, and would weigh around four tons. And it would take up a tremendous amount of space! Kevan cites Lee Asher as saying (via voice messages in Instagram) that in 1999 Asher told Duvivier that he could get the decks from the casino, and that Duvivier bought around 1,500-2000 decks at the time. Lee subsequently visited his home and store - France's oldest magic shop - in France many times. And according to Asher, there was no way Duvivier had room for 40,000 decks. Kevin also says that Lee Asher pointed out to him that these were technically not the final lot of decks sold by the casino anyway, and that the last decks (a "case" of unknown size) probably went to Japan.
Wow. That really changes things! So based on this apparent "new information" from Lee Asher - who to his credit has apparently been saying this all along - Wikipedia gets a new edit by TheCongressGuy aka Kevin Seaney. The impressive figure of 40,000 is reduced to a much more modest 1500-2000, which is paltry by comparison to the much larger figures circulating the internet, and not nearly as impressive a story. But this is only after Wikipedia has been singing a different tune for five years, so the `damage' has been done, and the story of Duvivier's windfall of 40,000 Jerry's Nuggets is already accepted by most people as a true story.

Duvivier's own story

Suddenly it occurred to me to investigate Duvivier himself. Was this perhaps a line of inquiry that might produce some solid leads and definitive facts? Has the man himself ever commented on all these stories about his legendary haul? Could I find anything directly from the man himself that would shed some light on these legends? In fact, why hadn't I thought of this earlier? Just because nobody else seems to have dug up or reported anything from the man's own mouth, doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. I slapped myself for my own foolishness, and headed back to Google.
As it turns out, Duvivier has written about this! But because it's an article in French, it's escaped notice from most people. Since he's popular as a professional magician in France, he not only has his own website, but he also writes his own blog. And sure enough, he's addressed this very topic in a blog article that he wrote in April 2011 under the title "Magiphageuh No 14: Les Jerry's Nugget".
With the help of an online translation tool, we learn this:
"As most of you already know, I only use real "Jerry's Nugget" cards to work with and have been doing so for many years. As these cards happen to be extremely rare to find on the market (I am obviously talking about the original Jerry's Nugget cards and not the recently reprinted ones) and they excite the magical world a lot, I am therefore constantly asked how many I own, how long have I owned them, what deal I made to get them and with whom, why do I have so many cards, why did I choose these specifically, why don't I want to sell them, why, why, eh?! And I hear such amazing stories about myself on these famous "Jerry's Nugget" cards that I decided to speak on the subject myself today."
This sounds very promising! Duvivier then goes on to tell the story about how the Jerry's Nuggets gained their legendary reputation, and the unique qualities they have. In France in the 1970s, American playing cards were quite rarely seen, and Duvivier knew a French pilot commandant called Reyno who loved magic, who would occasionally bring back cards from the US to a small circle of French magicians. At this time even standard Bicycle and Tally Ho decks were prized by these French conjurers, so besides them a Jerry's Nugget deck was considered a real crown jewel.
Over the years Duvivier occasionally got more of the Jerry's Nugget decks, sometimes even an entire case of them at once, especially via his friend Michael Weber, who was his main supplier. We fast forward to 1999, when he finds himself heading to Las Vegas to perform at The Magic Castle. Here's the story in his words, courtesy of an online translation tool:
"In 1999 (if I'm not mistaken) my daughter Alexandra and I were hired to perform for a whole week at Magic Castle and then for a few contracts in Las Vegas. You may think that I had only one idea in mind at the time: a trip to the original casino where my favourite cards were from, Jerry's Nugget! Michael Weber had told me that there were still a few decks for sale there, so as soon as we arrived I immediately asked Philip Varricchio, who had come to pick us up in a limousine, to take us there. He was rather surprised, as we hadn't even put our bags down at the hotel (yes, I'm a fool) and the old Jerry's casino wasn't really known for being a must-see place! So I told him that I wanted to go there to buy Jerry's Nugget cards. According to him it was impossible to get them for the simple reason that they hadn't been around for a long time, but I was so insistent that he finally complied (hey, hey, hey!). When we arrived there, we went to the gift shop of the casino and I asked the salesman if he was selling their decks.
- Yes," he told me, "I have a few.
He shows me a small piece of wall in the back of the store where a hundred decks were on display. I ask about the price. Not even expensive!
- Well, I'll take them," I say (laughs).
And of course I ask if he has more in reserve! Yes, there were about a hundred boxes left (each box containing a large number of cards, 144 decks!). After a little negotiation, the unit price was even lowered to less than $1.
That's it, that's how it happened and that's it. In fact, in all this story, the most difficult, the longest and the most expensive was to get the stock back to France.
Since then, I've been seeing, little by little, the bids going up on these cards in a rather hallucinating way, whereas, of course, that wasn't my initial motivation at all. From the moment I bought the remaining stock, it's as if everyone wanted to own even more! But I just wanted to have enough stock of Jerry's Nugget decks because I'm a card fanatic and these in particular. I use these cards because they're the best cards I know and I've fought like a big man to own enough of them for me (I should mention that I never had a middleman or a partner to buy these cards). Anyone could have done as I did and I don't understand why no one did: you just had to take the trouble to go to this casino, because the cards were available! In any case, now they are all warm and cosy in different safes, which I won't tell you about. They say I'm the person with the most cards in the world, but I have to say I don't care. I know Chris Kenner is the one who planned it, he has a lot of them too. I've been offered golden bridges to sell a few packages, or even my entire stock. I've had some incredible offers over the years. I never intended to create a buzz with these cards: I just use them for my own personal consumption, that's all...because they're my favorite cards."
Probably the key sentence in that account is this, and the best translation seems to be something like this:
"Yes, there were about a hundred boxes left (each box containing a large number of cards, that's 144 decks!)."
The formula is simple: around 100 boxes with 144 decks each. If true, that would mean 100 x 144 = 14,400 decks. Given that this is directly from the horse's mouth, suddenly the story becomes slightly more plausible. So too is his additional statement:
"In all this story, the most difficult, the longest and the most expensive was to get the stock back to France."
That suggests he didn't bring the whole stash to France in one go, which might explain why visitors like Lee Asher and others who saw his home and magic shop never saw any evidence of them. I'm not a French speaker, so I'm happy to be corrected if I'm misunderstanding anything Duvivier has written - by all means check the article for yourself in the original French, to see if I've got it right. But the long and short of it seems to be that Duvivier is saying that what he bought from Las Vegas around 1999 was not a stash of 40,000 Jerry's Nuggets decks, but 14,000 decks.
14,000 is not nearly as impressive a figure. But even though it's only a third of the size of what the legend floating around the internet says, 14,000 decks is still an incredibly impressive haul. Certainly the amount of pictures and videos that show Duvivier performing with Jerry's Nugget cards, seems to suggest that they are very much part of his regular repertoire. It could just be possible, and maybe I've finally found the truth!
Perhaps the most defining photo of all is this one (credited to Zakary Belamy), which shows Duvivier enjoying a bath with his Jerry's Nugget playing cards! Given the value of these playing cards on the market today, some might consider this sacrilege, but it sure suggests he has a large enough supply of Jerry's Nugget cards. At any rate, his collection of them seems large enough that he can even afford to take them to the bath for a photo op along with his favourite yellow rubber ducky.

But is it true?

Was the mystery solved at last? It was time to get back in contact with Lee Asher, and share my findings. But despite the claims of Duvivier in his 2011 article, Lee is not convinced that Duvivier is a credible source. To be fair, this is what Lee Asher has been saying all along, and for years he's been saying that the story about the legendary haul of 40,000 decks wasn't supported by the facts.
Ultimately what this comes down to is: are we going to believe what Duvivier says? For the most part, Duvivier has appeared to have had little interest in setting the record straight, despite the fact that the rumour of him nabbing 40,000 decks persisted as long as it did. And if he does have a large stash, why has he shown little interest in selling any of the decks that he does have, instead being happy to hoard them or use them only for himself? Would he really have spent all the time, energy, and money necessary to ship even 14,000 decks of playing cards across the ocean from the United States to Europe, just for his personal usage, at a time when the street value of these was only a dollar or two a piece? And if he did, where did he put them, and why has nobody ever seen his stash, including those who visited his home?
There are other details about Duvivier's record of events that call aspects of his narrative into question, such as his complete omission of any mention of Lee Asher, who was the one who made him aware of where he could get them. And in those days, the casino gift shop was very small, so is it really reasonable for them to display 100 decks on their back wall, as Duvivier claims in his 2011 article, when they had such little space to work with?
I had some private correspondence with another magician/cardist who has also stayed at Duvivier's house, and that individual expressed similar sentiments. He agreed that there was no evidence of Duvivier ever owning that many decks. Just do the math: 40,000 decks would mean Duvivier could use a brand new deck every single day for more than 100 years before he chewed through a collection of decks that size. Again: very unlikely. If he really did have that many, it would be way more than he could ever use, and surely he would have sold some by now - which he hasn't. This person remains somewhat skeptical, but acknowledges that the figure of 14,000 is a more realistic number that is not beyond the realms of possibility, especially if Duvivier has them locked up in a storage facility in Paris somewhere.
As an educated guess, it seems that there is good reason to cast some suspicion on this story, and there are some aspects about it that seem rather unlikely. Shipping that many decks, at the time only worth a buck or two each at most, all the way from Las Vegas to Paris would be crazy. But a man willing to jump into a bath with a yellow rubber duck and destroy $1000 worth of playing cards in the process strikes me as crazy enough to do it. Perhaps Duvivier's story is true after all.

A final twist

I was now several weeks into my adventures as an investigative journalist, and I was getting ready to wrap up my story and publish it. But there was one final lead that I had not yet explored. If I was really going to try every possible avenue of information, I had to try contacting Dominique Duvivier himself. Why not? Admittedly, the odds of getting a response from someone about his apparent stash of precious Jerry's Nuggets wasn't likely. If there was any truth to the story about his legendary haul, even to some degree, then he's undoubtedly had hundreds of inquiries over the years. Just imagine the long lines of people asking him about his stash, trying to convince him to part with some of it. If yet another email comes in on this subject, he'd probably roll his eyes and press `delete'. He is working full time as a professional magician after all, and has a career to worry about. I couldn't blame him if he was tired of responding to what undoubtedly would be countless messages from prospective buyers.
But I had no intention to buy anything, so as a good amateur journalist, I had to try. It was a long shot, but to my surprise, I got a response from Duvivier the very same day! It wasn't much, but it included one unexpected bombshell - especially after the journey I'd been on so far: "You'll be glad to know that a special article is going to appear in next Genii Magazine. It's called Dominique Duvivier and Jerry's Nugget cards."
I was stunned. Was someone else working on exactly the same story as me, and had they beat me to the punch? Maybe even Duvivier himself? Could it really be true that in little more than two weeks time, the next issue of Genii was scheduled to come out, and would potentially reveal all? Suddenly I knew that I had to wait with publishing my story. In further emails, Dominique was tight-lipped about any more details. At the very least, surely I would have to wait until that issue of Genii was available, and fork out my cash and purchase a subscription in order to read it. I owed it to my readers to explore every last clue, and give them a story that included all the evidence.
So that is what I did. I waited for the July issue to appear online. Digital editions of Genii are released online each month on the 20th of the month. Finally 20th of June rolled around, and I eagerly perused the contents of the latest issue. Nothing. Nothing remotely Duvivier related. Nothing Jerry's Nugget related. Was Duvivier for real? An inquiry with the editor of Genii produced this response: "Not this issue. Coming up." Would it be August or September maybe? Further inquiries produced only silence.
In follow up correspondence with the Frenchman himself, Duvivier told me "I wrote the article myself. It?s quite long." That sounded promising, but it could just be about his love affair with Jerry's Nugget Playing Cards, rather than a "tell all" story about his haul. There still was no guarantee that it would even be published. And I couldn't be sure that it would offer any more information than his blog article from 2011 which already gave his side of the story, or that it would be any more reliable than the version of events he'd provided there. Was it really worth waiting any longer? It was time to share my findings with the world anyway, and I could always provide an addendum to my story if any credible new information appeared.

