Odds Ratio, Hazard Ratio and Relative Risk

what is the difference between odds ratio and hazard ratio

what is the difference between odds ratio and hazard ratio - win

Brand new to the game? Gather round swabbies, lets get you started!

What's all this and why should I care?

I'm Thopterthallid. I like to write game guides as a hobby. I've been sailing the Sea of Theives since day one, and I've learned a thing or two. With Christmas having just past, and the game still half off on Steam, I've seen a HUGE influx of new players on the waves and in my crew. It's an exciting time to be a pirate and I want to help you get your sea legs and give you the best head start that I can.
I'll be writing this as a sort of blend between a guide and a F.A.Q post. And if you have any questions yourself, be sure to ask them in the comments! I'll try and answer everyone.

Here there be monsters.

The single most important thing to know and accept about Sea of Theives is that it has (for lack of a better term) "non-consensual PvP". This means that you'll be sharing the seas with other crews, and those ships are perfectly within their rights as defined by the game to attack you on sight. That's not to say that every crew you meet will be hostile though. Most crews I've come across are perfectly chill, and there's plenty of PvE content to keep what I'd say are the majority of players busy.
The second most important thing to know is that Sea of Thieves is not like Rust, or Ark. Nobody is going to destroy your things while you're offline, nobody can steal your gold or items you've bought, and the only things that can be taken from you are treasures you've yet to turn in, and freely spawning supplies you'll find in every barrel. You'll only be set back as much time as you're willing to risk, and maybe some bruised pride.
You will get boarded, cut down, shot, sunk, and burned by other players in this game. It's not cheating, it's not griefing, it's not against the rules of the game. If you can accept that, you'll have a great time with Sea of Thieves.

So what do you do in this game?

The gameplay loop of Sea of Thieves is a simple one. You'll set out on quests like bounties and treasure hunts, participate in world events like fleet battles and boss raids, and interact with other crews for better or worse. Your goal is to gather up treasures like chests, gems, cursed skulls, trinkets, trade goods, and animals to sell at outposts. With the gold you earn, you can buy cosmetic items like clothing, weapon skins, and ship parts. As you turn in treasures, your ranking in various factions called Trading Companies will rise. As you level up in Trading Companies, you'll unlock more lucrative voyages and new kinds of missions.
All progression in the game is either cosmetic, or unlocking ways to earn gold faster. Your pirate never grows stronger, your weapons deal the same damage as they did before, there's no magic blade that inflicts elemental effects, and your ship's hull never gets any more durable than it is. This might throw a few players off. It's definitely odd to play a multiplayer open world game like this and not find any sort of mechanical progression, but I think that's a testament to how fun the game is. We don't play because we're grinding levels to get to new content. We play because there's no other game like Sea of Thieves out there.

What should I be doing first?

The very first thing you should do is the Maiden Voyage. When you first launch Sea of Thieves, you'll be prompted to check out this tutorial mission. You'll be dropped on a safe, single-player island where you can get acquainted with the controls and feel of the game. For the cleverest and most determined pirates, there's a sizable gold reward hiding on the island for you. If you don't find it, don't worry. You can come back here any time from the main menu. Once you've completed the Maiden Voyage, you'll be placed into a live game. From here, you'll be offered the Onboarding Voyage. This will get you used to the loop of the game; get treasure, turn into NPC for a reward. After that, the sky is the limit and you've just unlocked 90% of the content in the game.
The first thing I'd suggest doing is talking to the Gold Hoarder in the green tent. He'll offer you some free starting voyages. The rewards for these early voyages are really low, but its important to understand how to locate and island, sail to it, retrieve treasure form it, and sail back. Luckily, these early voyages won't send you far. Bring the voyage to your ship and slap it down on the quest table. You'll either be given a riddle, a map, or some combination of both. Check your ship's sea chart to find the name of the island in the riddle, or the island that matches the picture on your map. You're already well on your way. Once you've become more acquainted with the seas, you can try an Order of Souls voyage or Merchant Alliance voyage.

What shouldn't I do early? What is that thing in the sky?

From time to time, you'll often see strange glowing symbols or trails in the air. These are world events and should be avoided when you're still learning the game.
A white skull cloud in the sky with green eyes is an active skeleton fort. Sailing near it is hazardous, as the fort's cannons will open fire on you. In addition, these tend to attract players. If you can defeat all the waves of skeletons inside, defeat the skeleton lord, and steal all the loot in the vault, you'll be very wealthy, but it's a tall order for a new player on their own.
A white skull cloud in the sky with red eyes is probably the most dangerous world event. The Fort of the Damned can only be summoned through a somewhat cryptic ritual involving acquiring a rare skull, and dying in six different fashions to unlock colored flames. This is the most valuable single activity in the game, and players will sail across the ocean to compete for it. I can't stress enough that you shouldn't even park at an island next to them unless you're prepared to be boarded and sunk. Players put a lot of time in starting the event and they WILL NOT tolerate you hiding nearby if they percieve you to be a threat.
A flaming tornado is the Ashen Winds event. On one of the large islands, one of four skeleton lords will spawn. They have tons of health, multiple forms, and are going to be the most heavily contested event during all of January save for a Fort of the Damned.
A cloud that looks like a galleon is the Skeleton Fleet Battle event. These are probably the least contested event in the game as they take a lot of resources to burn through. It's a good idea to keep your distance from these clouds as the skeleton ships that spawn will encircle your ship and broadside you with cursed cannonballs.
A glowing red skull in the sky wearing a hat is the Flameheart Fleet Battle. The ghostly ships that spawn are much more fragile than the ones from the other fleet battle, but cluster in much greater numbers. You'll need a lot of resources to defeat them all. Flameheart himself will comment on whats happening, such as another player ship entering the battle. The ghost ships sometimes drop crates full of cannonballs and planks, so it's not always a bad idea to sink a few to try and get one for a top up on supplies.
Glowing ribbon-like streams floating upwards signal the location of a Reaper's Chest or Reaper's Bounty. These treasures are worth a lot of gold and doubloons. These chests appear on maps as red or yellow skulls. which means if you pick one up, everyone will know where you are and where you're going. You'll need to take the chest to Reaper's Hideout near the center of the map. If you think you can get away with it, it's a good prize. Avoid it if you're carrying a lot of treasure you don't want to lose though.
As for other emergent encounters... You'll also meet Skeleton Sloops, Skeleton Galleons, Megalodons, and Krakens out on the seas. They're challenging opponents, but drop a decent bit of loot if you can take them out.

What are all the trading companies and what do I do with them?

The Gold Hoarders will send you on voyages to find buried chests. They'll give you riddles, or X-marks-the-spot type maps that lead you to troves of treasure which they can unlock for you if you split the contents with them. When you reach rank 25, they'll offer a new type of voyage that has you looking for map fragments that lead you to a vault full of treasure.
The Order of Souls will send you on voyages to destroy skeleton captains. These captains are tougher than normal skeletons and often have special traits to them, such as being immune to damage in the dark, or being made of gold. Once you reach rank 25, you'll be able to go on voyages to defeat ghostly fleets of galleons.
The Merchant Alliance will send you on Trade Good Voyages, which task you with finding supplies, animals, and gunpowder and delivering them to a specific outpost. They'll also send you on Cargo Runs, which task you with picking up fragile cargo from one island and taking it to another. Devil's Roar Cargo Runs are easily the best way to make money in the game. In the next update, they'll offer a new kind of voyage called Merchant Detectives that tasks us with locating lost shipments.
The Hunter's Call don't give out voyages. Instead, they'll buy any meat or fish you bring them. You'll get more gold and reputation by turning in cooked meals instead of raw. Some of the rarest fish in the game will sell for massive amounts of money. You won't find them on outposts. Instead, a Sea Dog's representative is waiting for you on each seapost. The tiny islands with little buildings on them. As an aside, Seaposts will sell clothing you can find in normal shops at a modest discount, so keep an eye out for deals!
The Sea Dogs don't give out voyages. Instead, they offer unique cosmetics for participating in the Arena. Separate from the normal adventure mode. Sadly, this mode never lived up to it's potential and won't be receiving any new updates. It's still worth playing to jump into ship to ship combat.
The Reaper's Bones don't give out voyages. Instead, they task players with hunting down emissaries and returning their flags to Reaper's Hideout.
Athena's Fortune are the "end game" trading company. Their voyages involve completing eight Gold Hoarder, Order of Souls, and Merchant missions before offering a voyage to dig up a chest of legends, one of the best chests in the game. To access this trading company, you need to reach rank 50 in three other trading companies.
The Bilge Rats are the event trading company. You don't rank up with them, but they'll offer seasonal voyages, event-based cosmetic items, and other cool things. You can also pay doubloons to get certain event triggering items like the Ritual Skull for Fort of the Damned.
It should be noted that none of the factions are "at war" with one another. In the lore, they often cooperate and work together (Aside from the reaper's bones). You can work with all eight trading companies without locking yourself out of the others.

What are emissaries?

