GTA 5 podium car: here’s what vehicle you can win in GTA ...

can you win the car twice gta casino

can you win the car twice gta casino - win

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Crunching The Numbers

'Cause this game is total bullshit. I've been trying to find a way to grind this stupid bitch that makes it worth my time and will finally allow me to make enough to buy all the cool shit, without needing to spend every waking moment of free time on it for months. The first big thing I noticed that I really wanted was a Galaxy Super Yacht.
Contact missions pay out 10k a pop. Take 5-10 minutes as long as nothing goes wrong. Yacht costs what like 10milish? 10k/10min=1k/m, 1mil/1k/m= 1000 minutes per million dollars made. Times 10mil for the yacht. Would take 10,000 minutes of gameplay to buy the yacht with contact missions. Assuming not one thing went wrong in 10,000 minutes so that no mission ever took longer than 10 minutes, and assuming no mission were ever failed. Which is total bullshit. So lets add roughly 33.333% to that to account for ocassional crashed the cahave to extricate it from a ditch, got killed/had to respawn, no good contact missions in the stupid vote menu so you had to load freemode then reload contact missions, rando jumped in your bullshit and fucked it up. The usual. And we'll throw in a +/- 5% margin of error for good measure. So let's say 12,833 to 13,833 minutes divided by 60.
That comes out to anywhere from 213 hours and 52 minutes to 230 hours and 33 minutes of playing this stupid shitty game just to get a boat that does nothing. But wait, obviously no human is capable of playing all that straight so lets assume you are an adult who works full time and you only have time to play games, let's say every other day. And you aren't some horrible moron who only likes, cares about, and plays one game, ever. So lets say you're paying special attention to this one because you have to grind so much to get anything in it so you make sure you play this one in particular once every third game day. That's once every 6 days. So if you start on a Sunday for example, you can play GTA V all day that day. 10 hours! But the next time you play is next Saturday. Ok another 10 hours. But the next one is Friday. Only got time to play for a few hours that day because you had to work all day. But you can stay up late cause the next day is Saturday so let's give you a whopping 6 hours of play time on a weekday. But the next time you play is the next Thursday. A legit weekday with work tomorrow morning. You're gonna be real lucky if you get... 4 hours in. So in a seven week rotation you're going to get a total of 42 hours of playing this game in particular.
213.88 hours (the 0.88 is the 52 minutes) /42 hours per 7 week rotation = 5.09, 7 week rotations. 0.09 of a 42 hour 7 week rotation comes out to 3.78 hours which you can knock out even on a weekday session worth 4 hours so we'll just call that one extra day. 5 x 7 weeks = 35 weeks. 35 weeks x 7 days equals 245 days. 245 days / 30 days to a month comes out to 8.1666666666666666666666666666667 months. Well what the fuck is 0.1666666666666666666666666666667 months? That comes out to 5 days. Plus that extra day from the 0.09.
So in grand total. With a normal human schedule and interests. It would take.
8 months and 6 days of grinding absolutely non-stop contact missions, all day, every day you played, at least once a week, every week for that long. Oh wait! But since you're only playing once every six days, each of those six days would be an extra week. So about one extra month and two weeks.
So it would take 9 months and two weeks of grinding absolutely non-stop contact missions, all day, every day you played, at least once a week, every week.
Just to buy.
Ok. That's fucking insane. And impossible. Even if you played that much, and I'm sure some of us do, no one in the universe could possibly have the discipline to absolutely never do anythign other than grind for cash. If you ever just fuck around or, god forbid, dare I say, have fun playing this video game instead of grinding???? Yeah, that's gonna add up and double or tripple this time. It's never gonna happen.
But oh, wait, thank god, there's VIP missions! Which pay out about 20K and take about as long? Hey that's great. That cuts your time in half to 4 months and 3 weeks!
Except that's also impossible because even if you played that much, and I'm sure some of us do, no one in the universe could possibly have the discipline to absolutely never do anythign other than grind for cash. If you ever just fuck around or, god forbid, dare I say, have fun playing this video game instead of grinding???? Yeah, that's gonna add up and double or tripple this time. It's never gonna happen.