Final Thoughts

Is this the final word on this subject? No. I've tried to do the best I could based on information available to me, and shared as much as I could with my readers, so that you can form your own conclusions based on the evidence so far. Undoubtedly there are still some missing puzzle pieces, and in future years some new information could come to light that shows that some of my conclusions were misplaced or that puts aspects of this story a slightly different perspective.
Today we are two full decades removed from the time when the original decks first sold out at the Jerry's Nugget casino. And the further removed in time that we come, the harder it becomes to uncover the truth. Memories become murky. As it is nobody at the casino seems to remember the specific details of what happened. At the time they were probably only too glad to get the remaining stock out of their hands, and nobody could have anticipated how these decks would become the famous icons that they are today. Even their chief evangelist Lee Asher has to be somewhat surprised at the turn of events he's produced since first singing their praises some twenty years ago!
So what can we conclude from all of this? Here's some final thoughts that I'll leave you with:
1. Don't believe everything you read on the internet.
Unfortunately, it's a fact of modern life that not everything on the internet is true. And as we've seen, this also applies to sites like Wikipedia. For topics that have a large number of experts or people interested in a particular subject, changing the facts on a Wikipedia article will quickly see the changes being reverted. But with a more niche subject, like Jerry's Nugget Playing Cards, and especially when it concerns circumstantial material that nobody is quite sure about, it's easy for misinformation to enter Wikipedia. And once it's embedded there, eventually the lore spreads and becomes considered as "fact". So it's important to check your sources, and don't take everything you see online as gospel truth - even if it's on Wikipedia.
2. The legend about the stash of 40,000 decks should be put to rest once and for all.
It's a myth, and there simply is no evidence for this claim anywhere. At most, there is the claim from Duvivier himself that he bought up about 14,000 decks. That might be true, but again, we only have his word for this. As a counter-point, there are those like Lee Asher who know Duvivier and have visited him many times, and insist that they never saw any evidence of this. The enormous cost of shipping a large stash like this to Europe already makes it somewhat hard to believe.
There's no doubt that Duvivier is a huge fan of Jerry's Nugget decks, and he appears to own and use them more than most. But in the end, how credible is he? How seriously are you going to take someone who is happy to post a picture of himself in a bath with a rubber duck and playing cards from a Jerry's Nugget deck? Either that means he has far more decks than he knows what to do with, or he is a little loopy. Or perhaps it's a bit of both. You've had an opportunity to read all the evidence for yourself, so you decide.
Either way, we can safely say that there has never been a stash of 40,000 decks, and the jury is out on whether there was even ever a stash one third of this size. But even if the size of the legendary stash turns out to be smaller than first thought, the reputation and magnetism of the Jerry's Nugget decks has only increased in size, and these now iconic decks will remain firmly embedded in playing card lore.
Update from the writer: After the original publication of this article, Dominique Duvivier personally phoned me on 24 July 2020 to discuss it, and to share his side of this story. He remembers events slightly differently than Lee Asher does. As Duvivier recalls it, his own interest in the Jerry's Nugget decks dates back to the 1970s and 1980s. At that time he was sourcing them from his friend Michael Weber, who along with magicians like Chris Kenner was also interested in these decks. According to Dominique, he only met Lee Asher during his USA tour in 1999, after he had already bought out the remaining stock from the Jerry's Nugget casino. Duvivier confirmed that the figure of 14,000 accurately reflects the approximate number of decks he purchased from the casino at this time. He shipped the majority of these to France by boat, and stored them in a warehouse, intending them to serve as a life-time supply for himself and his family. Look for his story in an upcoming issue of Genii magazine.
submitted by EndersGame_Reviewer to playingcards [link] [comments]

Trump, Obelisks and Sin City

Trump, Obelisks and Sin City
I discovered this several months ago but since I have a lot of new members here since then, I need to go over it again. This goes along with my goal of gathering all the evidence I have for Trump being the Antichrist and it's highly relevant.
Trump loves gold, or at least making thing appear to be gold. Thats no secret. So why then are only one of his buildings this color and why is it shaped like an obelisk from the back view and lined up with a pyramid, sphinx and obelisk in Las Vegas, aka Sin City?
Obelisks originally represented the benben stone, the rock laid at the foundation of the beginning of the world, and the Benu bird (Egyptian phoenix) by proxy. It is also symbolically Osiris's golden phallus that was created by Isis after his brother Set chopped him up into 14 pieces and Isis found them all except that one so she made a dick out of gold and resurrected Osiris just long enough to impregnate her with Horus before he passed on and became god of the underworld. They were essentially boundary markers for Pharaohs, gods and their temples, erected in pairs. Situated perfectly to catch the sun light at just the right times to honor Ra, the sun god. So if they're erected in pairs, and Luxor Hotel and Casino only has one, where is the other one?

Looks strangely like an obelisk from the side view. Now before I go any further, I'm sure this might seem a little far fetchd to some of you. These correlations are merely coincidences (so far) and too much is being read into this. Well what if I told you Trump has another building shaped like an obelisk? One that is a mile away from an actual Egyptian obelisk. What if I told you that this obelisk is associated with an actual Egyptian Temple, called Luxor Temple. Lux is Latin for light.
In Luxor there are several great temples on the east and west banks. Four of the major mortuary temples visited by early travelers and tourists include the Temple of Seti I at Gurnah, the Temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el Bahri, the Temple of Ramesses II (a.k.a. Ramesseum), and the Temple of Ramesses III at Medinet Habu); the two primary cults temples on the east bank are known as the Karnak and Luxor. Unlike the other temples in Thebes, Luxor temple is not dedicated to a cult god or a deified version of the pharaoh in death. Instead Luxor temple is dedicated to the rejuvenation of kingship; it may have been where many of the pharaohs of Egypt were crowned in reality or conceptually

It was dedicated to the REJUVENATION of KINGSHIP. Keep that in mind.

What obelisk and Trump building am I talking about? Trump Tower and 1 of the 4 Cleopatra's Needles is right down the street in Central Park. The other 3 are in London, Paris and Luxor Temple. London and the NY one are pairs. The one in Paris is the twin to the one in Luxor.

I wrote an article going in more depth about this and you can read that here, so I won't rehash much of it.

Made of red granite, the obelisk stands about 21 metres (69 ft) high, weighs about 200 tons, and is inscribed with Egyptian hieroglyphs. It was originally erected in the Egyptian city of Heliopolis) on the orders of Thutmose III, in 1475 BC. The granite was brought from the quarries of Aswan, near the first cataract of the Nile. The inscriptions were added about 200 years later by Ramesses II to commemorate his military victories. The obelisks were moved to Alexandria and set up in the Caesareum – a temple built by Cleopatra in honor of Mark Antony or Julius Caesar – by the Romans in 12 BC, during the reign of Augustus, but were toppled some time later. This had the fortuitous effect of burying their faces and so preserving most of the hieroglyphs from the effects of weathering.

Other than Cleopatra moving them to a temple she built in honor for the father of her child, they actually have no association with her. More on that later but here's some interesting gematria that involves Donald Trump, Mark Antony, Augustus and the Little Baron Trump.
It should be pointed out that his "real" name in the book, when Americanized would be William Henry Sebastian Trump. William and Henry being the names of the current children of Prince Charles. Sebastian being the Greek version of the title Augustus. Augustus being 828 in Strongs Concordance of the Greek in the New Testament of the Bible and being 888 in Jewish gematria. Donald J Trump is 888 and Both Donald Trump and Baron Trump are 828 in English Sumerian gematria. Since Baron is a title and in America we use first and last names when addressing someone, he might be called The Little Baron William Trump or just Baron William Trump. Which is the exact name (save for one extra "r") of Donald Trump's youngest son, Barron William Trump.
And just to add the cherry on top. By now we all know the striking parallels of Back to the Future (mainly Part 2) and todays world. You can find an entire post I made about themhere. The most obvious being the Biff Tannen / Donald Trump similarities. In the second movie, 2015 Biff steals the time machine, goes back to 1955 and gives himself a sports almanac so he can get rich betting on the winners and never lose. This of course turns the regular timeline into a hellish nightmare ran by megarich and powerful Biff Tannen. Well when Biff steals the Time Machine, he takes a cab to its location. The name of the cab company? Luxor.

Yes thats an advertisement for a real cab company named Luxor. Although I doubt it was the inspiration behind the name of the company in the movie. This company has some odd connections to be made. The address, 6616, both numbers of the beast. 616 being the number given from the oldest available text.
The company was founded in 1928. Trump would become elected president 88 years later in 2016. Trump = 88 in simple gematria.

Mention taxi cabs and the name Bill Lazar comes to mind – since 1948 Mr. Lazar has been associated with the industry. William G. Lazar was born in Gary, Indiana on January 7, 1918 to parents Jack and Alma joining a family of one brother, Herb and One sister, Mary Warner. After joining Luxor Cab Company in 1950, he became president eight years later.

He joined Luxor in 1950 and became president 8 years later, in 1958. 58 is one of the many numbers strongly correlated to Trump. He became the 58th inaugural president, 58 years after 1958. Trump Tower is 58 stories tall. Trump was 58 when he married Melania and the year the Apprentice debuted. The Trackdown episode that I broke down and posted recently aired in 1958. Just to name a few of the connections.

Why 58?
The number 58 was commonly associated with misfortune in many civilizations native to either Central America or Southern America. Due to their beliefs in the original 58 sins, the number came to symbolize curses and ill-luck. Aztec oracles supposedly stumbled across the number an unnaturally high number of times before disaster fell. One famous recording of this, though largely discredited as mere folktale, concerned the oracle of Moctezuma II, who allegedly counted 58 pieces of gold scattered before a sacrificial pit the day prior to the arrival of Hernán Cortés.
What makes this connection particularly bizarre is that Montezuma was mentioned in that Trackdown episode.

Montezuma is 119 in Jewish ordinal, just like Donald and Moteuczoma (variant spelling) is 828 in reverse English Sumerian.

William Lazar was a member of Star King Lodge #344; the San Francisco Press Club; Bill Moskovitz Luncheon Club; President of the American Assyrians, as well as President of the First Church of the East.

Star King Lodge? Obviously the man was a Mason and running a company named Luxor just attests to that. The Bible also refers to the great enemy (often thought to refer to the Antichrist) as the Assyrian.

Mary Adams Warner, who came to work for Luxor Cab as bookkeeper in 1962, was the only woman president of a major taxicab company when she served Luxor Cab from 1988 to 2000. Due to her caring, compassionate, and attentive listening, many drivers thought of her and still remember her as the mother figure of all taxicab drivers.

Trump has a sister also named Mary, its his mothers name as well. She became the only woman president of Luxor Cab Company in 1988. She was born in 1922. 22 = 11-11= 88 = H-K.