The emissary system is a high risk, high reward style of playing. To be an emissary, you need to pay up 20,000 gold for the right to sail under a trading company's flag. Once you're an emissary, you can at any time raise the emissary flag by voting with your crew. When the flag is up, performing activities for that trading company will level up your flag up to 5. For example, if you're an Order of Souls emissary, you'll level up your flag by finding skulls, defeating captains, defeating skeleton lords, etc. If your ship sinks, you lose your flag and must raise it again from level 1. Levelling up your flag increases the gold reward for turning in items. Level 2 gets you an extra 33%. Level 3 gives you 66%. Level 4 doubles your reward, and having a level 5 flag gives you a whopping 2.5x bonus on all loot turned in for that faction.
Note that you only need to pay the 20,000 ONCE. Once you own the flag, you can raise it whenever you want.
The downside to playing as an emissary is that Reaper's Bone's players will be out to find you. By levelling up a Reaper's Bones flag to level 5, that crew will be able to see ALL other emissaries on the map. To balance this out, all Reaper's Bones emissaries appear on the map regardless of their level.

What else is there to do when I'm bored of voyages?

Tall Tales make a great chance of pace. Long adventures that will have you sail all over the world solving riddles, exploring dungeons, dodging traps, and fighting skeleton lords. Sea of Thieves has a surprisingly rich lore, and new world activities like Flameheart's fleet and the Ashen Winds raid that are added to the game are set into motion by events that occur during these story quests. I don't recommend them for brand new players as they tend to require a little bit of knowledge of the world, but don't skip out on them.

What is the Devil's Roar?

The Devil's Roar is the easternmost area of the Sea of Thieves. Its a series of volcanic islands that are very hazardous to pirate and ship alike. Volcanic rocks, earthquakes, steam geysers, and ashen skeletons are just some of the dangers that lurk in this area. If you're brave enough to explore it, all the loot you'll find there is worth double the value of normal loot. It's a great place to earn money, and PvP players tend not to venture there. Just be sure to drop what you're doing and run back to the boat when the caldera starts to smolder, otherwise there's a good chance your ship will be at the bottom of the ocean when you get there.

How do the microtransactions work?

Sea of Thieves has a microtransaction store called the Pirate Emporium. Microtransactions gross a lot of people out, but I don't think that Sea of Thieves does it in an especially predatory or icky way. I'll try to give as non-bias of an opinion as I can.
As I said before, you CAN earn Ancient Coins in game, but there's a big catch. You can only get them by defeating Ancient Coin Skeletons. These skeletons are absurdly rare, and in my hundreds of hours of playing I've only seen two. The combined total of Ancient Coins they gave me were barely enough to get a cheap emote. It's almost a non factor. THAT SAID, Rare is adding new ways to earn Ancient Coins in the next update. We'll see how it goes.
All things considered, I think that it's handled with at least some level of tact. It's not shoved in your face, and they avoid most of the big predatory tactics.

Quick FAQs:

How do I get a pet? The only way to get pets is to buy them in the Pirate Emporium. You'll need Ancient Coins which can be purchased for real money, or dropped from the VERY rare Ancient Coin Skeletons.
How do I know when food is cooked? Food will change color twice. Raw > Undercooked and then Undercooked > Cooked a few seconds later. There will also be a sound queue that sounds more sizzly. Fish will turn golden brown with white eyes.
What do different kinds of cannonballs do?
What are the advantages of each ship?
How do I get different colored lanterns?
When you die, the torch on the ferry of the damned will offer you a flame of fate. Raise your lantern and press the button prompt to take that colored flame. The color you get is determined by how you died:
When you have the flame in your lantern, you can set your ship's lanterns to those colors as well!
Where do I turn in this treasure?
Sometimes you'll find some strange treasure that doesn't go who you expect it to. Here's a quick guide:
Good techniques?
If you hold block while charging a sword, you can more freely move before performing a sword lunge. Jump just before you lunge to launch yourself great distances through water.
When digging, double tap the X key after each strike of your shovel to put it away and take it back out. You'll be able to dig treasure almost twice as fast.
When a riddle tells you to count paces, equip your compass and hold the mouse button. Your character will slowly walk and count steps more visibly.
When you're struggling with an X-marks-the-spot map, one of the best landmarks you can use to position yourself are those bright red plants.
When shooting an enemy ship, aim for the top deck if they're firing back. This will knock other players and skeletons off the cannons. If they aren't shooting you, aim below the water line so they take more damage.
If a harpoon latches onto your ship, you can quickly cut the line by slashing at the harpoon gun with a sword, or hitting it with a bullet.
What are some good resources for new players?
An interactive map that can help with riddles, tall tales, finding certain animals, and MUCH more. A must bookmark for every player.
PhuzzyBond's Youtube Channel. Dude is a Sea of Thieves genius and makes tons of great guides, such as how to win battles as a solo player.
Optimal sail positions for each ship in different wind conditions.

I hope that covers everything. If you have any questions, let me know! I'll try to answer them.

submitted by Thopterthallid to Seaofthieves [link] [comments]

Mask mandates I: scientific evidence

This post focuses strictly on the controversial issue of recommending or mandating cloth masks for the general public during COVID-19. For a regularly updated executive summary of the evolving scientific understanding of COVID-19 in general, see here. Overall, the available scientific and policy evidence indicates that mandating or even just formally recommending to the general public to wear a cloth mask in nonhealthcare settings is unwise. These 23 highly respected Canadian epidemiologists and public health experts have recommended the following standard for all COVID-19 related policies:
COVID-19 control must be balanced with basic human rights. People need to be empowered to make informed choices about their own lives and the level of risk they are prepared to accept. Universal public health measures are appropriate only when they are truly necessary, supported by strong evidence, and when there are no other alternatives...Any requirements for mandatory masks must be based on strong evidence...
Bearing in mind the foregoing standard, what follows is a review of the academic literature demonstrating that the requirement for strong evidence is not being met (the other components of the foregoing standard pertaining to human rights and personal autonomy are discussed in section #2 of this post). Before we begin, it is important to bear in mind that many people act under the false belief that being exposed to someone with the virus - with neither individuals wearing masks - automatically means they will get infected, when in fact the chance of becoming infected becomes significant only for "those spending a total of 15 minutes of contact with an infectious person over the course of a 24-hour period".
Note: This is the expanded and updated section #1 of my older long post on masks. I exceeded the maximum numbers of characters allowed, and therefore had to split the initial post, with the former section #1 moved here as a separate thread. I will regularly update it.
submitted by clme to covidskepticscanada [link] [comments]