My Abusive Relationship With Grand Theft Auto

Honestly, if it weren't GTA I would've killed this game with fire years ago. But since it is GTA, my all time favorite franchise, and because I'm a moron. I keep, fucking, coming back and trying to force this game to be fun and not a complete waste of my life.
So, eventually, after years of playing once every six months to a year for a couple of weeks or so 'till i get so goddamn disgusted by the pointless never gonna get anywhere grind whenever you're not getting griefed, admit to myself that GTA is a dead franchise and quit again. GTA IV was lame as fuck for being so goddamn tiny, and having none of the variety of vehicles that defined the franchise, and taking out like half the weapons (without the overpriced DLC). And V at least is a decent size again but has been rendered an unplayable abomination by the microtransactions. After years of this I finally made enough to buy a bunker. I mean I made a million a few times. Every time I quit playing, I would blow all the money I had made on whatever cars I could afford at the time. I had made maybe 10 million over the years some goddamn how, but only in 800k-1.5mil increments at most and then blowing it all when I quit. So I had a Bugatti, high end apartments, a stilt house, a Buzzard, and a Technical. But no Yacht.
I don't know how long the bunker had been out. Actually this was just 6 months or so before the Double GTA$ bunker sales event. Whenever that was, that's when I got a bunker for the first time. I stole supplies, and waited until they converted to stock. At first I was pissed at how little stock had been produced from the supplies, and how many times I'd have to run steal missions to completely fill my stock. But then I realized how HUGE that sale would be, like, half a million dollars in one mission!
Finally something worth my time! I could by the Yacht, or anything else I want in this game! In just 20 missions! That's achievable! If I do one mission per day that's just 20 days! So I grinded the fuck out of those resupply missions and completely filled my bunker. And it was around 500k in stock! I was so excited!
I finally launched the sell mission, with like a 250k bonus for selling further away! And then got butt fucked with three different Phantom wedges, and only 14 minutes to do the mission in. I had no crew. I tried to run one at a time and just hoped for the best??? It notified me all the other players could see my cargo, which I assumed was just the one I was driving because I was driving it, and that all other vehicles would not be in play until I started driving them.
Some shitbag blew up the other two trucks at my bunker before I was halfway to LS. Some other, or the same, fuck head griefed me and I lost the entire sale. After probably a week of griding steal supplies, which I didn't even realize at the time actually pauses stock production for no reason other than to fuck the player over one more of million different ways of ass fucking the player that are built into this game because if they were'nt no one would buy the microtransactions. Thanks Rockstar, real nice.
My whole xbox was damn lucky it didn't go out the window that day. Why the fuck this game didn't, I still don't know.

The Grind Guide

Anyway, later I stumbled on a grind guide, posted of all places, here.
Whatdayaknow, it recommended ignoring all other businesses but the bunker! It noted that you don't actually get a bonus for selling higher volume so there's no reason to take the risk/rely on randos or undependables for a crew to do a multivehicle sale! It recommended selling one unit of supplies converted to stock at a time, which always comes in one vehicle. And buying supplies instead of stealing because the later was too time consuming and paused production. You could make about 200k a pop, two hours to produce, grind VIP work and AFK between sales and you can make a million a day! With a fully upgraded bunker of course.
If I had a fully upgraded bunker, I could have probably made 10+ mil that week. In fact, everyone else did, I remember now because everyone was getting ready for the Casino update.
But since I had rage quit this game after fully stocking a bunker and losing everything to griefers first try I never had got the upgrades. So I spent at least half the 2x payout event just upgrading to maximize my returns. Fun fact, my first sale I broke even on because I took the buying supplies advice and turns out that is not cost effective without the upgrades! But eventually I did get the upgrades and did make a little cash after that before the event was over.
Eh. I made some ok cash. Got some pretty cool shit, I thought.
Got an Avenger, with a weaponized vehicle workshop, and an armory. Duplicated my Technical as a personal vehicle. Upgraded my marksman rifle to a MKII. Got an aircraft hangar because ever since I had gotten my Buzzard, first big purchase, I had always HATED that you had to call that stupid assed pegasus service instead of just having your own hangar like GTA San Andreas.