Enough Lux connections? How about the fact that Trump is known for his love of LUXury and his brand emphasizes that. Or that the makers of Dove Soap make another brand called Lux. Or that the actor who played Walter Trump in that Trackdown episode (Lawrence Dobkin) did work on a radio anthology series during the 1950s called Lux Radio Theater?

Back to Las Vegas

If you'll notice, I have a tendency to take images, split them in half and mirror them. This is one way the rulers of this planet hide their works. Even the Bible references this.

Isaiah 29
15 Woe to those who go to great depths to hide their plans from the LORD, who do their work in darkness and think, "Who sees us? Who will know?"
16 You turn things upside down, as if the potter were thought to be like the clay! Shall what is formed say to the one who formed it, "You did not make me"? Can the pot say to the potter, "You know nothing"?

When Hermes was born, he stole some of Apollo's (his brother) cattle and made them walk backwards to hide their tracks. We're the cattle. So Trumps building is a golden obelisk lined up with the Luxor obelisk in Las Vegas and obelisks represent Osiris golden phallus which was used to impregnate Isis who would give birth to Horus. Pharaohs were thought of as living god kings. In fact, God King = Pharaoh in 12 different types of gematria which I don't even know if there are another 2 words that exist that match that well. (Donald Trump and Lapis Lazuli comes close at 8 matches). Each Pharaoh in Ancient Egypt was considered to be Horus and essentially a messenger of the gods (just like Hermes) and in death, became associated with Osiris. So what happens when you go on Google Maps and mirror the overhead view of Trump's golden Hotel in Las Vegas? The Egyptian god Horus seems to appear.
When mirroring something, you're essentially creating a backwards copy of it and laying them both side by side. So mirroring Trumps building means creating a 2nd building right next to it. Well that is exactly what Trump originally planned to do.
In April 2007, the second tower was the subject of an episode of The Apprentice in which the show's candidates were tasked with creating a marketing program for the new tower. Condo units for the tower went on sale the next day. Trump said the tower would be nearly identical to the first tower, and would also include 1,282 units. Because of rising construction expenses, the second tower was expected to cost $625 million, which would have brought the total cost of Trump International Hotel and Tower to $1.1 billion. This number was later reported to be $1.2 billion in February 2008, at which point the second tower was expected to begin construction at the end of the year.
In April 2008, Trump said he had not decided on a start date for the second tower, choosing to wait until all sales had closed on the first tower's rooms. At that time, reservations were still being accepted for the second tower's units.The second tower was ultimately put on hold because of bad credit markets. In August 2015, Eric Trump spoke of the potential for the second tower: "I think in time it's a very good possibility."

Do I think this was done on purpose? That Trump made sure the ground behind his building would look like Horus if someone with too much time went on Google maps and mirrored a satellite view of his building? No. I think a lot of things people think are orchestrated by humans are actually done without any knowledge of the people doing them. I think we are all under the influence of forces that we don't understand and some are following a script that they don't even know exists. I consider this like a fingerprint or a wink from the Matrix. But this is not the only thing found at this location.
Thats the Hindu goddess of death Kali and Magneto's helmet from X-Men. The image of Kali was projected onto the Empire State building years back and so was Trump's when he won the election. Trump had been trying to acquire complete ownership of the building for a while before ultimately selling his part after his plan failed and he got sued. Magnetism's relationship to this entire thing could be its own post but (once again) it was mentioned in the Trackdown episode as Walter Trump claimed to have a metal he called Magnetium that was created in the "smelters of old Montezuma" that could repel falling iron ore meteorites. Magneto also sports a familiar symbol on the cover of this X-Men comic. A logo for the "Hellfire Club", which is headed by a man named SEBASTIAN Shaw.
The Hellfire Club is a fictional society appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The Hellfire Club often comes into confrontation with the mutant superhero team, the X-Men. Although the Club appears to merely be an international social club for wealthy elites, its clandestine Inner Circle seeks to influence world events, in accordance with their own agenda.
Hellfire Club was a name for several exclusive clubs for high society rakes established in Britain and Ireland in the 18th century. The name is most commonly used to refer to Sir Francis Dashwood's Order of the Friars of St. Francis of Wycombe. Such clubs were rumoured to be the meeting places of "persons of quality" who wished to take part in socially perceived immoral acts, and the members were often involved in politics. Neither the activities nor membership of the club are easy to ascertain. The clubs were rumoured to have distant ties to an elite society known only as The Order of the Second Circle.

Read about the meaning of the symbolism of H-K and others here.

I believe this design appears because it is on a spot that is at the center of the design of creation. The Golden mean or Ratio, something else that needs an entire post to fully explain, closely associated with the Greek god Apollo. Trump's building representing the "3rd eye". Trumps star Regulus was called Miyan in Persia which means center. The picture of that area mirrored strangely looks like this overhead view of a spot in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan.
This seems to hold some clues as well behind the symbolism of this building. Form your own opinion.
Going back again to Trump Tower and Cleopatra's needle, this whole thing gets a lot stranger when you tie in the theory that Jesus was the son of Cleopatra and the man she was building the temple for where these obelisks were going to be erected Julius Caesar, then read the inscription from the obelisk itself.

"The crowned Horus
Bull of Victory
Arisen in Thebes.
The lord of the Vulture and Uraeus crowns
Prolonged as to kingdom,
Even as the sun in the heavens.
By Tum lord of On begotten,
Son of his loins, who hath been
fashioned by Thot,
Whom they created in the great-temple
With the perfections of their flesh,
Knowing what he was to perform,
Kingdom prolonged through ages,
King of Upper land Lower Egypt
Men-kheper-ra (Thutmosis III)
Loving Tum, the great god
With his cycle of divinities,
Who giveth all life stay and sway
Like the sun forever."
North Face
"The crowned Horus
Tall with the southern crown
Loving Ra
"The king of the Upper and Lower Egypt
Men-kheper-ra (Thutmosis III),
The golden Horus, content with victory,
Who smiteth the rulers of the nations--
Hundreds of thousands
In as much as father Ra
Hath ordered unto him
Victory against every land,
Gathered together;
The valor of the scimeter
In the palms of his hands
To broaden the bounds of Egypt;
Son of the Sun, Thutmosis III,
Who giveth all life forever."
Inscription of Ramses II
"The crowned Horus,
Bull of victory
Son of Kheper-ra
"The king of Upper and Lower Egypt
User-ma-ra (Ramses II)
The chosen of Ra, the golden Horus
Rich in years, great in Victory,
Son of the Sun, Ramses II,
Who came forth from the womb
To receive the crowns of Ra;
Fashioned was he to be the sole ruler,
The lord of the two lands,
User-ma-ra (Ramsas II),
The chosen of Ra, son of the Sun,
Ramessu Meiamun (Ramses II),
Glorified of Osiris
Like the Sun life-giving forever."
North Column
"The crowned Horus
Bull of victory
Loving Ra
"The king of Upper and Lower Egypt
User-ma-ra (Ramses II)
The chosen of Ra,
The Sun born of divinities
Taking the Two Lands
Son of the Sun,
Ramessu Meiamun (Ramses II)
The youth
Beautiful for love,
Like the orb of the Sun
When he shines in the horizon,
The lord of the Two Lands,
User-ma-ra (Ramses II)
The chosen of Ra,
Son of the Sun
Ramessu Meiamun,
Glorified of Osiris,
Life giving like the Sun forever."

Something tells me at least a few people in power know who and what Trump is and what he's here to do.
submitted by Oblique9043 to TheGreatDeception [link] [comments]

Superbowl 53: The Goat vs the Ram and the Future of America #RiseUp

Superbowl 53: The Goat vs the Ram and the Future of America #RiseUp
I had this very long post that was going to be part 2 about Atlantis and this was going to be part 3 since this deserves its own post but after it was almost finished, my power went out briefly and I lost the entire thing. So I've been recovering from that loss to say the least as I had made some amazing connections in the process of writing it as is what usually happens to me and I hope I can remember them all so I can rewrite it after this. Since the Superbowl is today, this should have already been out so I am doing this first.

Superbowl LIII (53) is today and that means millions of eyeballs and consciousnesses will all be focused on a single event. Seems like a good time to harvest that energy into something doesn't it? If you've ever been to a football game, especially one with a rabid fanbase, you can almost feel the energy of the stadium with the ups and downs of the game. Players will speak about this as well, getting fueled by the crowd. If this is the case, then could something else be fueled by all that energy as well? Maybe something not so obvious and on the surface as the game going on right in front of everyone?

Superbowl 53: The New England Patriots vs The Los Angles Rams. Taking place on February 3rd, 2019 at Mercedez Benz Stadium in Atlanta, Georgia. The more I discover the less I believe in coincidences. So is it any coincidence that this entire Superbowl relates to so many things I have talked about on here? Atlanta being an obvious allusion to Atlantis. A city rife with phoenix symbolism, rising from the ashes. The Falcons akin to a phoenix and the Egyptian god Horus. They even have a female football team called Phoenix. What does the phoenix at its core represent? Death and rebirth. Transformation. Moving from one area to the next with the idea of shedding the old and bringing in the new. There is also a number strongly correlated with this idea as well. The number 8. The ourobrous, infinity, the snake eating itself, DNA, beginning and end, alpha and omega. It just so happens that this Superbowl is full of 8's.

Superbowl 53
5 + 3 = 8

February 3rd, 2019
02/03/2019 = 2 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 9 = 17 (Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet aka Qanon) = 1 + 7 = 8

These teams first Superbowl against each other was in the 2002, 17 years ago.

The stadium the game is being played in, Mercedes Benz Stadium, has a dome with 8 points in the form of a lotus flower, opening up like some kind of portal to another world.

There's also another 8 that seems to make this all the more significant. A chapter from the Old Testament. Daniel 8. The Goat vs The Ram.

Daniel’s Vision of a Ram and a Goat

Since it's obvious which team represents the Ram in this story, how would the Patriots represent the goat? Tom Brady. Often referred to as the greatest of all time or the GOAT. This isn't just an off the cuff nickname either, it's thrown around quite often to the point of there being several depictions as him as a goat and the Patriots logo itself.

We want 666

Tom Brady and the Patriots themselves are known for being cheaters (I have no opinion, I don't really watch football) yet they continue to win. So how does this relate to anything meaningful going on the real world? Who might the goat and the ram represent? Tom Brady is a known Trump supporter. Trump and the Patriots might as well be permanently linked. People even love to hate the Patriots, especially now that Trump is linked to them. Trump even has huge problems with California making this even more interwoven with him personally. And just like in the story, one is from the west and the other is from the east. Although I believe they are switched here. Trump is also a cheater who continues to win all the time.

"The goat became very great"
"It prospered in everything it did and truth was thrown to the ground"

Make America Great Again? Greatest of all Time?

This chapter is obviously a different expanded on version of the previous chapter about the 4 kingdoms, the last one being made of iron with feet mixed with clay. The "little horn" spoken about in both of these is Trump. He is also strongly correlated to the number 8 which I have shown many times. Trump = 88 in simple gematria. The little horn (the little baron Trump anyone?) refers to the star Regulus, Trumps star. Regulus means "little king" in Latin. It is one of 4 "Royal" stars and it is the ruler. These 4 stars represent the 4 seasons with Regulus representing spring. Regulus is at the base of what is considered the sickle of the constellation Leo. Which is also known as the heart of the lion.