19. The Secret Of The Jerk [1/2]

(NOTE: This post ended up being longer than I expected, MUCH LONGER. "You should have divided it in many posts." Why write a galaxy of posts when one article will do!)
No, your eyes are not mistaken. The guy with the beautiful woman is a jerk and/or ugly guy! What is he doing with her? Can she not see? Has she not eyes?
Alas! The poor male looks around, knows not who to turn to, and eventually sums up that the universe is a cruel and mysterious personnage who deals out no answers, offers no solutions, and gives out no explanations especially for the enigma of all enigmas, the beautiful woman! Obviously, something is amiss. How do these ugly to average looking guys get such babes? How do these cruel, stupid, barbaric males get these feminine jewels? Are they following a special trick? Are they super 'confidant'? What is their secret? Or are they even aware of their secret?
But what if nothing is amiss? What if this is all correct to the will of Nature? Where leaves the Don Juan?
Oh, there she is! The beautiful woman! The ornament of the world! The dream in flesh! She stands aloof on the platform and says, "Gentlemen! How are you to win me?"
And around the platform, a thousand mouths cry:
"Confidence."\ "Humor."\ "Patterns."\ "Kino."\ "Chocolate."\ "Poetry."\ "By ignoring you."\ "By totally focusing on you."\ "Puffed muscles."\ "Flowers."\ "Spikey hair."\ "Endless gifts."\ "Mirroring."\ "Leather jackets."\ "Eliciting values."\ "Sparkly clothes."\ "Bouncy personality."\ "Romance."\ "Dinner. Lobster!"\ "Compliments."\ "Guitar songs."
And she laughs only to say, "These are very well and good, gentlemen. But are you not aware that imitation is suicide? You forget that confidence is experience, that puffed muscles are not to be a masculine dress, that any guy can buy me lobster, and that countless many can sing the guitar songs. Are you so unaware of what I need?"
But a lone voice speaks from the floor: "You, madam, are to win me! For I am the prize to be won!"
And with that, she giggles in glee. "For every one of you, there are a thousand guys willing to offer me the above. It is cute that you are different. But why am I with the ugly guy at the end? Why do I prefer the jerk?" And with this the lone voice had no answer.
Then comes the great exclamation: "Because he is a man!" "Yes but no," she snobbily laughs.\ "Because he is disrespectful." "He is that but no."\ "Because he is an animal." "Not at all!"\ "Because he has super ego!" "True, but no."\ "Because he wears his cap backwards!" "Hah!"\ "Because he is rough and mean." "Nope!"\ And then a golden arrow shaft of voice pierced the confusion, penetrated deep within the truth, spread those warm gooey moans of ecstasy throughout, and made her come with such surprising clarity that she screams in delight. For the voice said,
"Extreme masculinity!"
"Oh Pook!" she smiled in radiance. "How right you are!" And all the guys' mouths turn into a big O as the beautiful woman ran off the platform into the arms of Pook.
Having satisfied none of her demands, what she ends up with (the ugly/average guy) becomes seemingly contradictory. Extreme masculinity? What answer can that be?
Oh women! Can you give us no explanations other than the ones that send us off the cliff? Can you not explain yourselves to our perplexed male minds? Alas, it is like speaking to a block. She gives expressions but not answers. She gives demands but not secrets. How smart men may be until they enter a bar! How knowledgeable they seem until they're before a woman!
The Mystery of Mysteries
There are three mysteries to the world: the rise and fall of civilizations, fruitcake, and why beautiful women go for jerks.
Leaving fruitcake and the rise and fall of civilizations for other posts, let us concern ourselves with why beautiful women go for jerks. WHAT IS NATURE'S SECRET?
And, likewise, a sea of mouths with authoritative tongues chant out the usual 'answers':
"Confidence"\ "Dominance”\ "Unpredictability"\ "Hard to get"\ "Selfishness"\ "Rudeness"
And so on. These 'experts' or 'wise sages' merely look at the jerk as a fixed element and classify personality traits or even physical traits. Fools adopt the personality/physical traits. But imitation is suicide.
Why go for the fool's gold when the real gold is in your grasp?
There are things so simple in Nature and life that we utterly confuse them and ourselves with our stupid philosophies (jerks don't need websites like these!). Sexuality is one of these. Our countless reading of seduction over the internet is full of months if not years. Where has this got you? Yes, you feel you are always right on the edge of THE SECRETS to end your heartaches and tensions but, at the end of the day, you are still in front of your computer.
Someone said to me, "What an odd definition of Man you gave, Pook! A guy not afraid of his testosterone? Surely it is more heroic."
But it is entirely about testosterone. Girls are attracted to GUYS, not wimps, not nice guys, not chumps, but GUYS. Rather than trying to build and discover some killer philosophy to ease your troubles, why not accept the structure Nature has already set up? The secret of the jerks is that it is so widespread, common, and plain that since it is all around us we can't even distinguish it.
Nature is process, always seeking and devouring. Nothing remains set; everything's in cycles. Rather than classifying the ACTIONS of the jerk and merely DUPLICATING them, let us adopt the SOURCE so the actions come naturally and without thought or effort.
Pook stands on the fruitcake and calls the crowd around him. Gentlemen! Do say: what type of woman will the Nicest Nice Guy attract?
"Sperm whales."\ "Hags."\ "B*tches."\ "Uglo girls."
Indeed! What trait commonly unites all these girls that end up with the pathetic Nice Guy?
Gentlemen! Your silence most offends me! Sure, these girls may be sweet. Sure, they may be smart. Sure, they may be many things. Yet, there is one thing that
they aren't. They are not feminine. They are not girlish. The men nod. And, likewise, what are these Nice Guys, these blobs of appeasing rolls of gooish flesh? Are these the men of the world?
These boys are not exactly feminine, but they certainly aren't masculine. They are neither. They are the androgenous blob who, without a spine, is clay to fit to any woman's desires or whims. Nice guys love women as a drowner loves a life preserver. He clings on to her because he cannot swim the waters of Nature. Tossed and tossed he becomes through his love life.
The Masculine Male
Pook walks toward a bubbly Nice Guy with a needle of Man-ness.
"No! The prick will hurt me!"
Fine, die a painful long death of Regret, Loneliness, and Frustration. Any other takers?
Another Nice Guy volunteered.
See? This fella knows that a momentary pain is preferable to consistent suffering.
Pook puts the shot into the Nice Guy and injects him with testosterone.
Now, gentlemen, watch the effects.
The Nice Guy no longer fears what he desires. He sees the woman he wants. He approaches her.
Why do jerks approach women? To marry them? No! The jerk is operating not out of control with 'that head down there' but rather being influenced properly by his testosterone. He sees what he wants and goes and gets it. He does not apologize for it. He does not try to rationalize it. He does not analyze it. There are no stupid philosophies running around in the jerk's head.
The Nice Guy gets rejected by the woman!
Oh oh! Poor Nice Guy! But look, something is changing. Look at the anger building up in him. Something is being charged within him. It is frustration. It is anger. The worst thing for him to do would be to cry and duck his head in the sand. Constant rejection requires one of two solutions: either lower your standards or increase your standards in yourself.
But it is true that standards do not enter the jerk's mind. He gets frustrated and angry. He tries again with MUCH LESS awkwardness. Nature's system is at work here, chiseling his social exterior. He gets the dates.
The Nice Guy gets dumped after a few dates.
Oh dear! What happened!? Why, perhaps the Nice Guy was trying to mock earlier jerk behavior and remetamorphed into an AFC eventually before his chick! Imitation
IS suicide. No wonder chicks are so hard for honesty!
Do jerks really care on pleasing the women in the spirit of altruism and glorious relationship?
Hush you! The jerks obviously DO NOT care about the women in such a manner. Their testosterone says, "I have needs that need to be fulfilled. Entertain me." And so the jerks come off self-centered not because they ARE self-centered, but because they are closer to their own male nature and seek to satisfy their thirst.
The nice guy sees that fun is merely being around a beautiful woman. The jerk is a bit more... active. He wants to have fun his way. She is along for the ride.
It has been well known that action dates (ex: dancing, bowling, rock climbing, etc.) work MUCH BETTER than regular dates (coffee, dinner, movie, etc). Rather than merely matching the effect (the action date), let us focus on the cause.
The jerk would obviously skateboard and play basketball than to sit at dinner and watch the girl flap her gums. Testosterone has been shown to create more ACTION in the individual. Jerks (i.e. testosteronized males) do the action NATURALLY. Rather than worrying about making yourself do action dates, get yourself in that natureset and action dates will become the only comfortable choice you could make.
The Nice Guy gets dumped because he hardly made any moves.
Oh no! We know how the girl gets mistreated and will talk to her girly friend (the nice guy) about it. We see the abuse and we think, "Oh heavens! Am I to be abusive to get the girl?" What is this abuse? Is she really hurt? Or is she merely mad that she has failed in her mission: to sterilize and link to the masculinized dude?
"But the guy stands her up all the time, etc. etc."
It is not because he stands her up. It is because she knows she is not loved by him. Her feminine powers are not ensnaring him. It is a feminine failure.
The girl sleeps with the jerk and he leaves her. We, as guys, think the abuse is the jerk sleeping with the girl merely to 'use' her (and motherly harpies try to feminize us into not doing 'this'). Rather, the 'abuse' is that the girl realizes she could not keep the guy. She 'was not woman enough'.
Nature's Path Leads to Women
As men, we are governed by two masters: Mind and Nature. (NOT mind and body. Nature refers to the processes and cycles that our bodies are only but a part.)
Both fight one another.
Mind: "The finest philosophies will get us the women." Nature: "You bore me. Unleash me."\ But what will get the women?
Mind: "Calculation. Seduction." Nature: "Instinct. Masculinity."\ And why should you get any women?
Mind: "Because everyone else is, and I am not." Nature: "Because I am MALE and she is FEMALE."\ Now let us throw some obstacles at the two. Let us say they are unceasingly unsuccessful in obtaining the beautiful women.
What are your reactions?
Mind: "This is obviously a failure within my calculation, my framing of the events. I will solve this with more seduction
research, essay writing on message boards, for I treat sexual dynamics like an academic degree."
Nature: "The failure is in not being male enough. Increased masculinity is the solution."
But you who enraged the poets and tortured the philosophers, please please elaborate.
Nature: When the embryo is at three months, it is unisex. It is both sexes at once. Alas, from then it divides into a gender (of which we cannot choose, of which enforces a code of conduct and duties of behavior we cannot control or understand. And we call ourselves free...)
Mind: Yes, yes. One half turns male, the other female. It is in my books.
Nature: Then I shall burn your library. For Nature always has more secrets then you can decipher. Gender is not all or none.
There is a MIX.
Mind: But this is in my books. In Sex and Character, Weineger says that from birth, males and females are divided. Some males are 70% male, 30% female. Others are 80% male, 20% female. It is vice versa for women. We know of effeminate men. We know of tom boys. Attraction is not a choice. A male that is 60% male and 40% female will attract a female that is 60% female and 40% male. A female that is 90% female and 10% male will attract a male that is 90% male and 10% female. It is a fact that some men are more feminine than others. This attraction scale is destiny: we mate with what fills the void the best. This is the mix that Weineger speaks of, is marked in the very first chapter of his book and made everything else possible.
Nature: I wonder if you would talk then till doomsday? Your followers, your philosophers, lawyers, academics, prattle and rattle on just like you! You are completely unaware of the seasons of life that color and sparkle the world. But I hesitate!
Mind: Like the flow and ebb of the moon.
Nature: Quiet you! Weineger and others of his ilk made good attempts at trying to discover my secrets. They tried to 'pop' themselves out of my earthly cycle and peer upon my work with the eyes of a god. Melancholy is my vengeance. Nieztche and Keirkegard, I drove those two mad. For Weineger I made his life so unpleasant that he had to shoot himself.
Mind: Is this your only vengeance?
Nature: No. It is reserved for anyone who frustrates my cycle. A man who persistantly stays single becomes a public temptation. I chisel away at him to make him more appropriate and correct the purpose of getting the women and carrying on my work.
Mind: But he will not do this. And your melancholy will not work due to the female attention he recieves.
Nature: I make and unmake the Adonis. The beautiful boy, refusing to use my gift for my purpose, enjoys being slaughtered by the elephant's tusk, the early untimely death. I will not be defied.
Mind: Yet, Weineger explained you.
Nature: Fool! Your 'mix' is all wrong. It is true that it is not simply 'male' and 'female'. But there is androgenous, where the male levels are so low in the male that he is barely a male. Or that the female levels are so low in the female that she is barely a female.
Mind: You divided us before birth.
Nature: And I inject you again with my touch at puberty. The boy must become a man and the girl a woman. But, alas, many attempts to buck my ways to follow YOU. Nerds, geeks, we know the labels. The longer a man tries to ignore the fact of my mission and cycle, the more pain and loneliness I will add into him until he has no choice to act.
Mind: You are vicious.
Nature: It gets the job done. But Weineger is wrong. We are not born onto a spectrum. Rather, we can add to it or decrease it. The element of attraction is destruction.
Mind: Destruction?
Nature: If a woman is amazingly female, what is the result? Mind: Hordes of men hunt after her. Nature: Yes. Extremeness of spectrum is an anomaly that must be seeked out and destroyed. The female is feminine with matter. Girls at an early age are aware the effects their bodies have on young men. They know they are like a magnet. But who do they go for? The beautiful woman is the extreme female? Why, she is seeking the extreme male. By the actions of the jerk, who can say that he is not looking for destruction? He finds it in her and she finds it in him. I demand sterilization of the two. The more successes they have, the more and more it is drained from them. Eventually, they settle for one mate and begin the march toward the androgenous.
Mind: So the beautiful woman is attracted to the jerk because...
Nature: It is better to say that the extreme female woman is attracted to the extreme male man.
And this is the utterly simple secret. Jerks are not super confidant, not superior in all seduction knowledge. Jerks are testosteronized males. This seperates them from the Nice Guys who still defy the flooding of testosterone Nature inflicts on them.
Science of Testosterone
Be a Man!: "A Man is one who is not afraid of his testosterone."
This will seem incredibly basic. But to illustrate the effects, look at the effects of men who must be injected with artificial testosterone because (for whatever reason) their body isn't making enough (usually due to having HIV).
One HIV positive guy shares his differences with the before and after shots:
His weight increases from 165 pounds to 185 pounds. The collar size goes from 15 to 17 1/2, the chest from 40 to 44. His appetite expands beyond measure. Before he was constantly napping. Now he has enough energy for daily workouts and strict work schedules. Before, depression was a regular feature. Now, it is a 'distant memory'. With the testosterone shots, he feels better to recover from life's curveballs, more persistent, more alive.
There are more effects. With the testosterone, he feels more energy. The attention span shortens. He finds it harder to concentrate on writing and feels he must exercise. The wit becomes quicker, the mind faster, and the judgement more impulsive. It is literally a 'rush'.
Without the testosterone, he finds himself more reserved. The energy still is there but is geared towards interaction rather than action, toward pride rather than lust. He rarely looks for dates or thinks of approaching women without it. But with it, he is constantly scanning the women for potential dates and socializing.
With testosterone comes increased debating type attitudes, and increased anger. Driving makes him scream at the other cars and 'stupid drivers'. (This is oddly reminiscent of Thomas Jefferson's personality when he was always said to be 'unemotional' except when riding a horse and became 'overly' emotional.) With testosterone comes increased impatience, increased edginess, but increased self- confidence.
Now do these traits of the under-testosteronized male and over-testosteronized male match the Nice Guy and Jerk? They do most accurately.
For the rest, we require a scientist.
A scientist appears.
There you are! Oh, Mr. Scientist, do tell us more about Testosterone. "I'd love to, Pook./ "Testosterone, oddly enough, is a chemical closely related to cholesterol. It was first isolated by a Dutch scientist in 1935 from mice testicles and successfully synthesized by the German biologist Adolf Butenandt. Although testosterone is often thought of as the definition of maleness, both men and women produce it. Men produce it in their testicles; women produce it in their ovaries and adrenal glands. The male body converts some testosterone to estradiol, a female hormone, and the female body has receptors for testosterone, just as the male body does. That's why women who want to change their sex are injected with testosterone and develop male characteristics, like deeper voices, facial hair and even baldness. The central biological difference between adult men and women, then, is not that men have testosterone and women don't. It's that men produce much, much more of it than women do. An average woman has 40 to 60 nanograms of testosterone in a deciliter of blood plasma. An average man has 300 to 1,000 nanograms per deciliter."
Ok, ok, Mr. Scientist. You are putting this Pook to sleep. The EFFECTS of testosterone. Focus on the EFFECTS.
"Certainly, Pook.