Hey that's got a business too! Yeah the grind guide recommended ignoring everything but the bunker, but might as well check it out right?
Looks like you can make some serious cash with a bulk sale of narcotics. But since you have to source it one crate at a time for 50 crates... hm lets crunch the numbers again yeah?
Assuming 10 mintues to source each crate. You gotta put in 500 minutes!!! just to fill one cargo category! And you can still get griefed when you try to sell it and lose it all! And since you made not one penny in all the sourcing missions... Another business designed to waste your time! Typical Rockstar bullshit!
Anyway. Before I knew it the 2x payout event was over.
Bunker work pays not shit at the regular rate. 400k per solo sale is something I could work with, only 5 hours to make a million. Now 10? I've still made some more after, like half the stuff I bought was after 2x was over. I just got the avenger and hangar during the event. All upgrades after. But there was nothing remotely fun about all that grind, 2x or not, but especially the not part. That's why it's called grind. If it were fun we'd just call it playing. What are video games supposed to be for again? Because I'm pretty sure grinding is exactly what the fuck I already do at my actual goddamn job all goddamn shitty fucking day. Just to come home and grind GTA too? Because that's what GTA is now? No thanks.

Counter Griefing? It's Not Happening

I've been getting griefed non stop in this game for the past 5 years and I can never do anything to stop anyone! I bought a buzzard. Jesus fucking christ are you fucking kidding me. The twin mini guns take like 2-3 seconds of continous fire to kill a car. Doesn't sound like much, but when the car is moving, and the bird is moving, and you have to point the aircraft at the car because the guns don't aim independently, and the aircraft moves in whatever direction you point it because it's a rotary wing aircraft, which means you fly over your target by aiming at it then have to come back around to strafe it again, and it's constantly wobling around just a little bit, but usually just enough so every other pass you line everything up right, only to watch your sights wobble AROUND your target. Yeah, if everything lines up perfectly you get hits on target for... 0.25 seconds at a time, tops? And nothing ever lines up perfectly. You gotta follow one car for like 2 goddamn miles just trying to fucking kill the thing. The lock on missiles? Well the blast radius is so pathetic that if it lands more than 8 feet away from a person on foot you don't get the kill which is stupid as fuck. But the lock on missiles? Now those are FUCKED. If you lock on to one man on foot and he's running, it's going to miss every single goddamn time. An NPC can literally OUTRUN the missiles, ON FOOT. Just trying to do headhunter, you literally have to wait for the target vehicle to stop at an intersection because if you fire lock on missiles at it while moving 19 out of 10 miss completely. Of course! An NPC can outrun the goddamn things on foot!
Once or twice I got lucky enough to take out another actual player on foot using the dumb fire rockets. But you gotta fucking snipe those fuckers with those goddamn things! And god help you if they've got lock on missiles, which everyone does. If they're in a car, you're NEVER going to kill another player with a buzzard. If they have ANY kind of armored or weaponized vehicle whatsoever? Yeah you're totally fucked. People wipe Buzzards off their windshields like dragonflies in this game, "ew" that's it.
Got the Technical. Can't shoot it myself. Don't have a crew. One time I was getting griefed by an Oppressor and I figured, hey it's an open And the technical MG should pretty much be a one shot kill, and it's an MG so it sprays. Spawned it, by some miracle managed to get to it, and get on it without getting killed before the OP showed up. Put the sights on him and opened fire, kept shooting at him for like 5 seconds nonstop MG fire before he got a missile off and insta killed me. Somehow managed not to get hit once. He wasn't even dodging! He was hovering, and I had the sights right on him for a second, and when I saw that wasn't working adjusted down a little for the recoil for a few more seconds, nothing. Not one hit. Totally fucking useless. How? I have no clue. You get caught infront of that fucking DSHKA you should be instadead in ANY AIRCRAFT. The only thing it shouldn't blow up instantly is any light armored land vehicle. Just the other day I thought to myself, no way, it has to do SOMETHING. So I spawned it and took some shots at a fighter I saw cruising around. Thing turned toward me, I had the hammer down, aimed right at the cockpit, nothing. Thing blew me away. Utterly fucking useless.