Spring is the time of renewal. The death of winter and the birth of new life comes with Spring. Easter, which celebrates the death and resurrection of Christ, takes place in Spring. It's also in the Zodiac sign of Aries, the Ram, the god of war. Known as Mars in Rome. In the theme of Atlantis Rising, is this a symbolic version of Hercules taking on the 3 headed Ram? Hercules was associated with a few different satyrs, half man goat creatures. The Disney movie Hercules features this prominently. There's even a pretty bizarre connection to Hercules directly related to this Superbowl.

The site also contains fragments of a colossal partly stone statue, identified as Hercules, and estimated to have been over 12 m (39 ft) tall. It was probably destroyed in an earthquake. All that remains are three fingers and an elbow.

All that remains are three fingers and an elbow.

Superbowl eL(bow) III

LIII could also be a reference to the name for god El and the Christ IH monogram III, H-K, wall, 8, and even humanity itself. The Lombardi trophy in the middle acting like the flaming trident fusing the 2 together. Merging of the 2 worlds. Now which world are we merging with exactly? The one known as heaven or the one known as hell? L is also the 12th letter of the alphabet making another translation of LIII = 33. Fitting that there is an arch or gate right next to the remains of the statue. Tom Brady's jersey number is also 12.

Rise up. The Atlanta Falcons slogan for the past couple of years. Very appropriate for a city full of Phoenix imagery and named after Atlantis. What exactly is rising? And if that stadium is any indication, are we above the dome and its opening below us or are we inside the dome and its opening above us? Revelation speaks about a bottomless pit opening up and an army of locusts coming out with a king named Abaddon/Apollyon aka The Destroyer. In Hindu mythology, this is just 1 out of 3 aspects for certain gods. The creator, maintainer and destroyer. One of these gods being Shiva. The god prominently featured in statue form at CERN. Is CERN summoning up Abaddon who many believe to also be the true Antichrist known by many names throughout history. Such as Osiris, Nimrod, Apollo, and a plethra of other known gods?
There are a few different ancient "day of the dead" type festivals in the coming months. Samhain is an ancient Gaelic festival of the dead that was celebrated the same as Halloween. This is thought to be the festival that a lot these Halloween type holidays are actually based on. The date and meaning for which has been changed and shifted around a lot but one of these dates has caught my eye as its right in the middle of 2 dates I think are going to be very important this year. April 19th, 20th and the 21st. Passover, All Saints Day for the Irish and Easter.

Passover is the day in which the Jewish people celebrate their god Yahweh rescuing them from Egypt by killing the first born sons. In order to not be killed themselves, they were told to wipe lamb's blood on their doors so that this angel of death would "passover" them. Well Aries, the Ram, just so happens to be the first sign in the zodiac. Since I have identified Yahweh with the ram (I think he's many things and even this goat vs ram is something akin to pro wrestling and a case where you hope they both end up killing each other as neither are a good choice) it would make sense that the "lords sacrifice" would be handed over to the goat after he kills the ram. Are we also about to have another Exodus type event here in America as well?

I had also predicted Prince Harry and Meghan's baby to be born during this weekend back in October. Twins where one would die and the other would be a red headed female. If this does indeed happen (with the twins), we may never even know as I doubt they would tell us but something else about this that could relate to the book of Revelations.

Revelation 12 New International Version (NIV)

The Woman and the Dragon
12 A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head.2 She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth.3 Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on its heads. 4 Its tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth. The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment he was born. 5 She gave birth to a son, a male child, who “will rule all the nations with an iron scepter.” And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne. 6 The woman fled into the wilderness to a place prepared for her by God, where she might be taken care of for 1,260 days.

Is Meghan the woman in this story? Are one of the twins this male child? The Greek meaning for "caught/snatched up" means "to seize, snatch, obtain by robbery. From a derivative of haireomai; to seize. So its saying that God stole this woman's baby. Afterwards, the dragon gets cast down to earth and tries to drown the woman in a river but she is saved and goes into the wilderness. Oddly enough, we never hear of this woman again and never find out who she is. This story actually makes no sense under any lens. First Satan, the dragon, was said to be cast out at the beginning of creation. Second, the prevailing idea is that the woman is Mary and the Baby is Jesus but this makes no sense either. Jesus always existed (I'm just going by what the Bible says for sake of argument) and if this was him being born on Earth, then it completely contradicts the Gospels. This story is completely out of line with the entire Bible. Unless this is the recycling of the Messiah process. Meaning every so many years, a new messianic figure is born to "save" the people and become that generations hero. You can see this throughout many myths. This would also contradict the entire Bible but its the only thing that makes sense to me.

This story of 2 factions of non-human being fighting over the earth using their sons goes all the back to ancient Hittite stories where one is a giant rock god who even comes out of the sea like one of the beasts in Revelations. A male child being snatched up to heaven would also be in line with Passover and killing of the first born son. 4/19 is the day the American Revolution began in 1775 with an American victory in Concord during the battles of Lexington and Concord. With the Patriots being from Boston, home of Plymouth Rock, this entire Superbowl is overflowing with the death/rebirth motif.

April 20th will be the 130th birthday of Hitler and the 20th anniversary of the infamous school shooting known simply as Columbine. A columbine is a dove or a pigeon. Like the spirit of God that descended on Jesus when he was baptized in the Bible. This is also the Irish All Saints Day which is just a Christianized version of the Ancient Celtic festival Samhain moved to this date to avoid any associations with it. Samhain has all sorts of crazy stories attached to it, many relevant to what we may actually see in the future as well as to the story of Hercules and Atlantis. This was the time of the year thought to be where spirits from other worlds would come into ours to interact with us us in various ways. Some good and some bad. There's stories of child sacrifices, ritualized killings of kings, people having visions of the future, and the idea that someone would be killed to "mark the occasion by persons unknown." There's even a story about a king meeting his death after breaking certain taboos and he is forewarned of his incoming fate by 3 undead horsemen who were sent by the god of the dead. Who just so happens to be named Donn. There just so happens to be a depiction of 3 "horsemen" etched into the side of whats called Stone Mountain near Atlanta. Depictions of Stonewall Jackson, Robert E Lee and Jefferson Davis.
In relation to Hercules, Samhain marks the beginning of a story called "Cattle Raid of Cooley".There's also another festival whos actual date would only be a week or so later called Beltane.
According to 18th century writers, in parts of Scotland there was another ritual involving the oatmeal cake. The cake would be cut and one of the slices marked with charcoal. The slices would then be put in a bonnet and everyone would take one out while blindfolded. According to one writer, whoever got the marked piece would have to leap through the fire three times. According to another, those present would pretend to throw him into the fire and, for some time afterwards, they would speak of him as if he were dead. This "may embody a memory of actual human sacrifice", or it may have always been symbolic. A similar ritual (i.e. of pretending to burn someone in the fire) was practised at spring and summer bonfire festivals in other parts of Europe
Since 1988, a Beltane Fire Festival has been held every year during the night of 30 April on Calton Hill in Edinburgh, Scotland. While inspired by traditional Beltane, this festival is a modern arts and cultural event which incorporates myth and drama from a variety of world cultures and diverse literary sources.

Spring seems to be full of ancient festivals involving sacrifice, including men and children.

April 21st will be Easter. The celebration of Jesus's resurrection from dead. The "rebirth" part of the cycle in the meaning behind the number 8. It'll have been 3 years since this tombstone was put in Central Park in New York.
I have predicted that Trump would be assassinated around this date. (read this link for an in depth explanation about this) Now the question is, will this assassination be successful or will he survive this attempt on his life and use it to enact certain measures that allow him to take more power? What if he receives "a deadly head wound but did live" like the Beast from the Sea in the book of Revelation is said to have and he seems to have magically been "resurrected" like Jesus? You see that rock formation directly behind the tomb? Ever since I saw this picture, that formation has caught my attention. I don't know if Trump will be the one who emerges but if the movie "The Gate" is any indication, killing Trump would possibly open up these so called portals or gates to other worlds and allow certain beings to come fully through. And where could this possibly happen?

Well the first and obvious choice is Antarctica. The Hollow Earth theory, which is very prevalent in these Masonic predictive movies and books, says that at the poles, are giant tunnels leading to the inside of the earth with all sorts of beings inside. Antarctica is currently thawing out right now and they just discovered a giant void deep down underneath the ice. Keeping with the idea that a lot of the Bible is inverted, what if hell isn't really fire? How exactly do you "bound" beings with chains into a land of fire? If these are spirits, how would fire even hurt them and if they're biological, the fire would eventually kill them. What state could you bound a biological entity in where they wouldn't die but they couldn't escape either. You know the common saying "When hell freezes over"? Maybe thats the joke, hell already is frozen over because thats what hell is, being frozen in ice, trapped in your body neither alive or dead. Apparently freezing yourself for a future date is becoming more and more a realistic option. There's a TV show from the 60s where this idea becomes very relevant.

The Avengers - S06E16 - Invasion of the Earthmen (1969 TV Show)
Following up a clue found on a dead agent Steed and Miss King pose as a married couple, enabling them to infiltrate the Alpha Academy, where they claim they wish to enroll their 'son'. The academy is run by Brigadier Brett and is supposedly for youngsters who possess super-intelligence but it is in reality a training ground for a force who seek not global but extra-terrestrial domination.

Pence: "As President Trump has said in his words, it is not enough to have merely an American presence in space, we must have American DOMINANCE in space".

The character in the show simply goes by "Trump". Although he seems to be the main guy under the leader, he doesn't do or say much. Here is an interesting conversation in the episode with the leader. Which is probably the only interesting part of this entire episode.

Miss King: "Just how do you plan on reaching the stars?"
Brigadier Brett: "Both East and West are competing like school boys to create methods of space transportation. When the means are available, I shall lead my armies into these new worlds and colonize them."
Miss King: "Your army?"
"My army of astronauts, astronaut soldiers to be precise."
"To wage war on other astronauts?"
"To wipe them out.I will invade the new territories out there, while this world makes formal protests and looks at the rule books."
"It's happened before."
"Exactly, Miss King."
"It may be 50 years before space travel is made that easy. Your army will be old by then."
"Cryobiology Miss King. We have perfected the deep freezing of human tissues.

AIR DATE: 01-15-69 + 50 years = 1-15-2019
Interesting how Antarctica is currently unthawing and all the speculation of what we're going to find in there.
There is a giant snake that tries to eat people in the show and their symbol is a lighting bolt in a yellow circle. Sort of like the Nazi SS but with just one S. Their own people also "hunt" each other.

I have located somewhere else that could be of significance as to where a "gate" could open up. Las Vegas. Which is strongly correlated with the Giza pyramids and even Atlantis. It has its own pyramid, a very large one complete with a Sphinx and an obelisk. The one Trump's golden tower is aligned with.
The infamous Vegas shooting happened right across the street from the Luxor Hotel exactly 70 weeks ago. 490 days. The shooter was on the 32nd floor and the event he shot up was called the Route 91 Harvest. The Superbowl is 2/3/19

I discovered this by complete chance on several different levels but its too specific to not mean something.

These are both mirrored images. One of a random picture of Trumps tower in Vegas, the other a part of a map of Vegas that I mirrored one day just messing around. Thought it looked like one of the Koopas from Super Mario World and didn't think anything of it again until I opened up the Trump tower picture by accident and realized that not only do they look almost they exact same, it looks like the slanted H shape could represent 2 pillars. Like the pillars of Hercules.
I think came across this picture again, by complete accident and noticed they both had a circle at the top of their heads and then I knew there had to be something to this so I went searching for the area of the map to see what I could find.