"Testosterone's effects start early -- really early. At conception, every embryo is female and unless hormonally altered will remain so. You need testosterone to turn a fetus with a Y chromosome into a real boy, to masculinize his brain and body. Men experience a flood of testosterone twice in their lives: in the womb about six weeks after conception and at puberty. The first fetal burst primes the brain and the body, endowing male fetuses with the instinctual knowledge of how to respond to later testosterone surges. The second, more familiar adolescent rush -- squeaky voices, facial hair and all -- completes the process."
Go on.
"The effect of testosterone is systemic. It engenders both the brain and the body. Apart from the obvious genital distinction, other differences between men's and women's bodies reflect this: body hair, the ratio of muscle to fat, upper-body strength and so on. But testosterone leads to behavioral differences as well. Since it is unethical to experiment with human embryos by altering hormonal balances, much of the evidence for this idea is based on research conducted on animals. A Stanford research group, for example, as reported in Deborah Blum's book "Sex on the Brain," injected newborn female rats with testosterone. Not only did the female rats develop penises from their clitorises, but they also appeared fully aware of how to use them."
"Indeed. But let me continue." Yes, I am sorry. "And these female rats were trying to have sex with other females with merry abandon. Male rats who had their testosterone locked after birth, on the other hand, saw their penises wither or disappear entirely and presented themselves to the female rats in a passive, receptive way. Other scientists, theorizing that it was testosterone that enabled male zebra finches to sing, injected mute female finches with testosterone. Sure enough, the females sang. Species in which the female is typically more aggressive, like hyenas in female-run clans, show higher levels of testosterone among the females than among the males. Female sea snipes, which impregnate the males, and leave them to stay home and rear the young, have higher testosterone levels than their mates. Typical "male" behavior, in other words, corresponds to testosterone levels, whether exhibited by chromosomal males or females."
But does this apply to Humans?
"The evidence certainly suggests that it does, though much of the "proof" is inferred from accidents. Pregnant women who were injected with progesterone (chemically similar to testosterone) in the 1950's to avoid miscarriage had daughters who later reported markedly tomboyish childhoods."
"Ditto girls born with a disorder that causes their adrenal glands to produce a hormone like testosterone rather than the more common cortisol. The moving story, chronicled in John Colapinto's book "As Nature Made Him," of David Reimer, who as an infant was surgically altered after a botched circumcision to become a girl, suggests how long-lasting the effect of fetal testosterone can be. Despite a ruthless attempt to socialize David as a girl, and to give him the correct hormonal treatment to develop as one, his behavioral and psychological makeup was still ineradicably male. Eventually, with the help of more testosterone, he became a full man again. Female-to-male transsexuals report a similar transformation when injected with testosterone. One, Susan/Drew Seidman, described her experience in The Village Voice last November. 'My sex-drive went through the roof,' Seidman recalled. 'I felt like I had to have sex once a day or I would die. I was into porn as a girl, but now I'm really into porn.' For Seidman, becoming a man was not merely physical. Thanks to testosterone, it was also psychological."
So what makes a Man?
"I don't know what exactly makes a man. But one thing I can tell you for sure: it is not his penis."
Oh wise sage! Wonderful scientist!
But do not confuse testosterone with Popeye's spinach. Nature says, "Testosterone levels will rise when the situation warrants it. Survival is the priority." So in cases of danger, of war, the testosterone levels increase. When in a strip club or viewing a porno website, testosterone levels also rise. Men with higher testosterone achieve psychological dominance, have high self esteem, and move through the world with natural confidence.
"But Pook. I have more to add."
Tarry! Then I will step aside and let you speak.
"Testosterone is clearly correlated in both men and women with psychological dominance, confident physicality and high self-esteem. In most combative, competitive environments, especially physical ones, the person with the most testosterone wins. Put any two men in a room together and the one with more testosterone will tend to dominate the interaction."
Gentlemen, this is your secret 'ingredient' to that 'alpha-maleness' you keep longing for.
"Working women have higher levels of testosterone than women who stay at home, and the daughters of working women have higher levels of testosterone than the daughters of housewives. A 1996 study found that in lesbian couples in which one
partner assumes the male, or "butch," role and another assumes the female, or "femme," role, the "butch" woman has higher levels of testosterone than the "femme" woman."
Ahh! So in lesbian couples, one acts male and the other acts female.
"In naval medical tests, midshipmen have been shown to have higher average levels of testosterone than plebes. Actors tend to have more testosterone than ministers, according to a 1990 study. Among 700 male prison inmates in a 1995 study, those with the highest testosterone levels tended to be those most likely to be in trouble with the prison authorities and to engage in unprovoked violence. This is true among women as well as among men, according to a 1997 study of 87 female inmates in a maximum security prison."
Whohoo! The key to dominance! "Careful Pook. "Although high testosterone levels often correlate with dominance in interpersonal relationships, it does not guarantee more social power. Testosterone levels are higher among blue-collar workers, for example, than among white-collar workers, according to a study of more than 4,000 former military personnel conducted in 1992."
But is testosterone like adrenaline? Or does it respond to long-term surrounding environment stimuli?
"Well Pook, studies have shown that inner-city youths, often exposed to danger in high-crime neighborhoods, may generate higher testosterone levels than unthreatened, secluded suburbanites. And so high testosterone levels may not merely be responses to a violent environment; they may subsequently add to it in what becomes an increasingly violent, sexualized cycle."
Increase in violence AND sexuality? Then it's no accident that testosterone-soaked ghettos foster both high levels of crime and high levels of illegitimacy!
"Indeed, Pook. In the same way, declines in violence and crime may allow testosterone levels to drop among young inner-city males, generating a virtuous trend of further reductions in crime and birth rates. This may help to explain why crime can decline precipitously, rather than drift down slowly, over time."
But what for the men who enter that dungeon, I mean marriage?
"Studies have also shown that men in long-term marriages see their testosterone levels progressively fall and their sex drives subsequently decline. It is as if their wives successfully tame them, reducing their sexual energy to a level where it is more unlikely to seek extramarital outlets. A 1993 study showed that single men tended to have higher levels of testosterone than married men and that men with high levels of testosterone turned out to be more likely to have had a failed marriage. Of course, if you start out with higher testosterone levels, you may be more likely to fail at marriage, stay in the sexual marketplace, see your testosterone increase in response to this and so on."
So what is the entire point, Mr. Brainy Guy?
"This, then, is what it comes down to: testosterone is a facilitator of risk -- physical, criminal, personal. Without the
influence of testosterone, the cost of these risks might seem to far outweigh the benefits. But with testosterone charging through the brain, caution is thrown to the wind. The influence of testosterone may not always lead to raw physical confrontation. In men with many options it may influence the decision to invest money in a dubious enterprise, jump into an ill-advised sexual affair or tell an egregiously big whopper. At the time, all these decisions may make some sort of testosteroned sense."
It sounds like you are describing a US politician. "Hush Pook." Oh, I'm sorry. Continue.
"The effects of testosterone are not secret; neither is the fact that men have far more if it than women. But why? As we have seen, testosterone is not synonymous with gender; in some species, it is the female who has most of it. The relatively new science of evolutionary psychology offers perhaps the best explanation for why that's not the case in humans. For neo-Darwinians, the aggressive and sexual aspects of testosterone are related to the division of labor among hunter-gatherers in our ancient but formative evolutionary past. This division -- men in general hunted, women in general gathered -- favored differing levels of testosterone. Women need some testosterone -- for self-defense, occasional risk-taking, strength -- but not as much as men. Men use it to increase their potential to defeat rivals, respond to physical threats in strange environments, maximize their physical attractiveness, prompt them to spread their genes as widely as possible and defend their home if necessary."
But women are attracted, in the physical imagery sense, to the feminine looking guys. How can testosterone increase physical attractiveness? I do not understand.
"But the picture, as most good evolutionary psychologists point out, is more complex than this. Men who are excessively testosteroned are not that attractive to most women. Although they have the genes that turn women on -- strong jaws and pronounced cheekbones, for example, are correlated with high testosterone -- they can also be precisely the unstable, highly sexed creatures that childbearing, stability-seeking women want to avoid. There are two ways, evolutionary psychologists’ hazard, that women have successfully squared this particular circle. One is to marry the sweet class nerd and have an affair with the college quarterback: that way you get the good genes, the good sex and the stable home."
This has always been the problem. Nice Guy or Jerk? "There is a third path." A third way? And what is it?
"The third way is to find a man with variable testosterone levels, who can be both stable and nurturing when you want him to be and yet become a muscle-bound, bristly gladiator when the need arises. This is sadly more easily said than done."
Ahh! The secret is to CONTROL the sexuality or else it will control you! The jerk is entirely controlled by it. The Nice Guy recoils from the abuses he sees in the jerk and becomes merely static on the woman's radar.
To be a jerk in control of his sexuality is to cease being 'jerk-like'. For Nature has set up this game of life we all play.
Learn the system and work within it.
No Nice Guy in Animal World
Now we require a farmer.
A farmer appears.
What are the effects of testosterone on animals?
The farmer looks at Pook as if he was crazy.
Yes, the effects.
"Well, one thing with animals is that the female is usually the one more in heat, always searching for sex, than the male. Take female pigs. They go completely beserk."
Go on.
"But it is exactly what that scientist said. Nature dashes some tesosterone to create the male at first. Then, at puberty, Nature floods the male with testosterone. If you neuter the animal before this flood, you will have a great pet."
And if you don't?
"Well, you end up with an unhappy beast. Male pigs must be neutered or the testosterone will flood the body, making its meat worthless. This is why we don't eat bull."
So, our animal friends, when testostoronized, are merely to mate? There is no other strength in it?
"That isn't true. If you neuter the dog before he gets testosteronized, he makes a great pet. But he will not make a good sheepdog. It's almost like his will of action gets taken out."
And so is the same with Humans! What do Nice Guys become but human pets for the female? And just as animals use their sexuality for action, for a higher purpose, so do Humans.
The Women Agree
Even on this site's discussion of 'Nice Guys versus Jerks', read what some of what the women had to say.
Italics will be the woman. Regular text will be da Pook Man.
First Lady
Alright, I read some of your responses from women and noticed that most of them seemed older.
And probably uglier! It is the pretty chicks we want. Too bad pictures weren't
included with their words!
And since a lot of guys who go here seem to be around my age (17), I figured I would put my 2 cents in.
Here it comes...
I don't like the nice guy. To me he's a definite turn off. He seems too timid to pursue intimacy, and personally I love it when a guy is real horny (as long as he's attractive and knows when to stop). It makes me feel a lot more comfortable.
Too timid to pursue intimacy! Perhaps he needs a shot of testosterone? Notice how she loves a guy being horny (just not a stupid type of horny). She feels COMFROTABLE when the guy is following his nature rather than acting out stupid philosophies.
I'm not saying I like jerks, I like the funny guy who always has something interesting or colorful to say. Normally girls look for someone of their 'niceness quotient' or lower. Feeling like the jerk in the relationship is no fun. Of course, neither is being the '***' so it's totally up to the chick. Maybe u nice guys should get a bit more bold, not necessarily 'jerk-ish'
Fortune favors the bold.
Second Lady
Women start to see the light in their late twenties. Some men never do.
As women get older, they become less feminine in that they are rapidly aging. Yes, Nice Guys can get girls. All the girls we DON'T want.
My advice to the nice guys whose decency might be hampering their dating success is to widen the pool of women they consider.
Translated: go for uglieolder girls.
A current philosophy among some (male) dating gurus is to never date a woman over 30, as they are too set in their ways, hate men, and are starting to lose their looks anyway. Wrong, wrong, wrong!
Older women have developed depth of character, have learned that "nice guys" are the way to go, and are in their sexual prime. In addition, they know who they are sexually, and are unashamed and unafraid to experiment and to take and give pleasure. Sex with a woman over 35 might be some of the best sex a man will ever have.
Over 35! She can't have many children by then! At that age she is losing her purpose of sexuality.
The problem with dating women under 25, which seems to be the goal for many men of all age groups, is that one will have to contend with the image-seeking behavior of youth. Unless a man is equally shallow and image-driven---and most men over 30 are not---women in their 30s, 40s, and up can be a goldmine of interesting and wonderful experiences.
We know that the young women go for the jerks. But notice how the desexualized male (i.e. Nice Guy) wins with the desexualized female (i.e. women in their 30s and 40s)?
Third Woman
I date only nice guys. Most women want to date a nice guy. But men are being classified into two groups, nice or jerks.
That doesn't cover the subject. People are more complex than that. Neither sex can be grouped into just two groups.
Of course.
The "NICE GUY" is often a man who doesn't have a life. And neither sex is attracted to this type of person. A truly nice guy is hard to find. A true jerk most women don't want. I think we try to make people fit into a category instead of getting to know them. You can't always know what a woman wants based on another woman's choices.
Why not? Women seem to follow the same pattern of going for the jerk.
It is true that the Nice Guy has no life. It is because he lacks the ACTION that the jerk has.
I love a nice guy. To me nothing is sexier than a guy who has the guts to say he really likes me on a first date. And yes I do continue dating him! I must clear one last thing up "Nice guys do FINISH last" and I find that to be very sexy! He is the one I'll see again.
This woman must be fat or old or something.
Fourth Girl
Sorry, but its no more true that women prefer jerks than it is true that men prefer ***es*.
The thing is, the nice guys who are with a woman are not out there complaining that women don't like nice guys. The nice guys who are not with a woman will express their loneliness, in a nice way, from time to time. The jerks who are not with a woman never complain about it. They lie and say they do have a woman, or many women, or they don't want a woman. Nice guys don't lie like that.
The jerk is a challenge. The nice guy wants to go on Oprah's show.
The truth is that nice guys are alone from time to time. The truth is that there are plenty of people out there looking for the right one. Keep looking, you will find her.
It is interesting that women are all united in the belief that there is 'one for everyone'. It's as if they are well aware of Nature's invisible hand demanding union.
PS. You are a guy, right, so looks are very important to you? Lets say you think you could not be with less than an "8".
I know huge compromise is not possible, but just try to accept a "7" or a "6" perhaps. Women get a lot better looking TO YOU after you know and love them. Give it a try. If I had a brother and he was a nice guy, the above advice is what I would have given him.
Notice how many of these women are missing the point here. The point is to get the BEAUTIFUL WOMEN. Some of these girl's solutions is to not go for the beautiful ones!
But all the attributes of the jerk they love (the action, the horniness, the unpredictability, the exciting life) are all effects of a testosteronized male.
Fifth Girl
I don't think that women are attracted to jerks, but they are attracted to men that illuminate power. Those type of men(powerful, strong and masculine) are sometimes jerks, which accounts for the confusion.*
Finally! A woman links the jerk to masculinity. But it is the effects of testosterone she sees.
The nice guy sometimes is not strong or powerful and that's what turns women off. So in essence, it's not the fact that they are nice, it's that they may be lacking other attractive qualities that out weigh the niceness.
Which the Nice Guys do NOT have or are afraid of (and sterilize themselves with 'nice' philosophies).
Ultimately, I love nice guys that illuminate strength and masculinity. There is no better combination.
It becomes quite simple:
NICE GUY: Male who is scared of his testosterone and seeks to sterilize himself with his niceness.
JERK: A male who merely acts male. He is controlled by his testosterone. This is why he gets into trouble.
GREAT GUY: A guy who can CONTROL his sexuality and acts male WITHOUT getting into trouble.
[End of part 1]
Part 2 - 20. The Secret Of The Jerk (2/2)
submitted by FirePolymath to TheBookOfPook [link] [comments]