For years I've been getting griefed, and I've been thinking I just don't have anthing to hit back with! Those lazers have MGs that cause handgrenade explosions wherever a bullet hits! From a rapid firing MG! And the savage too! I got griefed in a Tank I was stealing for a resupply mission and the thing instakilled A TANK. And every time I make a little money I just blow it on another business that turns out is DESIGNED to do NOTHING but suck more money out of you and not even work to replace it, let alone make more! So the last thing I bought after the Avenger, customizing the Technical, and maxing out my MKII rifle was...
A savage! Finally someting I can grief people in so I can TAKE OUT GRIEFERS!!! And then it turns out the goddamn cannon bullets dissappear into thin air like 50 feet from the barrel of the gun. ARe you fucking kidding me??? The goddamn gun is even shorter range that the fucking missiles!!!! And the missiles are short ranged as fuck too! If you fire a missile at full speed, it blows up less than 100 feet ahead of you. Does that sound far? IT'S NOT WHEN YOU'RE MOVING AT FULL SPEED! It's like if the fucking Army invented a grenade launcher that the grenade airburst 15 goddamn feet away from the barrel! YOu're dead if you ever shoot it! You're sure as fuck never gonna kill anyone else with it! Unless it's the guy standing next to you who's probably on your side. It's Massively more useless than I was expected from the once or twice I've been griefed with them. The best part is how the lock on missiles lock onto oppressors but then just magically don't hit them for no reason even though they're locked on.
And here I sit, just as goddamn griefed as ever.

Is a New Business The Solution?

That brings me to Import/Export. Per usual I made the mistake of lurking in this shithole shrine to a game that used to be the best franchise of all time that now sucks dick. Saw someone ask about how to make money and some dumb useless asshole suggested grinding Import/Export. With a garage full of top end vehicles you can make several million a day! Just ignore all but the high end cars...
So I went back to the grind. Again. And tried. Again.
Made a million, bought maze bank.
Found out you literally get nothing that comes with that purchase what so goddamn ever. You literally can't even do any missions associated with the property until you buy ANOTHER property. Jesus fucking christ. The bunker has upgrades too but at least you can use the goddamn thing immediately after buying what the fuck!
So I make ANOTHER 1.5 million buy a garage. Just got it. Do the first vehicle cargo mission. It's a top end vehicle. The mission was stupid as fuck. NPC driving the car around in a circle at the airport. I parked in front of him and this guy intentionally rams a 2.5 MILLION dollar car into a fucking volvo for getting in his way goddamn. So I had to shoot him out of there, and he doesn't even try to run if you start shooting at him. Which made it easier but still. Stupidest goddamn thing I've ever seen.
I get the car, it's got 13k in damage. I sell high end with another 20k in upgrades for 100k. Eh. 10-15 minutes 100k... not bad? Except. Wait. Minus 33k. I only actually made 66k. Well that's still not bad. Beats VIP work.
Except. There's no way you can select for quality of cars you want to steal, and apparently my 2.5 MILLION DOLLAR BUSINESS will happily deal in stealing and selling 20k cars! Oh by the way 66k is like 2.5% of the value of the car I stole and sold.
So now you have to factor all the time you waste on low end sales into the equation of how much you're making on the high end which is 2.5% the value of the cars. That's a pretty fucking spectacular discount. At MY expense. Has rockstar ever had a sale of 97.5% off ANYTHING in this game??? But every mission I do is for 2.5%. Damn Rockstar. Guess you gotta sell those microtransactions huh?
So I decide I'm not going to waste time on low end cars. I'll just destroy them and fail those missions on purpose to minimize time/space wasted on them and only actually do the high end missions. Then I'll just have to factor all the time wasted blowing up low end cars into the money I make selling the high end one and see how much I actually make over time. I guarangoddamntee you it's not going to be more than just grinding VIP missions would've been in the first place. Even if every export was high end, and if you're lucky 5 minutes stealing, 5 minutes selling, that's about 60K per 10 minutes which is only tripple VIP work. Not bad. EXCEPT throw in getting to, and trashing two low end cars between high end sales, now you're looking at 60k per 20, 30, 35 minutes. Just about at, or LOWER than grinding VIP work!