And here we have GATEway Canyon. Right next to Cannibal Crag, Guardian Angel and Hot Tub Club which just makes me think of Hot Tub Time Machine. Gateway Canyon is apart of Turtlehead mountain. Turtles have a very significant symbolic meaning to all of this. Hermes killed a turtle and made a Lyre out of its shell.
In the far east, the turtles shell was a symbol of heaven and the square underside was a symbol of Earth. This meant that the turtle was an animal whose magic united heaven and Earth.
In the west, early Christians viewed turtles as a symbol of evil forces during war.
African - The turtle originated ju ju and appears in fertility rites. It represents the feminine to the serpent's masculine power.
Greco - As the feminine power of the waters, the turtle was an emblem of Aphrodite/Venus in Greco-Roman myth.
Native American - The totem symbolizes the relation between the tribe and it's ancestors. Human and animal figures are sculpted on a trunk and offerings are made to these sacred totems.
The Ojibwa, Saulteaux, Cree, and Iroquois people view the turtle as a symbol of Mother Earth and referred to the continent of North America as Turtle Island. They viewed the hard outer shell, which protects a living being, as an analogy to their mother, the Earth, also a living entity.
For the Aztecs, turtles were a symbol of cowardice and boastfulness. Hard outwardly but soft inwardly.
The turtle is a creature of two elements, Earth and water. The people of the Turtle Clan share an affinity with both. They enjoy helping things grow, both plants and people, yet require freedom to do their own things, as the turtle has its freedom in the water.
Turtles will often leave a pool or pond before a draught arrives. This is a warning of a change in climate.

Well, these are polar opposites in some cases but the turtle being some sort of messenger or bridge between us and the other dimensions seems to be strongly indicated here. With all the talks of droughts and climate change, the last one seems likely.
Then you have this plaque at the Hoover Dam which for some reason, looks exactly like the left mirrored side of Vatican Jesus coming out of the D-Wave logo. Construction started on the Hoover Dam in 1931. 88 years ago.

"They died to make the desert bloom"

The much talked about Oumuamua is from the Vega star system. If anybody thinks thats just another space rock, they're kidding themselves.
Calculating the exact path of 'Oumuamua took about a week. The math showed it was an object from beyond — way, way beyond. Its orbit was "unbound" or loop-less, and it was making a checkmark-shaped trip through the solar system. It had entered from above the plane of the solar system, dipped close to and below the sun, and was exiting out the top.

It's times like this when the reason I post what seem like completely irrelevant things becomes more clear. I noticed a theme of the goddess Nike so I posted a video about the history of the Nike swoosh. Since then, I found one randomly on top of a building in NY along the line where the HK splits Columbus circle (and no, its not a Nike store) and theres one in in the background of the mechanical display of the fall of Atlantis in a casino in Vegas. Then you can see how the logo for Aquaman relates to both as I had already thought that it looked like a ship passing over you as if you were underwater and it was on the surface of the water. Thats a statue of Nike in Paris called "Winged Victory of Samothrace". The yellow object next to it is apparently Nibryu. The person who came up with this design (no idea who or what exactly his logic was) claims that Nibryu is not a star or a planet but a spaceship and the source of what causes these Earth ending cataclysms. I'm just now making this connection and I don't think thats a coincidence either. The goddess of VICTORY riding a ship to battle in the same exact shape as the cataclysm causing ship of Nibryu? Who's victory is she symbolizing anyways exactly? And why is this associated with Atlantis? This goes back to the Economist 2019 cover. The Pot leaf over America that is really a Palm tree meaning Triumph or Victory.

There's actually a Star Trek episode about this very thing. This planet fears its the end of the world because this deity they made a deal with comes back and theres all sorts of earthquakes but Picard figures out theres a ship hidden thats causing the whole thing. That show is obviously run by people who know some secret knowledge. Undoubtedly this entire period we are in is being orchestrated by some outside force. There's an interesting AI entity in the Star Trek universe I read about on a Wiki once. Sounded a lot like our idea of god.

To tie this all back to the Superbowl....

A band called Maroon 5 will be playing the halftime game and apparently, they will be playing a song in the vein of Spongebob Sqaure Pants of all things. No I'm not kidding. This just got announced yesterday. Can anybody guess why (the real reason, not the one they'll tell us) or what song? The song is called...... Sweet VICTORY!

Maroon 5's Super Bowl 'SpongeBob' Tribute Looks Like It's Actually Happening

Spongebob Squarepants -Sweet Victory [Youtube[

And check out the hats they're wearing and compare it to the picture way below here, you'll know it when you see it.

So you know the song, now what is the real why? For Spongebob specifically? The one that the people doing this probably are't even aware of as I am not suggesting this is all planned out by human beings as some sinister plot. This is just oblivious script following 101. You just need to ask yourself one simple question. Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? SPONGEBOB SQUARE PANTS!. Pine apple. Under the sea. Pine as in pineal gland aka 3rd eye. Apple as in the common fruit associated with the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The pineapple itself is used visually because it looks just like a palm tree and has the Fibonacci sequence visibly on it. There's also a palm tree literally called the pineapple palm tree. And what do Palm trees signify? Triumph/Victory. And where is this pineapple? Under the sea....

The lead singers name is Adam Levine. His middle name is NOAH. He was a part of a show called "The Voice" which just perfectly brings something else around that I have been talking about for months. This bag full of things I received completely randomly several months ago. There was a card in it referencing this show with a silhouette of Christina Aguilera and it said "The Return of the Voice April 12 2005"
Superman's "real" name is Kal-El, it means voice of God. Kind of like it says Jesus is the word of God. Superman is also an alien from outer space. The 2 symbols for Jesus, the Lion and the Dove? Those have always been the symbols for the Sumerian goddess Inanna. The dove itself has ALWAYS been associated with female goddesses. 777 is a number that has been popping up so often for me lately its a bit over the top. Those 3 days in sequence seem to be immensely important. That doesn't necessarily mean earth shattering events will happen on exactly those days but we are on the edge of whatever major event I keep talking about that never seems to come but 4/20 weekend is a time I have been talking about for months as well and the last major date that I have really seen signs pointing towards.

If that wasn't enough, I said in the Economist 2019 post that palm trees were Baal symbolism because Baals temple is in Palmyra, meaning palm tree and it just seems to be the common usage. That sinister under the veil of harmlessness usage where no one notices. Like how they took that Arch of "Triumph" from Baal's temple on a world tour the past couple years. Well there just so happens to be something called Ball's Pyramid right off the coast of New Zealand. It's literally the shape of a Xenomorph head from Alien and I somehow downloaded a picture of Shiva right in front of it without realizing it for who knows how long.

This place was discovered and named after a man named Henry (theres that name again) Lidgbird Ball on Feburary 17th, 1788. 2/17/1788. 11-8 Q Trump. 2 = 11, 17 = 8, 17 = Q, the 17th letter of the alphabet aka Qanon. 88 = Trump in gematria. 11-8 being the day of the 2016 election. K-H or H-K. 11 X 8 = 88. You can't make this shit up. On top of that, if this place was named after this guy, how could it possibly be associated with Palmyra or Baal? Well here are a couple of pretty loose associations. It was first climbed in 1964 and the paper who reported on it used a certain word to describe it.


Triumph. Column 8 and the paper is in its 134th year of publication. 1+3+4=8. Ball's pyramid is apart of the 8th continent Zealandia. Donnie Darko, as I have laid out in other threads, is strongly associated with the times we're in. The numbers Frank give him to the "end of the world" add up to 88. Here he is wearing a shirt that says Tr(i)ump(h). This place is also home to a rare stick insect commonly called the "tree lobster". Lobsters are a common symbol used by the Satanist occult I believe for the symbolism of the claw which represents a multitude of things. Ball's pyramid is also the tallest volcano stack in the world.

How does any of this translate to any kind of "event"?

The LA Rams used to be the St Louis Rams not even 3 or 4 years ago. They went from the place of the Gateway to the West, to the City of Angels. During all those fires in Cali last year, the set for Westworld burned down along with a place called Paradise. There's a place called Paradise right next to Vegas as well. Something you would have already known had I not lost my post but I need to reveal it now or else this part won't make as much sense. The 2 pillars of Hercules that lead to Atlantis. What/Where are they? The statue of Colossus was mistakenly thought to have one leg on either side of the harbor it was in, like a gateway, his legs being the 2 pillars so to speak. Italy is right next to the Straight of Gibraltar and shaped like a leg, or a boot, which is what most people refer to it as. What other country might be shaped like it to match? New Zealand, where they just so happens to be what is now called the sunken 8th Continent of Zealandia.

I will delve more into this entire thing when I rewrite what was suppose to be Part 2 but the reason this is relevant is because of the "boot".

Poseidon was the ruler of Atlantis. He was the god of the sea, horses and earthquakes. Keeping with this whole "boot" theme, there just so happens to be a very prominent fault line along a "boot" in America. The New Madrid fault line right next to the boot hill in Missouri. This fault line runs all the way up to St Louis, former home of the Rams. Who moved to LA, onto another very prominent fault line, called the San Andreas. The Straight of Gibraltar, thought to be the pillars of Hercules, the mountains he "split in half". Well on one half you have Morocco in Africa. The other half you have Spain in Europe. The capital of Spain is MADRID.

A few closing notes about this. The QB for the Rams, his name is Jared Goff.

Jared is a given name of Biblical derivation, common mostly in North American English-speaking countries.
In the Book of Genesis, the biblical patriarch Jared was the sixth link in the ten pre-flood generations between Adam and Noah; he was the son of Mahalaleel and the father of Enoch, and lived 962 years (per Genesis 5:18). The biblical text in Jubilees implicitly etymologizes the name as derived from the root YRD "descend", because in his days "the angels of the Lord descended to earth". Alternative suggestions for the name's etymology include words for "rose" and for "servant".

Goff is a surname with several distinct origins, mainly Germanic, Celtic, Jewish, and French. It is the 946th most common family name in the United States. When the surname originates from England it is derived from an occupational name from German, Cornish and Breton. The German Goff means a godly person, a strong warrior, or a priest. The Breton goff means "smith" (cognate with Gaelic gobha). The English-originating surname is common in East Anglia, where it is of Breton origin. The Welsh name is a variant of the surname Gough, and is derived from a nickname for someone with red hair**.** The native Irish name is derived from a patronymic form of the Gaelic personal name Eochaidh/Eachaidh, which means "horseman"

A red haired godly smith who descended from heaven. Sounds exactly like the Hykos.

February 3rd is the 33rd day of the year. Atlanta is on the 33rd parallel and as I pointed out earlier, LIII could be 33. 4/21 will be 111 days from December 31st. 9/11 is also 111 days from 12/31. I noticed an odd numerical association with 9/11 and this upcoming 4/20 weekend.

Four passenger airliners operated by two major U.S. passenger air carriers (United Airlines and American Airlines)—all of which departed from airports in the northeastern United States bound for California—were hijacked by 19 al-Qaeda terrorists. Two of the planes, American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175, were crashed into the North and South towers, respectively, of the World Trade Center complex in Lower Manhattan. Within an hour and 42 minutes, both 110-story towers collapsed. Debris and the resulting fires caused a partial or complete collapse of all other buildings in the World Trade Center complex, including the 47-story 7 World Trade Center tower, as well as significant damage to ten other large surrounding structures. A third plane, American Airlines Flight 77, was crashed into the Pentagon (the headquarters of the U.S. Department of Defense) in Arlington County, Virginia, which led to a partial collapse of the building's west side. The fourth plane, United Airlines Flight 93, was initially flown toward Washington, D.C., but crashed into a field in Stonycreek Township near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, after its passengers thwarted the hijackers. 9/11 is the single deadliest terrorist attack in human history and the single deadliest incident for firefighters and law enforcement officers in the history of the United States, with 343 and 72 killed, respectively.
Two of the planes, American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175, were crashed into the North and South towers, respectively

2 planes. Flight 11 and 175. 1+7+5 = 13. America's favorite number

Within an hour and 42 minutes, both 110-story towers collapsed.