Scientific evidence and cross-country variability in cloth mask policies

This post focuses strictly on the controversial issue of recommending or mandating cloth masks for the general public during COVID-19. For a regularly updated executive summary of the evolving scientific understanding of COVID-19 in general, see here. Overall, the available scientific and policy evidence indicates that mandating or even just formally recommending to the general public to wear a cloth mask in nonhealthcare settings is unwise. These 23 highly respected Canadian epidemiologists and public health experts have recommended the following standard for all COVID-19 related policies:
COVID-19 control must be balanced with basic human rights. People need to be empowered to make informed choices about their own lives and the level of risk they are prepared to accept. Universal public health measures are appropriate only when they are truly necessary, supported by strong evidence, and when there are no other alternatives...Any requirements for mandatory masks must be based on strong evidence...
Bearing in mind the foregoing standard, what follows is a review of the academic literature demonstrating that the requirement for strong evidence is not being met (the other components of the foregoing standard pertaining to human rights and personal autonomy are discussed in section #2 of this post). Before we begin, it is important to bear in mind that many people act under the false belief that being exposed to someone with the virus - with neither individuals wearing masks - automatically means they will get infected, when in fact the chance of becoming infected becomes significant only for "those spending a total of 15 minutes of contact with an infectious person over the course of a 24-hour period".
Note: This is the expanded and updated section #1 of my older long post on masks. I exceeded the maximum numbers of characters allowed, and therefore had to split the initial post, with the former section #1 moved here as a separate thread. I will regularly update it.
submitted by clme to NoNewNormal [link] [comments]