AND I JUST PAYED 2.5 GODDAMN. MILLION. DOLLARS. For the "privilege" of NOT even being able to make MORE money than VIP WORK with this business!!! I could've saved that money for a goddamn AKULA, which I don't even think has a gun, but at least would get me off the radar and make me a LITTLE harder to grief!!!
BUt don't worry! It's worse! To test my theory I tried a couple more Import/Export missions. The very next one didn't even TELL ME whether it was a high end car or not! Because it's that stupid assed mission where you have to use the picture to find where the car is and even though they knew car value was important enough to text you what the car value is for missions by default, when they change the format the morons forgot to make sure they were still doing that. So I had to go through the whole goddamn mission just to find out it was a midrange car and made like 18 goddamn thousand on it. LESS THAN VIP.
The next mission was for a midrange car but I had to drive really far to get to and destroy it to end the mission. Then go back to the office. The next mission was a mid range car but it was point to point time trial to win it. So there WAS NO CAR for me to be ABLE to destroy to skip the mission. I literally just had to RUN OUT THE FUCKING TIMER.
All told I spent an hour after I bought the garage just feeling out the missions, and I only made about 80k from the first and second sales. Could probably make 100-150k per hour grinding VIP. Total waste of the 2.5 million dollar buy in. Which is exactly what Rockstar WANTED it to be, so there'd still be no good way of making a lot of money fast in this game. To divide the eniter player base into two groups. Shark card buying morons spending enough to buy a new motorcycle IN REAL LIFE just to unlock shit IN A VIDEO GAME
Honestly 100 bucks just for a 1 million dollar shark card and that's NOT EVEN ENOUGH TO BUY ANY PLANE, HELICOPTER, OR REALLY ANYTHING USEFUL IN THE GAME. And for the price of 2 brand new AAA games and ALL THE CONTENT IN THEM with no microtransactions.
And the other group. People that arent' stupid enough to buy microtransactions for whom the game is designed to be unplayable and they just get reletnlessly griefed for eternity.
That's it. I've been trying to make this game work for 5 years it's never been anything other than an exercise in frustration and a masochistic self punishment which is NOT the kind of thing im into. It dies. Tonight. Have fun fucks.
submitted by suspiciouselipsis to gtaonline [link] [comments]

My best friend of 20 years (23M) broke up with me (23M)

Long post, so please skip to the specific questions at the end so you can skim for what you think might be important. I might ramble a lot. It's because I don't know what's important, what small detail I can afford to leave out. Let me be very clear, I believe I am in the right. But I desperately want to be wrong. I want to apologise, but I can't if I don't believe there's something to apologise for. Hitting someone is something to apologise for, but not if it was in retaliation for them hitting you first, right?
Okay, so I know this sub kind of has a reputation of going "just dump him/her, it's not worth it" but I'm not really looking for advice for an action in regards to the relationship itself, but what I should do going forward.
It's not about coping, honestly something like this was a long time coming, but I never expected it would be this severe. I don't think there's a way to describe it, it's not exactly mutual, since I do still want to be friends with him, but I'm way less torn up than I feel I should be over something like this, and I feel a bit guilty about that. We've been friends for just shy of 20 years, having met on the first day of preschool.
So last week, we were playing GTA, and we had a disagreement (accurate term, not a euphemism) about the fastest method (vehicle) to get around the map. I interrupted him a couple of times, but apologised both times. It was primarily because of voice chat lag. Now, he really hates getting interrupted, and I know that, but I'll get into that later. Both of us misunderstood what the other was trying to say. I don't really know what he thought I meant, but on my side, there was one point where he said "for example", when he meant "it has to be this one and only this one", and that was my main point of contention, because I've tested similar methods to what he described, which didn't work, but I hadn't tried it exactly the way he said it. That was my evidence, why I was disagreeing at all. Now I'm not a particularly social person, so this is a genuine question. Do people say "for example" as a throwaway word, like how people say 'literally' when they mean the exact opposite? Is that how the kids talk these days? Again, serious question.