1+4+2 = 7 = completion

Two 110 story towers. 11 / 11

Debris and the resulting fires caused a partial or complete collapse of all other buildings in the World Trade Center complex, including the 47-story 7 World Trade Center tower, as well as significant damage to ten other large surrounding structures.

47 stories = 11

Damage to 10 other buildings. 10+1 = 11+ twin towers = 13, America's favorite number

A third plane, American Airlines Flight 77, was crashed into the Pentagon (the headquarters of the U.S. Department of Defense) in Arlington County, Virginia, which led to a partial collapse of the building's west side.


The Pentagon started construction to be built on 9/11/61, exactly 60 years prior to the attack. As well as being nicked named "ground zero" due to assumptions it would be the target during a nuclear attack.

The fourth plane, United Airlines Flight 93, was initially flown toward Washington, D.C., but crashed into a field in Stonycreek Township near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, after its passengers thwarted the hijackers.

The one plane that didn't fit the numerical pattern crashed in a place called SHANKsville and didn't make it to its destination.

9/11 is the single deadliest terrorist attack in human history and the single deadliest incident for firefighters and law enforcement officers in the history of the United States, with 343 and 72 killed, respectively.

343 = 1 and 72 = 9
9+1= 1

So how does this relate to anything? Passover and Easter will be on 4/20 weekend. 4/20/19 will be the 130th birthday of Hitler and the 20th year anniversary of the Columbine shootings. It will also be 3 years since that tombstone was put in Central Park with the Jesuit IHS logo in the middle of it.

So you have the 130 which equals 13, 20 which equals 11 and 3. 3 being the number of years since the Easter this tombstone was placed. Easter is about Jesus dying and then 3 days later, rising from the dead. The only plane that didn't fit the numerical pattern on 9/11 (13 and 11) was the number 3. It was headed toward the capital building apparently and it crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania due to the people on the plane taking action to stop the hijacking. 1600 Pennsylvania ave is the address of the White House. 1600 = 88 (Trump) which ultimately = 7

One more possible relation to all this. Space X "captured" their space craft named "Dragon" on 12/8 last year.
Dragon completed its first flight around the world 8 years ago today. Since then, Dragon has visited @Space_Station 16 times. Next year, SpaceX will take another important step with an upgraded Dragon capable of returning human spaceflight to the US for the first time since 2011.

8 years ago it took its first flight and its visited the space station 16 times. 8 & 8. It's called "Dragon". They "captured" it at exactly 4:21am, about a minute later, there is lightning and a thunderstorm on Earth that you can see behind the space craft. Easter is April 21st, 4/21.

So who will win todays Superbowl? The god of war or the scapegoat? Lets hope they both forfeit and call a truce because neither outcome could possibly be good for us as a nation.
submitted by Oblique9043 to TheGreatDeception [link] [comments]

10 things to do in Las Vegas

10 things to do in Las Vegas

10 things to do in Las Vegas

Are you looking forward to visiting Las Vegas? Then it is important for you to plan your journey well ahead of time. When you have a clear understanding about the places that you should visit and the places where you can stay, you will be able to get themost out of time that you spend.
Below mentioned are 10such impressive things that you will be able to do while you are spending your time in Las Vegas.

1. Reserve Las Vegas hostel for your stay

During the time you spend in Las Vegas, you can select the Las Vegas hostel to get your accommodation needs catered. It is not just another place in Las Vegas to sleep. You will be provided with luxurious amenities, including air conditioned rooms, hot tub and swimming pool at an affordable price tag. In addition, a large number of activities are also available for the guests who check-into the hostel to take part in and enjoy during the stay.

2. Spring for a show

Las Vegas is being called as the Entertainment Capital of the World. That’s because a large number of shows are being organized in here throughout the entire year. There is something for everyone to take part and experience in these events. For example, if you are a music lover, you can go ahead and visit the production shows that take place in the city, such as The Holiday Show, Vegas! The Show and Tournament of Kings Dinner & Show.

3. Visit Paris Las Vegas
You don’t need to visit Paris to witness the Eiffel Tower. You can do it while you are in Las Vegas as well. This is half a scale replica of the famous Eiffel Tower. You will be able to get to the top and experience stunning views. It has become a landmark in Las Vegas as well. When you get to the observation deck, you will be able to experience a 360-degree view of the city. It is better if you can get to the top on a bright sunny day. Then you will be able to experience the best sights from the top.

4. Visit the casinos in the Strip

It is possible for you to discover casinos throughout Las Vegas. However, the best casinos in the town are located in the Strip. The strip is a stretch of the city, which is located in Boulevard South. You will also be able to find mega casino hotels in the strip as well. All these hotels are being decorated exotically. Moreover, a fantasy like atmosphere is created by paying attention to detail.n to detail.

5. Stay a night in Stratosphere Hotel

Most of the hotels in Las Vegas are centred around the special gimmicks or themes, which attract visitors. It is applicable for the Stratosphere hotel as well. This hotel can be considered as the home to the popular Stratosphere Tower. In fact, Stratosphere Tower is being called the tallest freestanding tower that you will be able to find in the country. It is 350m high. During your stay in Stratosphere Hotel, you will be able to get to the top of the Stratosphere Tower and experience fascinating views of the city.

6. Get the Fremont Street Experience

The Fremont Street Experience can be considered as a unique attraction, which you should not miss while spending your time in Las Vegas. In order to get the experience, you must visit Fremont Street. The Fremont Street Experience is one of the best light and sound shows that you will be able to experience in your life. It would definitely fascinate your senses. You will also get attracted to the loud music and colourful displays. More than 12 million lights have been used for the construction of Fremont Street Experience.

7. Become a Venetian

You will also be able to become a Venetian while you are in Las Vegas. As you already know, Venice in Italy is popular for the singing gondoliers and canals. You can get that experience at Las Vegas and all you have to do is to visit the Venetian Casino Resort. It is also the largest resort that you can find in Las Vegas. During the time you spend in Venetian Casino Resort, you can shop from the premier shopping mall as well.

8. Visit the Mob Museum

Mob Museum can be considered as another great attraction available for you to visit while spending your time in Las Vegas. During the time you spend in here, you will be able to learn a lot about the mob. This can be considered as a non-profit museum. A large number of interactive activities are also available for the people who visit Mob Museum to take part in.

9. Spend a night in NewYork-New York Hotel

You can also think about spending a night in the New York-New York Hotel. This hotel is more recommended for the thrill seekers. It attracts more than one million visitors per year as well. The fascinating roller coaster ride that you can experience in New York-New York Hotel has contributed a lot towards its popularity. In fact, the New York-New York Hotel offers the first ever roller coaster ride with a 180-degree twist to the guests. Therefore, you will be riding upside down for a considerable part of your journey.

10. Enjoy a delicious meal at 17° South Booze & Bites

If you are looking forward to enjoying a delicious mail, you can visit 17° South Booze & Bites. The menu offered here at 17° South Booze & Bites is filled with a variety of exciting drink and food options. You will be able to find a large number of draft beer options in here as well. In addition, you will be able to enjoy the greatest games in the widescreen televisions available in the restaurant.

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[Table] I am a high limit table games (baccarat, blackjack, craps, roulette) dealer in Las Vegas Part 2. AMA!