String Theory

Proposal for solution to String Theory:
In theory, quantum tunneling and teleportation would suggest that photon particles, though they seem like consistent and steady particles, are subject to a momentary flux (a flicker) in energy in a vacuum; thus meaning they are not uniform or self-sustaining like relativity would suggest. This effect however, would be very rare and happen so quickly, that it would not even be detectable. (Space-time is manipulated so there is literally nothing to see or record in “real time.”) When this occurs, the wavelengths could be altered with seemingly no explanation.
This theory will attempt to provide an answer for the fluctuation phenomenon in quantum space by offering that these instances imply that Photons must need to consume in order to sustain themselves; and what this article will attempt to prove is that what the photons indeed consume is “space”.
In theory, photon particles do this in order to exist in addition to propelling themselves forward, and they emit time as a result (the photon consumes one space in order to continue to exist in our plane, then consumes the space in front of it to propel itself forward, and releases “time” as a waste product, (i.e. 2 space in equals 1 time out).
This is possible because space itself is not the “absence of,” but it is instead the “potential for”.
The scientific community tends to accept that space is the absence of everything, but in the cosmos space is actually quantified as the potential for anything, and therefore:
Space must be the physical manifestation of potential energy.
Also implying that time is actually a form of radiation.
In this vain when photons “consume” space, they quite literally take in potential energy (elementary “space energy”) and convert into kinetic energy through said “consumption” of that space (potential energy).
The “kinetic waste” produced from the consumption of the potential energy by photons is what is understood to be time (aka “elementary radiation”.)
Conclusion: Photons are the smallest energy converters, not the smallest energy quantifiers.
What’s sacrificed is time, what’s gained is space.
This revaluation is why one can’t see “space”. Light needs to consume the potential energy (space) first in order for the converted space to exist as time, and thus be free to appear as: visual matter, curvature, spatial distortion etc. When the photon emits more “kinetic waste”, aka (relative) time radiation, while it also consumes more “potential energy” aka (relative) space energy, the passage of time and space are relatively sped up stretching the wave (more space in less time; also implying time is denser than space), but when the photon emits less “time radiation” and consumes less “Space energy” then the passage of time (production level of kinetic waste) is relatively slowed down contracting the wave. (i.e. more time less, space.) These reactions result in the speeding and slowing of time, and the expansion and “holes” in space (aka “dark matter.”)
Dark matter in turn, is where photons have consumed all the potential energy in a sector leaving only dense time behind. The photons get stuck in this sector because time is too dense to allow space in (2 space= 1 time) meaning there is no available “fuel” for the photon move, or even to continue to exist on our plane.
Photons consume potential energy (space) most readily available in high gravity areas, causing the passage of time (ag emission of Kinetic waste), which causes the universe to expand continuing in an endless loop.
Universal Space: Time Ratios (Remembering 2 space is equivalent to 1 time)
As previously stated, time is so dense it leaves no room for space, so this means the photon cannot consume any space to pass through a condensed dense pocket of time in form of dark matter. These dense pockets of time (concentrated kinetic waste) push the universe outwards, like placing a heavy object in a body of water. The expansion of the universe in turn creates more space (potential energy) at the edges, so it’s like if the body of water in the example took all the air it came into contact with while being displaced, and converted that air into more water. Alternatively, it is the time radiation coming into contact with normal Physical matter and or “light matter” for too long which creates space within the universe. (Aka rapid aging/ decay).
This would imply that radioactive atoms possibly have a minuscule element of dark matter (trapped condensed time) within their nucleus that is consistently eroding them at an accelerated rate. I.e. radiation is caused by atoms that contain too much condensed “time” within them. The dark matter (pure time radiation) reacts with the physical matter of the atom to create “space energy” within the atom itself: Potential energy (space energy) that can then be consumed by photons that aren’t trapped within the dark matter “prison”. They do this at an (forward) accelerated rate the further they get away from the dark matter pocket due to the of heavy production of potential energy (Space) in the atom. The photons still closest to the dark matter are more likely to be affected by the time radiation.
Provided all of the previous information implied in this theory can be trusted, one could surmise that dark matter may have a fixed capacity: i.e. if the time residue that they are made is what turns physical matter into space, they indirectly doom themselves when they combine with physical matter, because they provide all the photon in and around a them to escape. (Light just needs to be introduced to space to accelerate, the dark matter combines with physical matter to create space.)
This would also imply that black holes also have a fixed capacity in some instances, in that the 1 space 1 time energy proportionality suggests that photons and matter can travers through them; but the 1 time for every 1 space means everything would literally slowed to a crawl. This is because the photons want to consume the space, while the physical matter gets turned into space by the dark matter. This arrangement sounds as though it would be ideal and uniform, except one must account for the fact that the photons which eat their way through are still emitting time while they traverse; so this factor combined with having half of the black hole already contain time radiation would make the process quite long, even relative to the rest of the cosmos (other than Dark matter and other Black holes)
Thus Black holes does not destroy anything, they take in contents and repurpose them based on the ratio. The ratio on intake directly determines what will become of the black hole eventually. The intake ratio is based on Space, to Time to Matter, to Light Matter. These factors determine whether the black hole becomes a star (2 space 1 time conversion), whether they just grow (1 space 1 time conversion) or whether they convert back to dark matter (0 space 2 time conversion), or whether they become new space in the form off light matter (4 space 0 time. In this vain it is as though Black Holes embody the most “even of odds”; a fair ratio in an otherwise “chaotic” universe.)
This train of theories would also suggest that the closer you get to the “center” of the universe, the less space would be available. Most likely this was caused by the Big Bang releasing photons that began to consume space (potential energy) at the point the explosion started. The photons would then work, eating their way outward in all direction eventually spreading out.
This also would explain why nothing can travel faster than light; photons are what consume space to allow the passage of time necessary for movement. The light in and around a body consumes the potential energy, (aka space) that it’s in, so it can continue to exist, then consumes the space in front of it to progress forward. Without light there is no progress. It would also be concluded that right behind the light is a trail of time waste that slows objects in the direct path of a photon down, even if the acceleration is too minuscule to be observed.
Another problem is that everything gives off a degree of light, naturally aging it (with time-radiation) until it is nothing (space). This reaction would be far more common than the production of Light Matter through a similar consumption method. ( Ie photons are indirectly turning most matter into “food” by passing time waste directly through it, aging it into “space” so that they can consume it.)
As for gravity, when a mass like an asteroid exists in space, it has its own gravity because the photons around it and going through it are consistently emitting dense time behind them that “decomposes” the matter, creating space, which is then consumed by photons, creating more weighted Time Radiation.
Theoretically if a lone photon where stopped in a single point for too long, it would eventually consume all the available space in that area and become a miniature Dark Matter Pocket, aka a hole in space, where the photon exists on a separate plane from our own. Other photons would inevitably reach this “hole” and when they cannot find any space to consume and in order to exist and propel themselves forward, they too become trapped and so on. (The expansion of dense Dark Matter Pockets.)
Since distance equals space over time, if you remove the space from the equation all that’s left is time. This is why Dark matter and black holes are so dense, time is denser than space (2 spaces are combined to make 1 time). The photons cannot be seen or interacted with because they have lost all or most their inner space which is the “physical” aspect of photon matter (remembering that they must consume space to exist on our plane.) They can no longer interact with our dimension directly, only through the gravity that the time inside them once still produces, which remains in our dimension.
If this were true then in contrast to Dark Matter, when photons accelerate past a “Light Matter Pocket”, the opposite effect should be observed: in that the same photon could hit a pocket of pure potential energy acceleration and lose all time. Light Matter is the product of a photons that was managed to consume pure space within itself, and hasn’t had a chance to convert any of it into time yet. For this reason, Light matter is theoretically the most temporary and least stable of all the universal conversions. (ie, it is inevitable that the space within them will son be converted into time). Light matter is the equivalent of 4 space 0 time per v of a, however this arrangement cannot last: eventually time production will continue within the photon resulting in a 2 space 2 time per volume of an are entity, also known as Physical matter.
When a photon flux’s in a vacuum it is influenced to releases excess extra amounts of time (kinetic waste), consume excess extra space (potential energy), or most likely a mix of both in, a very short period, thus altering its wavelength.
When time is dropped and space is gained at an extreme excess of normal, then the photon can reach a new energy level by being filled with only “space energy”. This new energy level doesn’t just stretch the wave, but flattens it completely. This eliminates so much of the time from the photon that all that all that’s left is space. (because the conversion of potential energy to “existence energy” and kinetic energy within the photon far exceeds its waste output of time) Distance= Space.
This means time (kinetic waste) is essentially stopped for the photon and what’s left is space: (pure potential energy and kinetic energy, no kinetic waste) a phenomenon also known as Teleportation!
When this happens the photon is free to traverse space without being effected by time, however it can only continue at the trajectory it was going initially: because time accounts for half of acceleration. It becomes invisible to everything around it because it’s movements do not happen in “real time”; it’s like the world is “paused” for the photon. The wave becomes a line, but the line and subsequently the particle exists in a different dimension, a pocket in the passage of time: 4th dimension a. (n=4a) In this scenario the “2 space 1 time” dynamic has been altered to,” all potential and kinetic energy, no kinetic waste” or simply “all space no time” (4 space 0 time). The photon would theoretically be consuming and burning so much space so quickly that in it leaves no moment free for time emission, so it brings the space with the photon until it can no longer fit anymore within itself (when it reaches 4) the space finally materializes outside of the photon as a condensed “Light Matter pocket.”
Theoretically, the opposite would also be true; so much time could build up in the photon not leaving enough room for space. (All time no space) Distance= time.
If this were to happen then the photon would no longer be able to be affected by physical matter because it loses all of its own “physical” presence. (Remembering that when photon normally consumes space, it uses half of that space to continue to exist on our plane). In this scenario the photon would only exists as moments in time with no physical presence, the photon itself becoming a pocket in physical space: 4th dimension b. (n=4b) Though it would be weighed down in this dimension by dense kinetic waste stored within it, meaning that the easier the photon is able to move (i.e. the more potential energy it consumes,) the less permeable it would become overall due to it filling back up with space. A trade off.
It is likely in some cases the photon will become trapped in the other dimension, because while sitting stagnated in place, it can consume all of the available space (potential energy) in the vicinity while trying to start up again. The photon would then lose the ability to both move, and to interact with the 3rd dimension and lower. However, without enough potential energy to continue to consume and progress all that left is time (kinetic waste). Thus the photon remains frozen in dense time. Extremely dense, never existing or tangible (within our plane, except for the time waste), but always there. It is only in the most extreme dark matter cases, however, light gets stuck for a significant stent, “frozen in time”. As stated this is what happens in pure concentrated dark matter, because this scenario turns the “2 space 1” time into “2 time 0 space.” (2 time because with the omission of space which is equivalent to 4 space: if this halted acceleration is taken into account, it is indeed possible that the photon may become an electron upon returning to our plane which is discussed in greater length later in the article)
In other cases, the photon would be permeable or semi-permeable until it consumed enough space again to become tangible. This is how fusion and tunneling work, when the permeable photons in or around an object consume enough space they become tangible again. Sometimes this happens at inopportune times fusing particles. (This is possible because pockets of space or time will affect multiple photons in similar way.)