So, at one point, he starts getting very condescending and cursing. We curse a lot, so it doesn't mean much, but you can tell when swearing is serious, ya know? I can say definitively that he was the first to get pissed off because that's the only thing that would have pissed me off. I remember the feeling like "oh is he getting annoyed? There's no reason to get annoyed. It is annoying that he's annoyed for no reason". Before that, I was adamantly defending my position, but I didn't raise my voice or use an annoyed tone. I can say that for sure, because right down to my core, I was genuinely not annoyed until he got annoyed.
It's a personality flaw of mine that I simply cannot back down from a conflict without a reason to. I don't know if I can put it into words properly, but imagine you're holding a knife to someone's throat. You could easily kill him, but every fibre of your being is telling you not to. Even if you were Superman and would effectively have no consequences, being able to beat up the military, there's nothing you want to do less in that moment than take a life. That's how I feel when I'm being forced in a certain direction, instead of convinced. So, the moment he started getting pissed off, that made the discussion, where I was totally open to changing my mind, into a conflict, where I can't not fight to my last breath. He asked me "Do you want to let me talk, or do you want to interrupt me?", to which I answered "I want to interrupt you." And I did want to. We were at a point where he was just saying the same thing over and over, not reinforcing or substantiating his stance. To me, not strengthening your argument, but restating it louder and more angrily falls under intimidation rather than persuasion. (am I right to say that?) So if he's trying to force me to let him talk, instead of convincing me that this time will be different from the last 2 times he's said almost the same sentence word for word, I cannot allow that action to yield a favourable result. I refuse to behave differently when the situation hasn't changed, but has gotten louder.
He also asked me "Are you done? Are you going to let me talk?", also in a pissed off tone. I said "As long as you don't use the word cooldown, sure." Our disagreement was about cooldown for summoning some vehicle, and he was describing a way to avoid it, which I had previously thought to be impossible. He was right to be fair, but like I said, I didn't have anything riding on being right. I was only angry that he had gotten unjustly angry. In the end, when I said I'd already tested his method and determined it to be impossible, he clarified that it had to be done a specific way (not 'for example' as previously stated), which I just took his word for because I didn't have any evidence to refute it. I'll never defend a point I can't, if I'm properly aware, or made aware, of the situation.
Now, more important but not as suitable for this sub, but might still be relevant to the post, I think he might be going through some shit mentally. That, or my head is so far up my own ass that I got into an argument with someone and the only explanation I can come up with is that they must be mentally impaired in some way.
Usually, we have an energetic greeting to start the call. This time, he just said "hey." I asked if anything was wrong, he said he was just tired. I pressed a bit more, and he said no, physically tired, haha. It was the most soulless haha you've ever heard. But hey, if he wants to have some dumb fun shooting up a casino to cheer himself up, I'm not going to sully that. So we joke around throughout the session, I wouldn't say it was a lot for us, but within the bounds of normality. I didn't take much note, because it was normal-ish. What's not normal was that he got annoyed with my driving. It's known between us that I'm a shitty video game driver. I don't purposely fuck up turns and jumps when he's in my passenger seat, but I do take more risky routes and stunts, with mixed success, because it's funny. It's usually funny anyway. Never costs us more than like 30 seconds in travel time. And if you enjoy wasted time, it's not really wasted is it? Especially in a video game. This time however, he got pissed. Not the usual "bro you're such a shit driver lol" but (paraphrasing slightly) "dude, can you get back on the road? You're making this take longer than it has to". I was like, well okay damn. Who shit in your cornflakes?