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Date: 2013-01-23
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Have you ever caught anyone cheating? Ever see someone cheating and not report it? I have caught people cheating before yes. The most common are card counters and people stealing chips from other players. I highly recommend to not get completely trashed while gambling especially if you're a male and gambling by yourself as there are certain females who'd be more than happy to steal your chips while you're not paying attention.
The only time I won't report cheating is when they're tipping. If they're a douchebag or stiff, I'll let my Pit Boss know immediately.
Here's an interesting article on cheating in Vegas by the way.
How can you call card counting cheating? Vegas has very liberal rules to their blackjack games compared to other cities that have casinos. Vegas offers double deck, stand on all 17s, moving down shuffle points, etc.
I don't consider card counting cheating, but the casinos do. They are a private business. They can kick anyone off of the property for any reason unless it's illegal discrimination. The casinos don't want players to have an advantage over them.
To be honest Vegas casinos don't care about card counting unless you're playing on a double deck. You want to play a six or eight deck shoe? It's all yours. But they want no advantage players on a double deck.
You won't report cheating if you are getting tipped, but you will report it if you don't? I'm talking about card counting. Most card counters are douchebags because they already think they're smartemore arrogant than everyone else though so it's very rare that I'll keep my mouth shut.
We don't consider card counters cheating. We just refuse service to those who can count. I think you're mixing up "card counting" with actually counting cards.
Who sets the specific rules of the game for say Blackjack, such as how many decks, what the little pre bet rules are, etc? Is there like a standard across Vegas? When would they ever be using a double deck? It depends on the casino and what type of clientele they cater to.
Certain higher end casinos will have better rules for the player while the lower end casinos will have terrible house rules.
I am not a professional card counter just good at math, what are the specific rules that you keep the deck even? Link to
The most basic system is the Hi-Lo card counting system.
10, J, Q, K, & A = -1.
2, 3, 4, 5, 6 = +1.
7, 8, 9 = 0.
With enough practice, you'll be able to figure out the count in real time.
My casino doesn't consider card counting cheating 1) because it's next to impossible to prove & 2) because with a 6 deck shoe it gives negligible advantage. i'm relatively sure that very few casinos if any consider card counting cheating. Casinos (should) only care if you're card counting on double deck.
It seems like being able to call the odds is just part of the game and what it means to be skilled at it. I don't see how that can be called cheating. Card counting is a dying art now anyways. With the technology casinos have their disposal, card counters can't get away with it anymore.
Can a card counter win while playing single deck? You could, but it would be more luck than skill. Most casinos only allow 6 hands to be dealt on a single deck. Not a lot of hands to make a move imo.
I work in a casino in Melbourne Australia. . 6 deck automatic shuffler where the cards are fed back in whenever there is roughly a deck out. . and people have still tried. . its quite funny. Seems legit.
It's such a waste of time to try and count cards. I never gamble, but this is what I do...go with friends, get completely smashed, expect to lose the money, and have a good time.
What was the biggest tip you have ever gotten from someone? The biggest tip I received was $250,000 from a customer. He won $10 million playing baccarat.
What is the usual tips you get from the players? The usual tips? Most of the time I've dealt on a $100-$500 blackjack game. I'll usually make a couple hundred from each player give or take. I'll usually make 1-5 units of whatever they're playing with whether it'd be $5 chips, $25 chips, $100 chips or $500.
Do you get to keep all that? I wish. We pool our tips every 24 hours and everyone gets a share of it. I ended up making $1000 that night. We never make money like that so don't think this is a normal occurrence for us.
I did meet up with the customer at the strip club when I got off of work. One of the most amazing nights I've ever had.
Should have told him to keep it and tip you later that night at the club. Rookie mistake. My regular customers do when I go to dinner or go out with them.
Are you allowed to keep all of that tip, or do they take a cut/something else? We pool all of our tips every 24 hours so I did split it with everyone else.
How was your reaction at the table when recieving a $250,000 tip? It threw me off. I thought he wanted change at first, but then again it was 10 $25,000 chips.
Let me get the details. Customer paid for everything. Ended up spending about $50,000 that night mainly on alcohol. Never drank so much champagne in my life.
Could you theoretically tell the big winner to tip you when you're off the clock and keep the $250k for yourself? I wouldn't because I would lose my job as it would be considered "hard hustling".
You had to share that with over 250 people? The big casinos on the Strip have a lot of dealers in a 24 hour shift.
At Cosmo, on the weekdays there are about 150 dealers in a 24 hour shift. On the weekends, it can be close to 250-300 dealers and Cosmo is a small casino compared to the rest.
Does this violate any policy the casino might have about interacting with customers? Technically no. The only thing the casino reminds you is to not be seen gambling with the customer at other casinos and that you're still responsible for your own actions.
You must have been real popular that night. Bitches love money especially strippers.
Yeah I notice whenever I tip a dealer he/she puts in a slot, so I was thinking how would they know how much each dealer got, Regardless, it's still the right thing to do if they're providing you a service. Thanks for tipping :)
I'm curious. Since on a night where you received an exorbitant tip and only made $1,000, what is your average tip out per day/week/weekend? Also, what is the largest amount that you yourself have walked out with in a single night? Are you tipped out daily, or is it added to your paycheck? If it is done by paycheck; largest tip out at the end of a paycheck? At the big casinos (Wynn/Encore, Cosmopolitan, Aria, Caesars) the dealers usually make $150-$200 a night during the weekdays. On the weekends, they'll make around $200-$300+.
The medium casinos (Bellagio, Planet Hollywood, Paris, Mandalay Bay, MGM Grand) will make around $120-$150 during the weekdays, $150-$200 on the weekends.
I personally can't accept tips while at work. Outside of work, regular customers would throw me some extra cash on the side on top of whatever they gave me at the table while they were playing. The most someone gave me outside of work was $1000. It was a regular customer.
Of all the celebrity players you've dealt to, which one seemed the most genuine and cool person to interact with. Coolest would easily be Matt Schaub. 99% of athletes are douchebags, but he's super nice and super cool. Awesome tipper too. Down to earth and extremely humble. Runners up goes to Chris Evans. Captain America can't handle his alcohol and is an arrogant prick too. "Do you know who the fuck I am?" was probably his most overheard line while I was dealing to him. 2nd runners up goes to Chef Tim Love. He's a stiff and a cry baby. Constantly boasts about all the $10,000 bottles of wine he drinks.
Who was the worst and why? Ironically the worst would be Will Farrell. The guy is a huge asshole when he's gambling and the camera's off. Huge prick.
As a huge Redskins fan, I notice DeAngelo Hall has some attitude issues on the field. Was he any nicer when you dealt to him? Really nice guy. From my experience, he plays by himself and doesn't have a huge entourage like most athletes do. Even when he loses, he doesn't have an attitude problem.
That's pretty disappointing. Will Farrell is one of my favorite actors and I always assumed he'd be a cool, down to earth guy off-camera. Oh well, it's not like I'll ever see him in real life anyway. But if I do, I'll know to punch him in the balls. You know who is also a cool guy that surprised me? Rush Limbaugh.
The guy is an awesome tipper and kind of cool to talk to even though he's an extreme right-winger.
If a celebrity ever said "Do you know who the fuck I am?", I would instantly say something along the lines "Why should I give a fuck who you are?" I pretty much said that to Chris Evans every time he said that.
Maybe in public but go have dinner with his family in Springfield, MO-- Racial slurs everywhere! Any stories you'd like to tell me?
What was your impression of D Rose? Derrick Rose is a cool guy. Played a little bit of blackjack and roulette with Durant.
Hope is ACL is good to go now :(
Doesn't Tebow know gambling is a sin??? I wasn't going to ask him that especially with the Broncos offensive line surrounding him.
How many times have you heard someone say 'Vegas baby!' or 'you're so money' when Vince Vaughn was at the tables? Never.
You know what I hear the most and is like nails on a chalkboard for casino employees?
I am going to go to every single casino and scream winner winner chicken dinner. When I finally get punched in the face I'll know it's you. Then we can go party with some celebs at the strip club. Deal? Seems legit.
Do you get the asians who yell monkey who want a 10 in blackjack? It seems like 90% of asians in the casino I frequent do this. Gamblers scream out monkey regardless of their race. White, black, asian, spanish, etc.
Whats the most money you've seen lost by one person in a day? Craps - $5 million.
Blackjack - $5 million.
Baccarat - $10 million.
European Roulette - $2 million.
Just out of my own curiousity, was it an asian person that lost $10 million on baccarat? You are correct. A Chinese businessman to be exact.
Holy shit that's crazy! How often do you see someone lose money in the millions? I deal to million dollar players quite often. But getting their ass handed to them? Not that often. I want to say like every 3-4 weeks.
Players win often and players do lose often, but it's rare to see them tap their line.
What's the usual reaction when someone loses money > million? I've seen customers smash glasses, break things, punch the wall, punch the roulette readerboard, etc. They usually keep their cool most of the time, but once in a while...
WHY DO I EVEN PLAY THIS STUPID FUCKING GAME!!! Most players like to play Captain Obvious or Captain Hindsight.
Maybe the only important thought the person should be considering. Hah. "DAMN IT I SHOULDN'T HAVE BET THAT MUCH. DAMN IT I SHOULD HAVE BET MORE!"
Heh, I've seen that happen at the $5 tables in Indian casinos in Michigan while waiting for a seat in the poker room. I usually just giggle whenever a $5-$10 players loses $100-$200 bucks.
"Is it really the end of the world losing $200?" is typically what I tell them.
How are high-limit dealers paid? Salaried? Benefits? Would you be willing to say how much (ballpark) high-stakes dealers make in a year? what about low-stakes? Are dealers allowed to gamble in the casino they work for? Thanks, this is a sweet AmA. Dealers are paid the same regardless of what games they play and it's minimum wage. Yes you heard it...casinos only pay us minimum wage. We rely completely on tips.
Casinos are normally run businesses so full time employees are offered insurance, 401k, vacation time, etc.
Dealers are NOT allowed to gamble in the casino they work for. It's mainly to prevent collusion. Dealers are allowed to play slots in the casino they work for, but cannot play anything with a progressive jackpot (Megabucks, Wheel of Fortune, etc.). Dealers are allowed to play whatever they want in any other casino.
I think it's pretty awesome that dealers get a 401k and insurance. That plus the decent money you mentioned below make dealing sound like a pretty awesome job. It isn't that bad of a job, but dealing to douchebags and degenerates wears on you after a while.
What are the best casinos and hotels in Las Vegas? As in the top 5 casino/hotels? What is your favorite and why? Wynn Las Vegas/Encore
Oh and why are there hundreds of Mexican people handing out those cards for prostitutes on the street and allowed to just litter the whole strip with them? The loiters have first amendment rights basically. They changed the law this year so now whenever cards they pass out fall to the ground, they're supposed to pick them up. I was never too happy with the escort ads on the Strip. 1. The girls don't actually provide the service most of the time. They're just there to rip off guys. 2. It puts a negative light on the city.
Thanks for the answer. I was in vegas for about 3 days staying at circus circus (don't laugh) and the first night we walked the whole strip (i had no idea it would take that long) and it really annoyed me to see the streets just littered with the prostitute cards. We Vegas locals don't like it either trust me. We also don't like those stupid street performers that are on the Strip. The only one that's cool in my book is the guy that will let you kick him in the nuts for $20.
How much do you think the avg "street performer" say for example, the dudes wearing Mario and Luigi costumes r the Tranformer guys would make in a night? No clue. Maybe get one of them to do an AMA?
This might be a longshot, but one time I was there, there was this older black guy in a motorized chair that had this little speakemic/beatbox thing and would freestyle about you and your group (for a tip) and he was phenominal. It was a hightlight of the trip. I've been back a couple of times and always look for him but never find him. Do you know if he's still around/popular? Nope. Never seen the guy.
What's your flexibility on game pacing, in Blackjack for example? There is plenty of flexibility on game pace. Casinos instruct dealers to deal at a moderate pace. Not too fast where you seem like a robot and not slow enough where players will fall asleep at the table.
Tl;dr: does the house allow you to deal fewer hands-per-hour in high-limit? If so, why are some dealers doucheclowns about it? The best scenario for you if you want to play slightly high limit blackjack are blackjack pits that are outside of high limit. It's basically high limit without the title. They're usually $100 6-deck shoe games that stand on all 17s.
Baccarat, on the other hand... shit, I need a book to pass the time. Whoever installs video poker machines into Baccarat tables is going to make a killing. Dealers are going to be douchebags no matter what. From my personal experience, if I deal fast...I'm trying to get rid of you.
Though my restaurant right now doesn't have it, we do have tip outs to runner ,bussers and bar. Do any casinos impliment this policy? Do you see yourself making a career out of this? Casinos have tried to implied a tip out policy as a way to subsidize other wages with dealers tips, but it has failed. Wynn Las Vegas/Encore is in court with the dealers right now over it. Wynn won initially, but it got overturned and looks to stay that way. I don't see myself making a career out of it. Casinos are now run by corporations. The way they treat their employees is ridiculous. They show no dedication to us.
In your opinion - what's the best strategy for Craps? Pass line with full odds. Come bets with full odds as well.
Pass line bets and taking odds on it after the come out? Boxcars, Snake Eyes, Big 6's, Horn High Yo's? You can place bet, but the edge is still high for the house.
I'm curious too hear what a dealer thinks about this. Stay away from the prop box at all times. The only time I'll mess around with the prop box is if I throw let's say $1 hardways and ask to parlay at least once if it hits.
Do you know of other dealers who have ever completely lost their cool at a high risk table when either a large amount of money has come into play, or some big time celebrity has come to their table? Happens all the time. I've seen dealers sweat profusely like they just finished doing cardio on the treadmill, seen dealers completely freeze up or seen dealers crack under the pressure.
I've seen a couple get in trouble because they tried to take a picture with them after they go on break. That's a huge no-no.
Are the high limit tables the most desirable tables to work? Are dealers sometimes reprimanded by removing them from a high limit table and placing them at a low limit table? (similar to getting a shitty section in a restaurant/bar) Physically yes. You'll most likely be on a reserved game. The customer doesn't play the majority of the time while you're on shift. So instead of dealing for 8 hours straight, in high limit you might deal one or two hours. The rest of the time you're just hanging out and watching whatever they have on the TV.
Are you a gambler yourself? If so, has working as a dealer improved your game any? Dealers do get reprimanded and sometimes even get kicked out of high limit for a extended period of time. It has never happened to me, but one day you'll see a dealer dealing to a BIG player. They make a huge mistake and the next day they're on casino war or the Big 6 wheel.
They make a huge mistake. In the business we call it a jackpot. Jackpot is basically a small mistake that turns into a big mistake.
Like what? Dealer make mistakes all the time. Wrong payout, messed on the procedure, etc.
What route would you recommend for anyone wanting to get into working as a dealer? Can you give us a brief outline of your rise to the high stakes table? Go to a dealers school. Learn the basics of dealing, handling chips and game protection. I learned blackjack and craps. It takes about four-eight weeks depending on how fast of a learner you are and how often you show up to school to practice. It took me about five weeks.
Once you're sufficient enough, you can apply to audition at a low end casino also known as a "break in house." Historically, casinos Downtown such as the El Cortez are well known break in houses for new dealers. Shitty local casinos are also considered break in houses as well. You don't make any money, but it doesn't matter. The whole point is to get experience dealing on a real live game.
While you're dealing at the break in house, you can learn how to deal all the other games. That's how I learned baccarat and roulette. Once you get enough experience, you start trying to move to better casinos until eventually you get a good, full time job on the Strip.
How long did it take you to move up from a "break in house" to the limelight on the Strip? What's the average? For most dealers it takes forever. They don't have the skill set or have the connections...aka "juice" as we call it in the business.
It only took me about two-three years, but for most it can take from five-ten years.
I love playing blackjack at the El Cortez! $5, single deck, 3:2 games. El Cortez is fun. I love hanging out at the bars next to it.
"You don't make any money"... can you give us a ballpark on what you made at the break-in and how much you make now, including tips? Break-in dealers barely make $30,000 a year.
Wow, that's a long time to work your way up to a (relatively) low paying job. You said in an earlier reply that high end dealers only make $200-$300 on a weekend night, right? I made close to that in my first bartending gig when I was still in college. You're probably right. But like I told you, the best dealer jobs pay around $85k a year. It's about $325 a day give or take.
What would you say set you apart from the other dealers? Are you more talented (by which I mean you're just naturally smartebetter) or is it a difference in work ethic or what? If it's a work ethic thing, do you think that had you applied yourself to something else with the same level of dedication you could have succeeded, or have you just been in the right place at the right time consistently? Glad that you enjoyed the AMA.
Also, as someone who generally does not like AMAs in the last ~2 years, yours has been both informative and interesting. Cheers. What sets me apart from most dealers is that I have the skill to deal the games properly while being quick on my feet with calculations and knowing what the players feelings are like at the time. Sometimes dealers can talk to the players while sometimes players just want you to shut up and deal. Just got to know when the situation is right for certain things.
Ever seen a grown man cry? Yes. It's pathetic that a guy can guy from gambling, but yes I have.
Ever hear about someone killing themselves after walking away from your table? Yes. I tell them they're full of shit which they are 99.9% of the time. They're desperate for attention after they lose.
How funny was Will Ferrel? Not funny. I was expecting Elf or Stepbrothers, but got Casa de Mi Padre.
Could you tell us how the upper management of the casino works? I guess start with the dealers. I know you guys have pit bosses, but then who is above them? Who reports to who? Who is in contact with the surveillance room? I don't care about the hotel management. Dealers report to Floor Supervisors. Floor supervisors report to Pit Boss. Pit Boss reports to Shift Manager. Shift Manager reports to Table Games Director.
Did you ever get beat up by joey porter at applebees? For those that don't know, here's my interaction with Joey Porter.
I haven't got jumped by Joey Porter...yet. He liked me and other dealers on his game that night. I think he still wants to beat the shit out of my shift boss and pit boss. My shift boss still hasn't eaten at a Applebee's or even a Chili's yet since then.
Yo, man. I been looking for you! DO YOU EVEN LIFT BRO?
How was Joe Flacco? He was cool. Not a big player. Kept asking me where he can find a $15 blackjack game haha.
NBA fan here. Did you have any memorable interactions with either James, Wade, or Durant? How was Derrick Rose? No real memorable interactions. I just loved busting LeBron's balls before he got his first ring.
I remember before Derrick Rose got serious media attention, I remember telling him two years ago "I like how you're an amazing basketball player, but no one recognizes you right now". Not the case now.
Kevin Durant is a nice guy.
Have you seen or heard of any casinos that actually rig games? Nope. Even though most casino managers are idiots in my opinion, they wouldn't be stupid enough to rig a game. Not only would they would lose their gaming license, the casino would get a huge fine and could possibly lose their license as well.
One thing I tell players if they're gambling...gamble only if there's a gaming commission. You don't even know how many times I've heard stories of players getting screwed over by Indian casinos or cruise ships because there are no gaming commissions overseeing them.
UK here - what's the deal with Indian casinos? clearly they're less regulated - are native Americans known for running 'shady' joints? I'm not saying that Indian casinos are completely shady...they just do shady things once in a while when the players aren't noticing it.
I always wondered how casino workers were able to handle working in a smoking environment all day. Is there a high rate of respiratory problems with casino workers? Tips for dealing with the smoke? I don't smoke personally. It's brutal. I try to do more cardio than weightlifting to make up for it.
My allergies have gotten worse since I started dealing. Whenever I'm on a game, I just try to move the ashtrays in a certain position so I don't get hit with all the smoke.
Obvious question--what kind of experience do casinos require before you're given the keys to a high stakes table? It's mainly just being able to handle the high action. Dealers tend to freeze up a lot when they see big numbers in front of them. It's also being able to control your game regardless of who is playing on it and regardless of how much they're betting.
Do they make you do a whole back ground check and a lie detector test like they show in movies? i know.. stupid question. just curious. We get background checked when we apply for our gaming card and when we apply for a new job. We also get hair drug tested and have a credit check done as well.
Casinos only hire employees with good credit. It shows that the employees are responsible with their money and less susceptible to collusion.
I have a strong interest in playing and dealing cards. Have since I was a kid. How much does dealing become a grind as opposed to something you don't mind doing? I haven't hit that point yet dealing in home games. It honestly becomes a grind the second you start working. It's exciting the first couple of years because you're seeing new bets or action you haven't dealt with yet on the game, but after a while it becomes the same.
Which of the soccer players that you dealt with won the most? Probably Rooney. I think he won like $300k. Soccer players aren't big gamblers generally. They just like to hang out at the pool, go clubbing once in a while and do a little bit of gambling.
What was Wayne Rooney like in person? He always seems like a dick to me. Also, how much do you earn? He's a nice guy. Takes pictures with fans and socializes with everyone.
Dealers at the most popular casinos (Aria, Wynn/Encore, Cosmopolitan, Caesars) can make $80,000+ a year.
Dealers that work at the medium properties (MGM Grand, Mandalay Bay, Bellagio, Paris, Planet Hollywood) make around $60,000-$80,000 a year.
What is the most you have seen a person win? $10 million on baccarat. The customer was playing $175,000 a hand on baccarat.
Baccarat didn't seem to big when I was in Vegas a few years ago, has it picked up? Baccarat has picked up a lot in Vegas. All the big casinos have baccarat now.
I was a dealer in Australia, high stakes as well and the average for some customers was $2000+. Not bragging or anything, just wondering if Vegas is working on getting the Asian baccarat junkets a bit harder these says. The problem with baccarat junkets is that the players just rotate between casino to casino. They take advantage of baccarat tournaments and whatever promos they have. The junkets technically don't bring in any new business and they get paid a huge chunk of whatever the player's theoretical is.
Last updated: 2013-01-27 19:42 UTC
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Las Vegas is also known for its many casinos, decorated with various bright colours. Some casinos include Caesars Palace, a Roman Empire themed casino, Bellagio, a Bellagio, Italy themed casino, Paris Las Vegas, a Paris themed casino, Monte Carlo Las Vegas, a Monte Carlo, Monaco themed casino, and New York New York, a New York City themed ... 3645 Las Vegas Blvd S Paris Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV 89109-4321. Website +1 702-739-4111. Getting there. Bally's / Paris Las Vegas Station Las Vegas Monorail 3 min. Flamingo / Caesars Palace Station Las Vegas Monorail 6 min. Rental Cars See rental cars from $14/day. Best nearby. 177 Restaurants within 0.3 miles. 82 Other Attractions within 0.3 miles. Le Cirque (2,114) 3 min $$$$ French ... Media in category "Paris Las Vegas" The following 5 files are in this category, out of 5 total. Paris Las Vegas Hotel & Casino offers the most alluring Las Vegas accommodations, restaurants & nightlife. Experience our enticing, sexy & romantic Las Vegas hotel. 1 Las Vegas strip casinos 2 Downtown properties 3 Properties in the greater metropolitan area 4 Defunct Casinos Includes properties on major cross streets Aria Bally's Bellagio Caesars Palace Casino Royale Circus Circus The Cromwell Encore Excalibur Flamingo Gold Coast Hard Rock Harrah's Hooters... Paris Las Vegas - Wikipedia. Paris Las Vegas is a casino hotel on the Las Vegas Strip in Paradise, Nevada. It is owned and operated by Caesars Entertainment and has a 95,263 square-foot ... Die Casinos von Las Vegas gehören zu den spektakulärsten, aufwendigsten, verrücktesten aber auch faszinierendsten der Welt. Sie sind rund um die Uhr an 365 Tagen im Jahr geöffnet.. In den Spielcasinos gibt es keine Uhren, keine Fenster und auch die Ausgänge sind nur schlecht ausgeschildert.Dies hat Methode, um den Spieler möglichst lange im Casino zu halten. Dit hotel met casino ligt aan de Las Vegas Strip en heeft een zwembad op het dak, een overdekt winkelcentrum en replica's van diverse Parijse bezienswaardigheden, waaronder de Eiffeltoren. De kamers van het Paris Las Vegas zijn ingericht in Franse stijl en hebben een marmeren badkamer, De kamer is inclusief pay-per-view-films en een kluisje. Allerdings ist Casino Las Vegas ein Online Casino, das die Atmosphäre von Las Vegas zu Ihnen bringt, ganz egal, wo auf der Welt Sie sich befinden. Wir liefern den Nervenkitzel und die Aufregung von dem Las Vegas Strip direkt zu Ihnen nach Hause oder an jeden anderen Ort, wo Sie spielen. In der Tat ist das Casino Las Vegas in vielerlei Hinsicht sogar besser als ein Besuch auf dem Las Vegas ... LAS VEGAS Las Vegas casino resorts have been long known for their entertaining shows, endless casino action and bright lights. ... The largest casino in Paris, France according to gaming machines and table games put together, is Club Circus Paris. The Club Circus Paris total casino square footage is 1,800 square feet. It has 0 gaming machines and 31 tables games. You will also find 19 poker ...