These photon states are considered 4th dimensional because they exist not solely on the x, y, or z plane, but on new planes: xyz(a) and xyz(b). These dimensional planes are classified as new because they occupy a different dimensional plane than the x, y, and z planes, in that the omission of either space or time from the equation creates entirely new abnormal vectors:
4th dimension xyz(a): a constant abnormal vector that looks like two dots (possibly with a dotted straight line connecting them to signify the 4thD(a) frozen time movement)
4th dimension xyz(b) a constant abnormal vector that looks like a line but is actually a bunch of overlapping dots (possibly dots spread out with lines in between them to represent the multiple connected moments for 4D b)
Photons consume space and emit time so consistently and uniformly that at most instances the phenomenon cannot be observed, except during quantum tunneling and teleportation. (other than consistent distortions in space-time by objects, both macro and micro)
Photon flux would in theory would more than likely be linked directly to wavelength, in that the photons with shorter wavelengths (more energy) cover more space with less time (relatively), where longer waves (less energy) use more time and cover less space. (relatively). The more space (potential energy) within photon, the more overall energy, the more time (kinetic waste) inside photon the less total energy. (gain and lose key words). The more space a photon takes on in the with the least time the more energy. The balance of both time and space moving in and out of the photon determines the wave length (energy). Space is consumed by photons and time is residual waste.
Photons move by consuming space to propel themselves forward, leaving a trail of time behind. The quicker the space is consumed, the smaller the wavelength.
This theory may suggest that space in moments also exists clustered in pockets within a vacuum, (most easily and often seen as great masses with intense gravity, like Stars, or Light Matter: 2:1 and 4:0 respectively) and when the photon passes through this pocket it consumes extra space and releases an influx of time energy radiation, thus increasing overall photon energy as well as producing the phenomenon known as Gravity; even possibly to the extent of 4th Dimension a where the photon does not leave room for time within itself by consuming space to quickly.
This is why time passes slowly in areas of great gravity; waste production as a whole is directly proportional to consumption. (Time is the driving factor that creates gravity. Space itself is weightless, and large objects attract more space. when photons are attracted to and consume that extra space, they produce excess amounts of denser time waste, which accounts for the gravity.) As stated his would be seen most prevalently in Light Matter Pockets as well as in and around stars.
In contrast photons may be able to be forced to retain extra time (at a rate of more than they can burn) in or near similar pockets (most concentrated in dark matter) increasing wave size and decreasing energy. Ie in why in a black Dark matter are frozen in place with no space to consume in order to propel themselves forward or exist. All potential and kinetic energy is lost. And it could be implied that this is likely to the extent of 4th dimension b, which explains why light is not visible in a: it exists in a separate dimensional plane that we cannot observe, forever trapped in place waiting to consume space so it can move again. 0 space 2 time is the measurement because it takes 2 space in order to create 1 time, so the extra time in the Dark Matter Equation comes from 4 total space combining in the photon as time, as opposed to existing separately as in Light Matter.
New Energy Equations:
Energy exists in moments, not fluid time: base level energy has no acceleration. The photon must be introduced to the “space” (potential energy) first in order to create kinetic energy and ultimately time (kinetic waste) Alternatively without “space” to consume, the residual “time” left in the photon would leave it with nowhere to go (ie light isn’t always affected by time.) Thus there are multiple equations for equating pure energy in each specified moment and they are:
E1= potential energy of c
E2= kinetic energy of c
E3= kinetic waste of c (aka how long it took to get from point a to point b times c.)
Or in calculus:
E1= mgh(c)
E2= ½ mv2(c) Or simply (E=mc^2)
E3= (point b - point a)c
E=mc^2 is the equation for the energy it takes for a mass endowed with photon(s) to continue to exist on our plane. (The 3rd dimension)
Equation for energy of mass THROUGHOUT Space-time:
Add all of the E charges together to come up with the total charge: Energy of mass throughout space-time is equal to the total charge of the mass in space over time. (TC is total charge, KE is kinetic waste, ST is Space-time, m is mass):
E(ST)= TCaverage m(PE/KW)
A theory for why stars are in a constant state of nuclear fusion and fission is that the photons consistently consume the space at the stars’ core (the most concentration of condensed space) first and work their way out; creating both a dark matter pocket (2 time no space) as well as a Light Matter Pocket (4 space 0 time) in the center of the star. It is the photons that initially consume the space too quickly which begin the chain reaction: if they were to theoretically consume too much space they would have a chance to enter either 4D (b) or 4D (a) acceleration. In these instances, the photons would be given the option of phasing out of physical existence and reappearing (possibly fusing particles as in 4D b) or become invisible to those around them as they as they freeze time and leaving behind the extra condensed space as they return (as in 4D a).
A star is like a cow being consumed by photon “piranha” at super speed, and this is because the photons are attracted to the intense space energy within the star core, which in turn accelerates them when they consume it.
the Dark matter dimension; but if the mass of the black hole is even a little more than the variable of half the star, the black hole will win the tug of war.
Conditional statement for center of star defusing black hole: If half mass of a star is 2(q) times greater than that the black hole then the star “consumes” the hole. (q represents the variable of displaced time in the star.) statement is true if: ½ (m)star•2q < (m)black-hole
If this theory were true it would imply that suns do not implode or explode upon completing their “lifecycle,” it simply means that all or most of the photons within the star have been either transferred to either Dimension 4D(a) or 4D(b). In the quantum world this would be equated to the Star Itself “Teleporting.”
Following the most promising trail of possible solutions, it can be surmised that space energy does have “mass” but, the mass only exists at the moments when the space is consumed and within the photon (which also lacks mass to the untrained eye); however, the photons spout the time radiation within so quickly that the mass can only be calculated by the radioactive trail they leave behind, (the time itself). This phenomenon is aided by the fact that time does not exist in front of photons, only near the back and behind them (waste product). This means time is the mass that the photons left behind: photons consume space in order to exist in each moment, so the residue from their existence in that previous moment is time. The only measurement for the “mass” of Photon is the Time-radiation.
The density of time radiation would also imply that the photons would need to wait for the time waste they leave behind them to dissipate if they want to go backwards at the same trajectory.)
Electrons in theory get energy by consuming 1 time and emitting 1 space, one to exist and one to move. If they were to be denied too much time by either getting excited, or consuming a 2 space 1 time photon with too high an energy level (low wavelength) they could theoretically grow to “all space no time” (2 space 0 time) where they would enter 4D a and subsequently teleport, (though with less overall efficiency than a photon) theoretically returning with extra space than when they left, aka as a photon, 2 space 1 time. Then the “new photon” would accelerate so quickly (because it’s appearing out of nowhere, with a previous acceleration of zero) that its dense time residue would force a minuscule hole (in space) behind it, (aka a 2 time 0 space pocket) “dark matter”; an extremely dense void in space. This pocket will attempt to entrap and consume a nearby photon, so that photon can either become trapped significantly, or eat its way out; becoming a stable and sustainable 1 time 1 space entity, aka an electron. The new electron takes the place of the old one appearing as though nothing ever happened, which assisted by the “time manipulation” of 4D a light matter as well as the spatial manipulation the 4D b dark matter.
If too many new photons are accelerating too quickly, they will create too much dark matter behind them, which will consume multiple photons and convert some of them all into electrons, until all that’s left is many 1 space 1 time entities. These electrons being created in such close proximity are accelerated away from each other at an extreme rate, (with the ones created first accelerating the most, and the ones created last accelerating the least) causing many of them go through the process of becoming new photons, which then accelerate from zero creating more dark matter...the cycle continuing, but dissipating every time due to the constant deceleration of all the components involved after each cycle.
Electrons that get excited and passed in a conductor are actually teleporting out of valence shells and causing the process mentioned above, while those extra electrons that don’t accelerate away and become photons then take in residence that same available space, even occupying a vacated valence shell.
If one were to recognize the pattern in this theory, it would be that the numbers shown imply photons are stars and electrons are black holes. This is why electrons equate to -1 charge they are miniature black holes. In this vain theoretically if an electron were to be stopped from moving or vibrating completely, aka all time no space, it would become dark matter, implying the same is true for a black hole if it were to stop growing. This would also imply that stars do not simply implode at the end of their cycle, their photons enter another dimension (4Da) and leave behind dark matter (a 4D b pocket), which consumes light and space to become a black hole. Or alternatively the star can enter a light matter pocket and become invisible as it freezes time and transports across the universe (in same direction).
What this revaluation implies is that if a star large enough were to be transported to 4d a (aka implode) the dark matter produced would actually create multiple black holes, not just one, and they would each naturally shrink away from each other due to the repulsive forces between them; thus implying that black holes have spin. This phenomenon creates dense pockets of space in between the black holes where they cannot traverse, in turn creating the optimal conditions for new stars in between them.
These phenomena are possibly what equates the “physics world” to the “quantum physical world”, in that if the information provided within the article is to be believed then: stars can teleport and tunnel,
black holes can have spin, can “discharge” energy, ad have three possible final states, (Stats, dark matter, larger black holes
dark matter is simply the complete absence of space, and light matter is the production of matter by stars, electrons can teleport, electrons can become photons and vice versa (through interactions in two separate pocket dimension), and that there are two separate but proportionally related unreversed in 4D a and 4D b, each devoid of time and space respectively.
To man, time is not just waste or simply some malevolent force to be feared: a man consistently traverses through hazardous time radiation, and yet he still chooses to label the end product as “wisdom”, a woman sees a fleeting moment decay before her, and she still chooses to brand this as a “precious memory”, people see death and disease act upon them without remorse, yet they somehow find a way to spin this as “purpose”, call it “life”, and ultimately deem it “being”. The human being they call; it is, and then it was. A purpose. A value. Not just quantified by moments, but including the space, time, and effort it takes to create those moments. That which can come together to create: a greater wisdom, shared memories, and a total sense of being. The universe quantifies this as 2 space and a lot of hard work to create 1 time worth protecting.
To the creatures of earth: simply composed of ancient stars, particles, and microscopic celestial marvels. Those of which consistently come and go in a brilliant and sometimes literal flash. Always traversing the whole of reality, space, and multiple dimensions just to create a single memory for a seemingly insignificant being; and when they die those same miniscule cosmic entities shall thus return to their dimensions and spaces to be repurposed and revalued once more, forevermore...
don't you guys realize? The next time you see sky, it'll be over another dimension. The next time you make a mess, it'll be in some other galaxy. Our ancestors, they want the best stuff for us. But right now, they got to do what's right for them. Because it's their time! Their time, up there! But Down here, it's our time! It's our time down here! And that's all over with the second we decide to hop into Troy’s little “bucket” of loathing and self-pity.
I like to remember a wise creature once told me: “When your wings are weak, your spirit’s done, and you’ve flown as far as you can... YOU’RE HALF WAY THERE!” And I for one believe we are indeed half way to something incredible...
-Your Pal,
I.C. Weiner
If it helps, you shoot miniature black holes containing stars in them through your body that keep you alive; and every time you move or even think you change the “potential” of the universe, so remember to use your power wisely.
(Special dedication to Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking for their research being integral to much of the information discussed in this theory. Thanks also to the countless men and women of the scientific community who have discovered and continue to discover incredible occurrences within our cosmos which helped immensely in the furthering of my knowledge as well as human knowledge as a whole.)
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How to Interpret and Use a Relative Risk and an Odds Ratio ... Relative Risk, Odds, Ratio, and Rate Ratio - YouTube LECTURE: Med 3rd Year Stats Lecture 8.1 2016: Requests, part 1 Microsoft Excel - Forest Plots (Odds Ratios and Confidence ... How to calculate an odds ratio - YouTube Calculation and interpretation of odds ratio (OR) and risk ... Risk Ratio vs Odds Ratio Odds Ratios and Risk Ratios - YouTube Statistics 101: Logistic Regression Probability, Odds, and ... Part 1 of 3 (Interpreting Odds, Risk, and Rate Ratio ...