Next stop we have to change cars and he says "I'm driving." I get in the driver's seat anyway, because that's our usual kind of messing with each other. He tells me get the fuck out, he'll drive. I've already said he was pissed, but it was so surprising to me. This is way out of character for him. I know it's probably not important for the post, but it stands out so starkly to me, I don't feel right not including it. A minute later, he asks me "so why'd you buy that [car]?" Not in a lighthearted, making conversation way, but like how you might ask someone "why would you buy $800 in vodka when your family is starving?". For one thing, my family isn't starving, and when all is said and done, that car cost me about 5 cents. I responded, annoyed "Why do you care?" He claimed he was making conversation. For some context, a few days prior, he asked me about a bobblehead I'd bought, for $18 ( about 13USD) and went on and on about "you know this part looks fucked up? (slightly out of alignment) Do you really think your life has improved by so much to spend $18 on something like that?" Bro, I thought it was nice. I found it relatable. Chill out. In the past 2 weeks, he's also found it necessary to point out and really make sure I knew how strange and illogical my decisions were. I'm not trying to shit on him. He's my best friend, and wouldn't be if he was actually toxic like that. Point is, he's never been like that before, and I'm worried about him. Even if he doesn't want to be friends anymore, and I don't want to be friends with this new version of him, I still care about him, if nothing else, then for old time's sake. Also, is he being toxic? Or is this normal?
Furthermore, it's more or less his philosophy to live and let live. Mine as well. Most times when we disagree on trivial stuff like bobbleheads, it might go back and forth once, but because it's trivial it ends with a "oh well fair enough, man. You do you". All this didn't bother me very much, but when he asked about the car, it reminded me about our conversation about my bobblehead, that seemed to serve no purpose other than to make me feel dumb or financially irresponsible. I didn't really at the time, I thought it was a strange thing to bring up based on "nothing good to say, don't say", which he also says he follows. I did however have an "ugh, this again?" feeling when he asked about the car. I apologised for that though. I didn't have to be hostile even though I wanted to be. I shouldn't have acted on that. I still feel I was justified, that a normal person wouldn't take kindly to being criticised for no reason, but I don't want to be only normal. I would like to have my emotions more in check than that.
Part of why I'm concerned for him is that I have depression myself. It's 100% under control though. I was in denial for a long time and took a long time to get help, and I insisted it wasn't real depression for some time after being prescribed antidepressants, but well let's just say I can no longer ignore the evidence. So, all the things he's doing, the changes I've noticed in him, they're almost exactly what I personally experienced wanting to do. I didn't though, because I had this idea that I wouldn't give in to these bullshit emotional outbursts because my mind is strong enough to be immune to some pussyass subconscious whispers. That hubris almost killed me more than a few times, and came really, really close twice. Even if he doesn't want to be my best friend, or friend at all, I don't want that to happen to him. Plus, he's a guy who's lost his best friend too, and doesn't have prozac to help him along.
Last thing, why I say this was a long time coming. Several months ago, I introduced him to my friend group. They're the only 4 people that I really, truly like and feel comfortable with, with whom cancelled plans aren't a relief. Them and this best friend, anyway. That was the first time we've been hanging out together with other people, and the first time I'd seen his extrovert mask. I'll spare the details, but it was basically another person. Absolutely not the person I've known for 20 years. If I was superstitious, I would say a demon had possessed him. He wasn't an asshole, but he was loud and boisterous, way more so than how we are with just the two of us. It's no exaggeration (really) to say I felt like I'd killed my best friend. We patched things up, he explained himself very adequately, and I thought we'd put it behind us. Also, I'd missed my prozac that day, because I wasn't taking it seriously (hubris again), so I wasn't in the best state of mind after a few hours. A bit over a month later, he wanted to talk about it again. Basically about how my mental breakdown distressed him, that he felt he was at fault despite doing nothing wrong. Nothing immoral anyway. I know it sounds selfish to phrase it like that, but I've sat here for 10 minutes trying to think of a better way but I can't. Just trust me, he's not the kind of guy to make someone else's pain about himself. Anyway, over the next few months, he would bring it up again here and there, I think 3 times in total. Each time, I had to admit a little more of my distress was unjustified, culminating in the latest episode about 3 weeks ago, where he needed to hear it from my mouth, almost word for word "All my actions, inferences and judgements that day were total bullshit".