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Paris Las Vegas with Eiffel Tower and Bellagio view - YouTube

Paris Casino and 460 feet above the heart of the Strip atop the Eiffel Tower Ride. Give my Channel a view to see my other videos. We had a lot of viewers request a walk through of the Paris Hotel & Casino located on the Las Vegas strip! We hope you enjoy! The hotel opened in 1999, and... Hey, Guys, I'm going to take you to the Paris Hotel Casino Walk Thru Las Vegas. I'll show you around the Paris Casino and shops and have a look at the Beer P... Come along with us to Paris - well the western U.S. version anyway! Just last week the Paris Las Vegas Hotel & Casino unveiled a new light show on their Eiff... The Eiffel Tower light show at Paris casino in Las Vegas cost $1.3 million to create. The free show runs every half hour and features synchronized lights. Th... Paris Las Vegas is a hotel and casino located on the Las Vegas Strip in Paradise, Nevada. The property is owned and operated by Caesars Entertainment Corp. A... Paris Las Vegas is a beautiful 4 star resort on the Las Vegas Strip, offering fully refurbished rooms, great service, wonderful location and in some rooms - ... Las Vegas Paris Hotel and Casino Walk Through in 4K - June 18, 2020Join me for a 15 minute walking tour of the Paris Hotel and Casino on the Las Vegas Strip ... The Paris Las Vegas is back open. The hotel and casino reopened at 10 this morning. Paris Las Vegas is a hotel and casino located on the Las Vegas Strip in Paradise, Nevada, USA. Its theme is the city of Paris in France; it includes a half s...

paris casino las vegas wikipedia

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