If there was an extremely low proportion of subjects with an event in all experiments (let's say 10%) and the hazard and odds ratios are vey close to 1, then hazard, odds and relative risk ratios will be relatively close to each other.A risk or odds ratio = 1 indicates no difference between the groups. Free thyroxine levels were positively associated with high coronary artery calcification score (odds ratio, 2.28; 95% confidence interval, 1.30-4.02) and incident ASCV events (hazard ratio, 1.87 hazard ratio is the instantaneous odds ratio. Hazard ratio = odds ratio if time tends to zero. Sometimes, we see the log odds ratio instead of the odds ratio. The log OR comparing women to men is log(1.44) = 0.36 The log OR comparing men to women is log(0.69) = -0.36 log OR > 0: increased risk log OR = 0: no difference in risk log OR < 0: decreased risk Odds Ratio 0 5 10 15 20 More on the Odds Ratio Log Odds Ratio-4 -2 0 2 4 Can hazard ratios and odds ratio be used interchangeably in meta-analysis? it's similar to the weighted mean difference in comparing between 2 groups? View. Odds and likelyhood ratios differ in that they look at effects cumulatively with a defined end point. Hence there is slightly less chance of selection bias due to time with Hazard ratios. An Odds ratio is the significance of exposure to non exposure. Lets say a study group given a new medication vs. a control or placebo group. Risk ratios, odds ratios, and hazard ratios are three common, but often misused, statistical measures in clinical research. In this paper, the authors dissect what each of these terms define, and provide examples from the medical literature to illustrate each of these statistical measures. Finally, the correct and incorrect methods to use these measures are summarized. Odds Ratio, Hazard Ratio and Relative Risk 63 Table 5: Examples of RR and OR for different probabilities. ˇ 1 ˇ 2 RR OR.4 .1 4 6.2 .3 .67 .58.04 .01 4 4.125.02 .03 .67 .66 Hazard ratio (HR) Broadly equivalent to relative risk (RR); useful when the risk is not constant with respect to time. It uses information collected at different times. The In logistic regression, an odds ratio of 2 means that the event is 2 time more probable given a one-unit increase in the predictor. In Cox regression, a hazard ratio of 2 means the event will occur twice as often at each time point given a one-unit increase in the predictor. Are these not practically the same thing? Odds ratios (OR) are commonly reported in the medical literature as the measure of association between exposure and outcome. However, it is relative risk that people more intuitively understand as a measure of association. Relative risk can be directly determined in a cohort study by calculating a risk ratio (RR).

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How to Interpret and Use a Relative Risk and an Odds Ratio ...

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