I've thought about that a lot, and it has crossed my mind that he's trying to clear his conscience, make it like he's totally pure and has never wronged me. That would be insanely manipulative in my opinion. But what I really see it as is that he needs my blessing for... this thing. I don't really know what it is. We've always agreed that we don't need each other's validation for how we live our own lives, but why else would this have been weighing on him for so long? I honestly thought we'd moved past everything about my breakdown. Now to link this back to my concerns, this kind of negativity, sticking to and dwelling on what people think of something you've done far in the past, is something I did at my lowest points. I don't mean like remembering an embarrassing thing when you're trying to sleep. Like really distressing over it and letting it crush you. Not something you'd make a meme about.
I spoke to my counselor about this stuff on Wednesday. He's the one who mentioned that my best friend seems to deeply need my approval for something. Our other conversations suggest not, and I believe that, but just in case that's why, why me interrupting him ever might seem like it's because I don't respect him and he can't handle that, I sent him a message "Hey, you know I think the world of you, right?" and he replied"Don't talk to me". So... yeah. Obviously he's pissed, and that's what an angry person would do, it's not because he's a dick, because he's not. Well, unless it would be funny to mess with someone, in which case we do it together most times and trade stories about it. 2 days after the fact, he messaged me that he's "still pissed that I interrupted him". At least he's communicating. I replied with a long message about my analysis of what happened. I think he only read one line "I know you hate being interrupted" because all he replied to that was "And you still felt the need to interrupt me?" I replied to that with another long message explaining why I did, apologising for the rest of the stuff (like snapping at him when he asked about my car) and expressing worry that there's something on his mind. I knew that would sound condescending belittling his grievances like "hurr durr r u on ur period?", but I said specifically it wasn't meant to be. I also said I wouldn't apologise for not letting him talk after he'd gotten angry, for the reasons I've mentioned above. I guess that was unacceptable to him, because his reply was "you win. I'm done." Another thing out of character. If he cared about and wanted to save our friendship, as we have many times before (come on, 20 years can't all be cotton fluffs and rainbows), he'd have explained himself, and we'll reach an agreement or understanding, or agree to disagree.
He's also shared some deep insecurities with me, that I helped him let go of (or so I think, at least set him on the path), and I can't name names, but I know some people (Bro if you're reading this, it's not our friend group), who think he's got a bit of an inferiority complex. I don't really know what that means technically, but apparently he has some behaviours that would suggest that to some untrained people. I know it's vague, but I don't want to get into specifics so publicly.
As promised, the specific questions
  1. Core of this sub, how do I handle it when someone I care deeply about doesn't even want to talk? He won't even tell me his side of the story. If I have to, and it looks like I do, I'll drop him reluctantly. But I pray there's an alternative. (Probably just need to read the first part, up to "Now, more important but not as suitable for this sub"
  2. I've told him I don't have any hard feelings towards him, and if he wants, he can come and talk any time. Is that enough if he does indeed have depression? Should I bang my head against a wall (that's a saying, right?) just so he knows I'm there? I'm willing to do that too.
  3. We hung out today, with the friend group. He was civil and somewhat friendly to me in front of them. Clearly he wants to keep up appearances to a degree. Should this stop me from talking to them about this? We're close enough for that. One of them in fact was involved in helping me through my breakdown, let in on it by this best friend. I have limits on this one. I'm not going to pretend like everything is fine and dandy for his sake relative to them, unless he's doing this because he thinks it'll just pass on its own and would rather they not get involved. At least, I'm 99% going to ask that one friend if he's messaged her about any of this.
  4. I know no doctors or psychiatrists are probably going to see this, but if you've got any anecdotes regarding the depression thing, I'd love to hear them. I want to hear that my case is different, my symptoms are not the signature of MDD, him displaying them aren't evidence, and that he almost certainly is mentally fine, but if that's not the truth, I have to accept it and act on it.
  5. What other subs can I go to for advice? I'm posting here because I think it's the most fitting one, and hopefully I don't get autoremoved, but if you know anywhere else that will help with any part of this post, please do tell me.
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